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Why do white men hate pit bulls?
Adrian Jones
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Colton Garcia
gas the motherfucking pitbulls already
Carson Hernandez
Because they kill babies
Joshua Miller
Isaiah Parker
They fuck white girls
Brayden Morris
pitbull thread!
Aiden Hernandez
I own a pitbull.
The pitbull meme is total bullshit. Dogs become what their owners make them.
Lincoln Mitchell
>aywoof we Woof wolves n *bark* *bark*
William Bell
Cuz fuck sciencetific findings right? One guys pitbull hasn't bitten anyone YET so that BTFO doctors. Well done.
Samuel Hernandez
Brody Green
You're part of the problem
Wyatt Barnes
All breeds should be mixed with Pitbulls. Then all will be equal.
Mason Williams
Okay but why tf is the pit dressed as Beerus?
Oliver Mitchell
Sebastian Collins
What redeeming qualities do they have? If you want a guard dog German Sheperds and plenty of other breeds are plenty capable, and you have about a 1000% lower chance of them going batshit and mauling you.
Why get a pitbull? Seriously, what do they have to offer that other dog breeds don't?
Michael Campbell
Because when they do decide to attack you you're dead. At least the aggressive ones do.
Robert Sullivan
Because whites are all incels. Blacks and latinos are slaying all the pussy while whites masturbate to wow and anime
Kayden Martin
They're all Mexican, so go for it doggo!
Levi Nelson
We dont. Just look at how cute this one is
Eli Butler
awww he's smiling!
William Long
pitbulls are the stupidest most violent breed there is and go ape shit for no reason whatsoever. if any animal ever needed to go extinct, it's them. They are so inbred they don't even resemble the original American pitbull and I enjoy videos of cops shooting them
Michael Lewis
I don’t hate them. I hate the women and niggers who can’t properly handle an animal that white men bred into an excellent warrior and with the purpose of combat in mind. Pit bulls were not meant to be family dogs or the local nigger’s status symbol.
Lincoln Ortiz
muh warrior dog
Joshua Watson
Angel Bailey
Because they remind us of our worst enemies.
Matthew Wright
> doggos were literally bred from wolves
Doggos proven superior to nogs once again.
Ryan Thompson
muh kang
Ayden Lewis
Aww, that’s adorable, mate
Jose Stewart
Doing god's work
Adam Hughes
it's a dead eyed piece of shit looking for a treat
Brody Stewart
Don’t be a faggot and project on me Bruce. I don’t give a shit what becomes of them. They were bred by whites to kill each other in pits without hesitating and they do a great job of it.
Isaiah Jackson
They’re another thing to fuck white women
Hunter Hall
We arent all that bad tho
Jayden Kelly
Connor Edwards
Pit bulls love minorities
Liam Johnson
Is that a woman actually doing the right thing? Fucking based.
James Perry
This. Any dog raised by a decent owner is most likely going to be a good boy. Anything raised by dindus on the other hand turns out like shit. Prepare for 100 triggered soccer moms to reply to your post.
Evan Campbell
And dogfighting is illegal in every jurisdiction in the US. If that is the breed's only purpose, why should they be allowed to exist in this country?
Jaxson Myers
Super not cute.
Eli Ramirez
>dog's expression
>right eye is like this is fucking retarded
>left eye quietly resigned to it's fate
>mouth not open -- unhappy
>tfw even pit bulls hate the WE WUZ KANGZ and shieeet meme.
Ryder Reyes
They're pretty stupid. They are very sweet, like a little kid personality, I get the appeal but it's definitely not what appeals to me. Pitbulls seem to have two types of owners, a black/mexican guy who can't get caught a 3rd time carrying a firearm and has decided to have a smart idea for once in his life. The other is typically a manic wine aunt white female who literally needs a surrogate baby of sorts.
That and the dog attacks of course. My friend who's super into dogs says there's evidence that Pits who are extremely quick to attack humans and especially children (all dogs considers being at their eye level a challenge) have some kind of gene switched on that's causing it. He claims the mutation is autosomal dominant and widespread because of that. Makes a lot of sense for a dog bred exclusively for dog fighting, it's adapting to it's role, doing what we've asked it - it's not the evil one but our genecraft can't simply be undone with a bunch of positive feelings.
Anthony Brown
Colton Hernandez
Joseph Wilson
Beats me. I’d opt for outlawing them and mass euthanization. Offer $30 for every intact adult pitbull and watch niggers abduct them all from the ghettoes to make a quick buck.
Oliver Murphy
>They are very sweet
Every pitbull apologist uses this word. They always say their little pittie wittie is "sweet"
Ryder Nelson
Black market dog sperm will be taken over by organized crime.
Ethan Gonzalez
Read the whole post. There's good info there that's relevant and useful. Unless of course you're some kike shill trying to mischaracterize this post to dissuade others from bothering to read it entirely. If that's the case, kys.
Dylan Sanchez
Thank you for the obligatory dog sex post Canada. I can always count on you.
Dominic Bell
I knew a alligator that lives in a pond that people feed & has never bit anyone, they get a bad rap, it's really how you raise them. the restrictions on having full size alligators needs to be removed, just because some nigger let one out to kill people doesn't mean every alligator is dangerous.
Samuel Sullivan
Is that the dog that ripped her face off?!!
