ITT things lefties inexplicably hate

ITT things lefties inexplicably hate
>Prison guards
>coal companies
>nuclear power
>Fox News
>the Electoral college
>MGTOW/Mens Rights Movements/Incels
>"Factory Farming"
>the entire midwest
>Breitbart/Infowars/Glenn Beck
>Sargon of Akkad.
>Private healthcare
>Racism (real or perceived)
Anything else?

Attached: forklift operator.jpg (1129x2015, 211K)

Attached: 20190825_150649.jpg (300x224, 49K)

> Canada
> Real canadians

Attached: canadanative.jpg (441x309, 90K)

>Anything else?

This one explains all the rest

Their parents

and boomers


Things cuckservatives inexplicably hate
>Gun Background Checks
>Universal Healthcare
>Progressive Income Tax (As opposed to a flat tax)
>Freedom of Speech
>Disrespecting the flag and national anthem
>Women's Rights
>Transgender People
>Sexual Deviants
>Rap music
>Modern Art

The right loves freedom of speech, you absolute fucking faggot.

>Burn the American Flag
>Make a commercial for razors
>Kneel for the national anthem
>Conservatives start crying on national media for a month

Yes but they defend the right to do it.
Say nigger on facebook and liberals will start crying about needing hate speech laws.

Forgot some
>Interracial Marriage
>Single Mothers
>Non-female femininity
>non-police states


Wake me up when leftists scream for dead jews like how they do for anybody else that does a tenth of what israelis do

New from reddit?

'cuckservatives' actually LOVE all of those things

>whiteknighting libshit fuckbags

White men

When did we say those acts should be illegal? We just call you a bunch of niggerfaggots and stop buying razors to get even.

Third Position/Real Right here
I'll go down your list and I'll list the ones where we have common ground for and then I'll explain my reasoning

Many of the laws are there for no purpose other than to extract resources from the average citizen for the state
Fuck paying rent at your shithole you can't even maintain because you're worthless and you can't turn a screwdriver to save your life
>Fox News
Same shit with a different coat of paint as CNN, etc.
>Men's Rights Movements/MGTOW
You guys are fags
Are most certainly not our greatest ally, much less an ally at all
>Breitbart/Infowars/Glenn Beck
Entertainment for centrists who are scared to have a real opinion
Fat pussy with a pube beard and shit opinions
While I understand that the generational hate thing is trash meant to divide and conquer us further, boomers and Gen X can hardly wipe their ass without hiring someone to do it for them.
Implying, I don't give a shit what you believe so long as you don't push it on me
>Single mothers
Are leeches on the ass of the world, fuck them and their swarm breeding bullshit.
>Non female feminity
No such thing, just mentally ill weirdos
Sexually perverse degenerates, should read Libido Dominandi - "A man was not a slave by nature or by law, as Aristotle claimed. His freedom was a function of his moral state."

Alright, that was fun enough.

Freedom of speech, Jow Forums

Why are forklift operators so based?

Attached: Forklift.jpg (1024x973, 122K)

this is like the cuckservative manifesto lol

>ITT things lefties inexplicably hate
ye, no fuck you shlomo

Attached: chosen_american.png (500x500, 169K)

>Anything else?

Some lefties hate Israel.there are a few examples in our government.

thats literally me

Why should I hate victims?

Its because they ALL wont get free gibs its so obivous