Are mass shooters victims of hypnosis?

RFK assassin Sirhan Sirhan is thought to have been hypnotized.
>Harvard Medical School professor, Daniel P. Brown, concluded that “Mr. Sirhan did not act under his own volition and knowledge at the time of the assassination and is not responsible for actions coerced and/or carried out by others.” He was, Brown said, a true “Manchurian Candidate,” hypno-programmed into carrying out a violent political act without knowing it.

If they were capable of this in the 1960s with MKUltra what is possible now? Using cell phones, computers, and tvs one could control sounds and lights to induce a hypnotic state. Anyone have any current research or experiments on the subject?

Attached: HypnotizedHoes.jpg (1024x683, 113K)

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If the jews did it to Sirhan they could do it to us

Attached: SirhanHypnotize.png (656x652, 145K)

Very unlikely. Hypnotism doesn't work like that.
t. Clinical Hypnotherapist.

lol there are sites about hypnotizing women

Attached: 4052862901_80cfe89407_z.jpg (427x640, 98K)

I hypnotized your anus with my cock

how does it then?

It works on NPC's, it's basically like hitting the F4 key on your computer at start up to go into the BIOS.

Hypnotism is my favorite fetish. Done it tons of times. Only works on completely willing people you dumb cunts this isn't MKUltra.

Probably more than one type of hypnosis faggot.

they’re highly demoralized by media