This book is so anti-semitic it makes Mein Kampf look like Zionist handbook. I'm surprised it hasn't been banned yet

This book is so anti-semitic it makes Mein Kampf look like Zionist handbook. I'm surprised it hasn't been banned yet

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Other urls found in this thread:

Everything that the Bible says is 100% true.

Who cares how your shitty facebook group of 7 people including yourself interprets the book. Billions of christcucks interpret it to mean they should devote their life to cuck for jews.

All you shitty selfproclaimed "based" christcucks do is defend the un-based christcucks. You never contribute anything positive, you only defend the defenders of jews. This makes you the enemy. Nothing you can say will change that - so now is the time where you start to attempt to swap topic to something else, like "what about Odinism", or "the leader of the church does not represent christcuckery", or #notallchristcucksmyversionisbased, or how you don't like the pixels on a flag. Fucking christcucks, cancer of humanity and race traitors of Europe. You suck semite balls.

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Christianity is Judaism rebranded for a new audience. Fuck off retard. Read the vedas.

have you read the quran? Just to let you know, the protagonist was worst than hitler and he fucked a 9 years old

Islam is also Judaism.

Jesus taught Christians to be Jewish. Christians go to church to wish to be Jews, pretend to be Jews or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews. The invented story of fake Jesus starts when the Jewish race-god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with in order to create a Jewish messiah. The Jews watched Jesus come out of the hirsute Jewess that the Jew-god made pregnant. Jew-born Jesus studied Judaism and became a Jewish rabbi. The Jewish messiah preached about Jews and the Jewish race-god. Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes from Jewishness and that the world would be saved if whites bred with Jews. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magical powers. The inventors of Christianity gave Jesus preposterous magical powers as an enticement to cross-breed with Jews. The church was invented by Jews as an extension of the seed-maker of Abraham, so that whites and Jews could cross-breed. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. The Church castrated non-Semitic young males. Churches give the money they collect to Jews when they have children with whites. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Christians name their children with Jewish names. The pope and cardinals wear Jewish yamakas. Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism. This signals the magic pro-Semitic racist Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, so he'll let Christians into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven, where the god of the Jews and the king of the Jews live, is a Jewish clerk that examines how Jewish you are. The Christian is motivated by a set of perverted ideals based on hirsuteness and race. His queer desire is to turn you into a Jew.

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Mein Kampf is a Zionist handbook

The Bible is basically a historiography of genocides done against Isrealites/Cannanites who refuse to stop being degenerate child raping pagans. Even the New Testament finishes with the promise to wipe them all out

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No need to ban, no one reads it anyway

It isn't. It says the Jews are Yahwe's Chosen people and the Christcucks Yahwe's sloppy seconds

Some so called Christians defend the defenders of Jews. Some, like me defend neither. Read up on some actual history of the United States and one will find that the original defenders of liberty of conscience were Baptists who were against pedobaptism. Who was pushing pedobaptism and whipping people in the stocks for refusing the practice? Anglicans, who are basically Catholic. Who has for hundreds of years influenced the Catholic church and doctrine? Jews. All one needs to do is actually read the Bible and one will find that God has divorced Israel. All you are doing is making it easier for the Jew lovers in the Christian world to dismiss your criticism of Israel by calling them all cucks and such. You are helping the Jews user. You are the one accomplishing nothing.

>And beholdeth, the Wicked One demands the skin of foreness be cut off and baby willy get sugged by rabbi. This displeaseth the Lord your Father. Smite such men with Mighty Wrath
pretty fuckin redpilled ngl

>The Christian god's favorite race are the Jews.

Not true. It might be taught that way in modern churches, but that is not what the scripture teaches.

>Every Christian ritual is indistinguishable from Judaism.

The stupidity......

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Legit question Christians of Jow Forums I believe in a creator and honestly really like the idea of being Christian but find it cringy whenever I see it actively practiced.
Wut do?
Also hearing scripture outloud gives me panic attacks and makes me want run away. Am I possessed?

Nooooo! Kikes love the Bible stop being Christian!

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Thank Yahweh for Christianity!

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>read the vedas
shut the fuck up sperg. i 100% guarantee you have never spent any time seriously studying Hinduism.

