We all know that prostitution is the key to destroying the feminist movement right?

We all know that prostitution is the key to destroying the feminist movement right?
Why don't we just meme it into existence?
After all, it's #herbodyherchoice- she should be able to sell it to incels if she wants.

Attached: Pepe-o-genes.jpg (1024x752, 153K)

>We all know that prostitution is the key to destroying the feminist movement right?
Wrong. It's tranny athletes. Divide and conquer by their own filth.

Filthy profligate

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Mfw I unironically agree with this, it's pitting the swampvag's against each other

Kill yourself

listen, it's quite simple.
Women these days dont have to try to get a man if they're decently attractive. Even then, they can treat their suitors like shit and still have more coming simply because every guy wants to put his dick in.
Legalizing the sex trade will legitimize relationships. both women and women will have to try in order to find a partner. Sex will be a part of it of course, but relationships will be mroe meaningful because of this.

ikr, it's the only way. Sadly too many fagots on this board still believe that the modern woman is salvagable. She's not. She must be remade to fit the greater good of society.

Sounds like nothing more than degeneracy with attempted justification to me

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go ahead, die miserable you white knight. The way the earth is going, you'll regret not being able to buy some sex before the end

marriage is legalized prostitution

Have sex incel

I will if you legalize prostitution

>land of frei
>prostitution not legal
literally 1000 years behind niggers in africa

I'm married to a loving wife so I can have sex whenever I want

>We all know that prostitution is the key to destroying the feminist movement right?

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Feminists and Trans activists actually don't see eye to eye, so that'd destroy the LGBTKLJSHDFJSDHFKJSDF movement, but not the Feminist one.

No it wouldn't destroy feminism. In fact there is a subgroup within feminist circles that call themselves "sex positive" who are in favor of legalizing and destigmatising sex work.

That's not to say that they're wrong, underground prostitution is objectively far worse than regulated prostitution. Why does everything with you retards have to be divide and conquer.

>go ahead, die miserable you white knight. The way the earth is going, you'll regret not being able to buy some sex before the end
Do you hear yourself you degenerate? Quit making excuses for wanting to engage in degeneracy. You're just too fucking lazy to quit playing vidya and indulging your selfish whims because you do is make excuses blaming anyone and exetgubbg
>ikr, it's the only way. Sadly too many fagots on this board still believe that the modern woman is salvagable. She's not. She must be remade to fit the greater good of society.
>go ahead, die miserable you white knight. The way the earth is going, you'll regret not being able to buy some sex before the end
You sound like gigantic blackpilled LARPing faggot who's too lazy and selfish to put down the vidya and capeshit. You just sit there lying to yourselves and blaming anyone and everyone else for your shitty decisions and just not taking the marriage pill. Grow up

>Legalizing the sex trade will legitimize relationships.
Right, because women will have to compete.

>modern woman is salvagable. She's not.
No, she isn't.

Prostitution is exploitation.
The solution to modern feminists is gulag

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Prostitution is no less degenerate than porn, and it's probably healthier for society than porn too