How do you guys deal with being “redpilled”?

How do you guys deal with being “redpilled”?
I cannot enjoy movies, tv, games, music, etc, not even human interaction

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honk honk

It kinda sucks actually. I sort of wish I had never taken the pill, but it's too late.

I bought a rural home in the country with lots of land though, so things are looking up.

this, take up farming, it does your soul some good

There is no "dealing" user. The red pill metaphor isn't a joke. It truly is life changing

These are dark times, user.
>Money buys you nothing nowadays
>Most jobs are completely redundant
>Most people are completely brainwashed by one side or another
>Everyone is anxious, depressed and agitated 24/7
>Everything about modern life is fake and gay

I find comfort in 2 things:
>The fact that it's all unsustainable and will likely come crashing down sooner rather than later

Until that glorious day comes, all we can do is honk along.

*honk honk*

Attached: 1567392000619.jpg (334x506, 39K)

You're the kike.

Do you think a genocide of American soldiers
and intelligence workers will result in the
repeal of the USA PATRIOT Act?

Just gotta stop being an autistic faggot who needs to constantly be correct about everything.