>Christianity is Jewish
With this statement you say
>Kikes want you to believe that LITERALLY God All Mighty called the Kikes Children of the devil, brood of Vipers and hypocrites and that he hates with a passion everything the Kikes try to push on us and stand for

See how stupid that sounds? This "Theory" is just as retarded as saying
>Romans invented Christianity to convert Kikes with their go to conversion Method being killing every Christian they could find for 200 years straight in the most brutal way they could think of

Back at the time of Jesus there was no Judaism, but Yahwehism, based on the laws of the old Prophets and practiced by the Israelites (when they didnt fuck around with false gods), in Judeah mainly the branch of the Sadducees, Essenes and the Pharisee with only the Essens being direct descendents of Judah. The Pharisee disliked the elitist Sadducees and claimed to be for the common people and gained influence that way. Their practices are based on the oral law that they practiced which is basically religious pilpul to argue that you follow the law without ever doing so, and was written down couple hundred years later in the Tal Mud and became the base of the modern rabbinical/talmudic Judaism that we know today.
So the Pharisee (Edomitic converts LARPing as ethnic Judeans) became the modern kikes (You) (You) and were back then already denounced by Jesus as Hypocrites, a den of vipers and children of the devil.
Christianity however is an update to the old law and traditions, the continuation of it where as the kikes specifically make up shit to not follow it but claim to do so anyway and came later down the line.

TL;DR Judaism is the oldest existing „fellow white people“ sheme in existence meant to make them vlend into the host nation and subvert from within

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God isn't real. Religion is a propaganda tool used to sway people's minds and actions with the promise of salvation.
But when an animal dies, it's dead. We aren't any exception. The Jews will continue to abuse your faith and ruin society. The race war started years ago.
The only good Jew is a dead one.

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most christians ignore the Bible, because virtually all churches are run by the pagan control cult

holocaust memorials are so anti-European I'm surprised they're not banned yet

Kikes are unironically trying the get all the antisemitic stuff in the Bible removed because they claim it has caused death and persecution of countless jews throughout history, kek.
I remember watching a debate about it

Mention Jesus Christ to a group of Jews, show them the Christian Bible and wait for the reaction. Its like throwing a hand grenade into the room.

Jews wanted to stone these guys

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They killed the main character

Guds fred og velsignelse, broder :)

>Billions of christcucks interpret it to mean they should devote their life to cuck for jews.
not catholics. im catholic, and i hate the jews. THEY HAD JESUS KILLED

>decide to read the Bible from cover to cover
>get as far as Exodus
>Jews literally cannot stop whining no matter how much God does for them
>read Mein Kampf instead

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Good share, eye opening vid

Shut up and take off the flag, idiot.

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Guds fred og velsignelse til deg også, broder!

>imagine actually using facebook

Don't stop in Exodus, user. Exodus was probably the hardest chapter for me to push through, but it really picks up in Judges and especially Kings-Malachi.

Just listen to Alexander Scourby on x1.5 speed and follow along until Exodus is over.

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The words condemn you.
They condemn us all.
Hard to hear criticism, even if it's good for you.
Pray user

I tried reading exodus for 5 minutes and I had to stop when the Jews charged the Philistines gold for the tumors they gave them from that fucking genocide ark machine. All they do is kill people and whine about how god fucks them over. It’s crazy the amount of kikery

Did mommy hurt you

See Exodus is really hard. Especially the latter half.

See it’s posts like that that make me lose my last bit of faith for the thousandth time. Some of these people are just Fucking nasty, they don’t know shit, they make shitty movies, they fuck kids, eat skins from the faces of children, it’s concerning

Not even the Old Testament is pro-jew. Read Jeremiah when he told them they would be BTFO by Babylon and would eat their own children before Jerusalem fell.


Child murdering Canaanite pagan fucks


>Pope Francis and his lies - Pastor Steven Anderson

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Sure thing super Satan.

I think after what I’ve read it sounds like the Jews are even on the scoreboard with their idea of god, and I kinda felt the same as this Augustine dude, but I’m not so interested in all of the history, like him again. It’s too bad he’s not here to grab a beer and talk this out

Do you believe the Creation account in Genesis is literally true? I thought Christianity was cringey as well, until I saw this man. Kent Hovind has redpilled millions of people on (((Evolution))). Beware though, he has 100% wrong views on "Israel" and Hitler.

>100 Reasons why evolution is stupid

They should have smacked god at that point and hired someone else to handle all the ark and rod shit. It’s not like nobody in the world knows what they’re talking about, it’s just tech. I can’t assume we’re any more advanced today. I know we’ve been recycling shit for a long time


>It's all tech
You are blinded by technology.