Is nudism degenerate?
Is nudism degenerate?
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No. Just like naked statues and paintings are not.
yes. clothes make people
Only if you're ugly and have a small dick.
I'd only go there to see chicks naked. Only faggots have the need to be naked outside in front of others.
As long as it's in a private segregated area, no theres nothing wrong with it. Out in public and on TV though, yes it is.
why does he have a gaping hole in his peepee?
you're literally born that way, retard.
a Foreskin protects the penis from sand
I want to sunburn my dick, just once.
No. Nudism is nature. You know what's degenerate? Puritan judgmentalism.
Seems legit
>nudism is nature
There's this thing in nature called winter, maybe you've heard of it?
sorry, its SANDY CHEEKS
Or a mutilated one. No gore please.
Whats wrong with his dick?
Yes roasts go there for the attention men go there to look. stop looking at me chad i'm trying to sunbathe teehee
Attractive people can do whatever they want. The rest of us must cover our shame.
Quality post
So, like, I heard that people were born naked. Like, could you actually believe that? How degenerate do you have to be to enter the world without clothes?
I propose a universal law where all babies that aren't born with clothes be fined and sentenced to communal work.
Are you Jewish?
Is your hope that this will carry over for children and it will make your kidnappings and ritual murders more efficient?
nudism is an activity reserved for white people
Puritan judgmentalism is the only bulwark against degeneracy.
It's not mutilated.
That's called a foreskin, Mr Burger.
Michelangelo was a degenerate homo.
Degeneracy ... and ... child porn, child rape, child murder, murder, beastiality, faggotry
I am unironically thankful I'm circumcised.
Nice cock
Based and foreskinpilled
I haven't worn clothes since 1982.
Clothes are seriously unnatural. Didn't you guys learn anything from the '60s? I had a revelation when I was in Halle in Germany. I had
always felt very constricted. Then it hit me like a slippery fish. Clothes are plain wrong. When you're born you're not wearing any clothes. When you die... you're not wearing any clothes.
>eyes went to the dude first
w-what does this mean
Only if you're circumcised.
>Is nudism degenerate?
Most likely not very smart and a pastime for people who aren't in shitty weather all the time.
>When you die... you're not wearing any clothes.
I wouldn't be so sure about that, though.
There is a chance that perhaps you thought that the dude was a chick, so you checked it out to be sure.
uncircumcised penises are disgusting
You're used to reading left to right.
Nudism is a sin
I really wish I had a foreskin
Yeah but if you go through the usual mortuary process they're probably going to have reason to take all you're clothes off. They're even going to cut you open and study your innards if there's reason for an autopsy.
you wanted to know if your penis size is adequate
unpopular opinion:
dicks look gross, especially if they are shaven and large in a non-erect state.
only this physic is acceptable:
no, because it's not sexual, it's not about promiscuity
Just because you have been mutilated does not mean that you have to be mean, burger
That guy looks like he has aids
take the restoration pill user its the only way out
In a homogenous population nudity is okay but not when you mix in different ant colonies
No, only America and Ameriboos have problems with it.
What do you expect from a country who goes into saunas in clothes, though?
Seeing if he's Jewish or not. Dude's not cut so he's not a (((fellow white)))
anteater dick
Nudism documentaries are the smart mans pornography
the girl is sitting in a weird position and seems disfigured
imagine unironically believing in sin
the absolute state of amerikeks
Only if FAT
>dicks look gross, especially if they are shaven and large in a non-erect state
Said no male being ever.
Yes. I can't keep my gun on me at all times if I'm completely nude. There might be niggers at that beach and I ain't takin no chances
Nudist colonies are 100% geriatric boomers
Those are Jews, nobody with a foreskin would say such a thing.
You mean exhibitionism. And yes, it's a purely sexual thing, therefore it's deviant and degenerate.
Comparing... completely natural responce. You are still straight user.
Nudity stops people from fighting. Have you see an issue of National Geographic lately? People around the world are nude. You don't want to shoot a machine gun or a howitzer or a flamethrower if you're naked. It could burn or scald in quite a personal fashion, quite frankly. Have you been to the zoo? Animals are naked. If everyone were naked, there'd be no war. Everyone's complaining about crime and the theft of cars in the city. No one's ever stolen my car. No one's ever pick-pocketed me. They've never even tried.
That's what your peepee is there for, dude.
Nope,it's a based red pill.
They need to cope harder
That dude has a Dune sandworm for a cock.
Was in nudist club first 8 years of my life with my parents
Shit was dope...nobody cared about it...all people did was sports, sauna and swimming
Then american culture kicked in
Now kids are over sexualised, women dont care about their body and age like open wine and nudity is, despite all degeneracy, a thing for privacy
Thats what happens when a former colony of thieves and other human garbage takes controll of the global leitkultur
The problem of hyperpuritanism, really.
The burger reacts with shock and puzzlement at the sight of an intact penis. Sadly, the process of demoralization is complete, and the burgers mind cannot be changed, even when confronted with visual evidence of his mutilation, so he simply mubles
>something wrong with his dick
We're all naked under our clothes.
Without a foreskin, won't your dick dry out and lose most sensitivity?
Are there even Americans who have been circumcised despite not being Jews?
Let me ask you son, have you ever seen a nigger? The nigger is a feral beast it don't matter if he got 20 coats or no clothes at all, that nigger is a danger to me and my family. There's no tellin if ur gonna be next.
Yes, it is degenerate. It's wrong but I've been a few times there. I mean yeah what men doesn't like to see some real pussy instead of a pixelated vagina on your screen.
Make homosex, not war.
Yeah it was adopted as standard practice by the medical industry and depending on where you live and if your parents were redpiled or not you had pretty slim chance of escaping being circumcised.
kek best post on this thread
well, bathing nude in the sea is pretty dope
Yeesh, that sounds really horrible.
Top pic: Life under the oppression of Christianity
Bottom pic: Life under Jewish Supremacy
Yup. That's a big part of why circumcision threads have been pretty standard on Jow Forums for so long. It's been going on for generations, and tons of guys never even had the chance to know the difference before the internet or what a foreskin really was.
So, was it Jewish doctors who prescribed non-Jewish Americans into cutting off the foreskin of their own sons, or was it independent idiocy?
How did they convince millions to mutilate their children's genitals? The same way they convinced millions to commit expensive suicide.
Both. A combination of ignorance, trusting whatever the doctor says, and psychotic satanic assholes. Kind of like lobotomies.
Check this guy out. He was instrumental in popularizing it.
>inventor of Kellogs flakes is responsible for mutilating boy penises and applying acid to girl clitoris
ikr lol. Ignorance and brainwashing plays an absolutely huge role here.
Good Lord, what a fucking psycho
No, it's only degenerate if you're a cum/b/rain who thinks about cummies and porn 24/7
Oh and btw, corn flakes are typically extremely high in fluoride contamination. Because they're baked, this concentrates the fluoride if fluoridated water is used.
Good thing I don't eat any of this shit then