The absolute state of the western world without God

>be me
>try tinder for first time
>got matched with qt girl who looks like she may practice modesty to some extent
>first thing she asked is if I wanted to come over and have fun
>told her stop being a degenerate slut and repent before God
>she instantly deletes me

how do we fix w*ite girls?

Attached: EB-Ybq7W4AUt73G.jpg (768x1024, 105K)

Attached: we be huwhite8.jpg (500x692, 135K)

fucking kek user, did you take a screenshot

Can you post pics of how she looks if not her actual pics?


You stupid fuck

You're extremely autistic and I feel bad for you and the girl both.

Attached: 1563046128544.jpg (921x831, 332K)

no, I didnt take any screenshots unfortunately. it was like less than a 40 second interaction before she blocked

>told her stop being a degenerate slut and repent before God

absolutely based

You should've hit it retard, Tinder girls aren't marriage material anyway

im not going out with some degenerate slut whove probably fucked 50 guys the last month