Nicholas Ward
Well shoooot, then just give them a vial of poodle sperm. It's not like the sperm looks different
Wyatt Martin
Julian Lopez
Because much like the niggers, spics, and single moms that idolize them, pitbulls have low impulse control, and are unpredictable and dangerous.
White men value traits like intelligence and loyalty.
Nicholas Harris
Reeeeee! Pits bite babies and women reeeeeeeee! No other dog does that reeeeeee!
Brayden James
Because Pitbull s are alpha much like black men the bull makes whitebois feel beta
John Morgan
Because they have a predisposition to violence but a large amount of people will ignore that and keep letting their neighbours' cats get mauled
Adam Perez
Because white women would rather fuck pitbulls than fuck white men. Not even kidding, I know Tom's of white dudes who found out their girl fucking a pitbull behind their back.
Gabriel Hughes
Compared to a spastic neurotic German Shepherd with hip disease they are way easier to groom and much more social. German Shepherds bark at everything. Shepherds can be great dogs sure, but don't go acting like they are the master race. Each dog has it's own pros and cons.
Jason Cooper
Other dogs don't go straight for the jugular
James Rogers
I make sure to keep my dominant hand free when passing by a pitbull just in case i have to put it out of its misery.
Joseph Scott
based and leaf pilled
Eli Harris
Poodles are too smart for their own good. Too personable. It’s like owning retarded children, though they are good waterfowl dogs.
Also they have weird fucked up feet that make them look like they’re wearing high heels.
Lucas Hill
Pitbulls are bred for pit fighting, they are predisposed to violence due to their breeding. Proper training can trump genetics, but many pitbull owners are terrible trainers. Also, their brains often end up swelling later in life, agitating them and leading to even more pent up aggression.
Parker Hernandez
Fuck nigbulls though
Bentley Flores
Colton Reyes
same reason black people like them.
cause dat shit be crazy
Ryder Morgan
Damn you must go through a lot of peanut butter
Ryan James
oh shit me too. I also do this for niggers
Adrian Parker
You assholes should be ashamed of yourselves.
Angel Ortiz
Pitbulls give you left wing validation points
Hudson Clark
Proud owner of two Pits. Great dogs. All you faggots on here saying kill them all, you're all fools. You faggots have never even interacted with these dogs. You just believe what the fake news tells you about them. Big tough guys you queers are. Eat your tendies that your mom bought you in your uncomfy basements, you faggots.
Ian Diaz
Let me guess... You live in Alabama?
Easton Gomez
I mean...
Brandon Moore
dear retrievers
despite pitbulls making up 5 percent of dog breeds they commit 50 percent of violent crimes
Xavier Turner
That tweet isn't exactly wrong
Carter Roberts
Pitbulls are bred to literally kill grown male steer and BULLS. Hence the name faggot. Only once they saw how great they were at killing did they pit fight them. They had a use you dumb nigger.
Noah Walker
Grayson Anderson
Was america's national mascot. The All American Dog. FUCK UNPATRIOTIC FAGGOT INCELS.
Austin Wood
Wrong faggot. Pits were bread for gameness. They were made this way to show how tough and loyal they are to their masters. It didn't matter if they were fighting people, dogs, or bulls. They were made to be tough as fuck, not scared of shit, and absolutely loyal to their master.
Angel Garcia
Yes you're right I checked my history. However they did serve on the front lines of WWI and II
Levi Davis
Would a Pitt beat a rottweiler every time?
Colton Jones
I don't. I can take any dog and raise him better. I have done it before and I know I can because those stupid animals need you too. Once you actually form a connection you can just see them understand just a little bit. Its wonderful.
Lucas Hill
Because we prefer Aryan Shepherds and shitfur dogs get the gas.
Chase Flores
That is the reason why we want them both gone
Aaron Bailey
The mighty Caucasian reigns supreme.
Asher Ortiz
It looks like a manatee.
Ian Myers
Pits outperform every other dog breed in protection, bomb detection, narcotics detection, and search and rescue. It's a fact. They have a bad rep though. So they get underrepresented.
Kevin Hughes
Based illyrian dog
Anthony Lopez
they dont, the white man invented pitbulls for entertainment and companionship, only jews hate the pit bull.
Adam Allen
So your pitbull is a faggot nigger?
Kevin Nelson
Why do cops use German shepherds then? They should use lots of Boston Terriers like zerglings
Michael Evans
Pitbulls do damage that a nignog can't recover from with a month-long stint in the hospital. They're fucking monsters and that's why I have two in my ghetto apartment. Once I'm out of here, I plan on getting puppies out of them with a more docile breed and getting them fixed.
Justin Nelson
Indeed. The superior white male pitbull is hated and discriminated for no reason.
Connor Lopez
found the nigger
Robert White
They have been bred for a particular role. And when the time comes... white men will harness the power of the pitbull to hunt down enemies and it will be glorious. But they have zero place is peaceful society. They need to be 100% contained on breeders property.
Adrian Adams
You can tell the number of people under 20 here that think pitbull is a nigger dog. Jesus christ. Learn history.
Gavin Martin
That's a talented surgeon, fuck.
Optics and they're easier to control. Looks bad if a mouthy narco gets his nads ripped out on the scene of the crime.
Lucas King
Don't start blaming history for pavement ape behavior now.
Brandon Collins
A chihuahua has never mauled a face off despite bad ownership, no matter how aggressive or poorly trained.
Elijah Bell
Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs