Get your ass kicked by the Nazis

>get your ass kicked by the Nazis
>have to leave all your gear while you evacuate your troops with everything that floats
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>immediately start blaming the French
>make jokes about how they are cowards for getting defeated by the same enemy that defeated you
>claim an embarrassing defeat was actually a victory
>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you
>still lose your entire empire in the process
>continue to make propaganda about it three quarters of a century later

Attached: dunkirk.jpg (600x875, 88K)

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Is this really the thread you wanna make Fritz?

>french war victories
>did you mean french war defeats?
Only retards really believe the french won anything.

Glorious bitches

Worst movie ever. Only met a single person who liked it (super lib film studies guy {muh cinematography}). So bad and boring.


Attached: asdf.png (309x601, 104K)

>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
is this actually true?

My favorite part was the single black guy that was shown for 3 secs just so they couldn't say it was all white actors.

I missed that part, was he laying with white womenz?

Cope faggot.

Attached: Victories France2.png (4000x2000, 542K)