Why shouldn't I leave Jow Forums?

So I've been browsing this site for a few years but I think I'm at breaking point. I'm bisexual, and I recently watched a stream where Nick Fuentes said we should be ostracized.

Tbh I'm a fool. Why did I think a board of nazis would accept me? I know the LGBT community has a lot of problems but I like to think I'm one of the good ones. The only reason I stick around is the race stuff.

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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

maybe it would be better if you posted above related

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>thinking you can leave

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You'll be back faggot

First and foremost you can kill yourself immediately on camera and not a single goddamn person will care so if you leave and never come back will not matter at all. Also, KYS

So long, Gay Bowser!!

Once you come, you can never leave.
Once you are redpilled, you can never be deredpilled.
Once you realize that the only ones you have who understand are here, you will be back.
There is no escaping. Then again maybe this is the escape and the world is the prison we all live in.

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Most bisexuals are straight. I don’t have the study with me but something like 80%

Nazis never killed homos systematically. They only outlawed homo propaganda and tranny shit.