Why are spics so fucking aggravating?

Why are spics so fucking aggravating?

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the latinos breed like fucking roaches i wish white men would breed even a fraction as much as they do

They are hot. You are not straight.

what you say ese?

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Why do people think that hook-nosed jewess is attractive?

Yeah, olive skin with genitalia/nipples that look like the color of shit. Not to mention animal tier black eyes.

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>Yet still have loyal women(unlike ricels) and attract the most white women when compared to every ethnic
Cope wh*toids

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Instead of thinking of spics all the time and watching BBC BLECKED PORN, have white children.

>Blacked and asian-white interracial couples are spammed here
>Yet are the minority statically

hey look, the copy pasta with the subliminal text. nice job mossad.


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Wew, sorry user. She is definitely hot as hell, imo.

I can't even go to the grocery store without having to think of them.
>Walking across the parking lot, almost hit by a teal flareside F150 with ugly chrome shit all over it
>Group of spics standing in the goddamn doorway chatting in taco
>Spic rifling through the ears of corn like it's his job
>Blocking aisles, walking 0.5 miles/hour through the store
>See a Santa Muerte sticker on a truck while I'm leaving

It's actually a nice store and the neighborhood is definitely not the barrio, either.

How poor are you that you have to live near spics?


It's called Texas


It's called Colorado.

B.S. As if there's no place in that doesn't have spics there. Find a black area, they'll be very cheap housing, much cheaper than spic infested areas.

It’s called California

It's literally a deluge of people swallowing up the land. It doesn't matter where you are, eventually the flood with reach you to.

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It's called New Mexico.

It's called Arizona

But then I'd have to live near blacks.

>tfw no big tits american gf

Fucking hotspots and phones, use one ID, retards. Move to an area that is black, spics fear the nigger. Problem solved. Be armed, and maybe one day, a nigger will give you an excuse for self-defense.

Those screws holding that light switch cover on should be straight up and down.... Reeeeee... Fix em!

I can tell you've never fucked a legit hot woman, by saying that. Whoever is busting up her puss regularly is absolutely in heaven.

wipe that ben shapiro sperm off your mouth cuck

Blacks are much cooler than spics. They know their place.

yeah, in your gfs pussy

cuck faggot

Well, we're all white to some degree, so it makes perfect sense for us to have "mixed" couples. I'm perfectly happy with my Latina and hope your white woman is as good for you.

Olive skin is fucking hot imo

Yeah, do I want cancer or AIDS?

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>mad the local population resembles people who were there in colonial times

You live in a state that’s name means “colored” in Spanish. Fucking moron.

Pennsylvania is completely overrun with them. Horrible obnoxious personalities and fat toad bodies.

That’s a Spaniard, mutt retard

its the hottest, white skin is gross and pimpled and brown labia

Latina women have mastered the shit test. There's no two ways about it. If you get with one, you will be her bitch.

They weren't this far north. Besides, it was New Spain and there weren't many people besides natives here in those times.

know your place, plebeian mutt

Spics dont fear niggers. We ethnically cleanse them from our neighborhood. Famous blacks “shout us out” to try and virtue signal to us that they like us and dont want their cousin levante still living in the city to become a victim of our black genocide.

Texas goes blue when


Because a lot of mayos are plain racist and thus deeply upset by the site of a black man with a white woman.

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ok bitch, say my name

What the fuck do you think a mexican is retard? So you admit there was indians and spanish there? They mixed and created a syncretic identity. Colorado was at one point a part of Mexico. Mexican is a nationality not a race dip shit. White Americans dont even know their land’s history.

* sight

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Wh*toids cannot resist the BRIM. Low circumference BRIMLETS are seething right now!

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Who cares. It's ours now faggot.

She's so fucking perfect.

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>brown labia
That's what spics have

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you obviously have never seen most white womans pussies. You know how when you turn 30 years old as a man, your scrotum turns brown? well thats what happens to pussies of white s

It’s called Jew York

*Part of Colorado was part of Mexico. Trust me, I grew up here and know very well the history. And like some other user said, who gives a shit what it WAS. I bet you think Constantinople is still a thing. They lost a war and lost territory. They were lucky Polk didn't trail of tears their ass into South America.

Because they're literally to stupid to insult

I hate to be the grammar national socialist here, but get your shit together my man.

No. I'm 37. Spics got brown cunts.

Kike tongue and lips don't care about your feelings just your foreskin. Feed me your skin goyim, my merchant tongue aches when I am not sucking or deceiving. Feed me your skin!!!

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because they blast their shit music constantly. car radios and radios in general need to be outlawed in order to contain them.

>penis raction

How insane is it that they really do bite part of babies dicks off. If you saw that shit in a movie you'd roll your eyes at how obv fake it must be.

Kek. Tried to be clever, got obliterated by facts and logic. Kill yourself dicklet.

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My condolences. Unless you're into humiliation

That gif is what I'd do to abigail's juicy kike cunt.

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>muh dik
Oga booga.

What's he even doing? Is that from a watermelon?