SETH ATOR - Latest Texas Shooter

SETH ATOR - Latest Texas Shooter

Spanish - "AGENT OF SET"
Portuguese - Ator = Actor

Whos in control, anons?

Attached: SETH.ATOR.AGENT.OF.SET.jpg (1015x706, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I heard he had a Beto sticker on his car. Can anyone confirm this? I've been looking for pictures of it.

>Beto Sticker
That'd be epic if that existed.

Made Beto so mad, he said "FUCKED UP" on live television.

The angle they use is so obvious.

It all over twitter

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-213621_Twitter-01.jpg (1440x1440, 359K)

Sometimes names are just names, not anagrams, he was not affiliated with my group, I can say at the very least

>Aquino has not been involved in super-shady shit before
I wouldn't be surprised if he was and you simply aren't privy to the intel.

So one guy claimed he was a Trump supporter on Jow Forums, some claim he was demsoc. The media is oddly silent. The fact that the media isn't screaming nazi leads me to believe he was a democrat.

I agree with this. I think they are going to memory hole this. Someone needs to tell Beto. Lol

Can it.

You want an anagram....


Attached: Seth Ator RheoStat.jpg (1484x426, 84K)

It's a fake name, it means actor (as in movies) for Seth. Jews do it all the time with their fake crap.

Yes, he is electromagnetically adjusted to lower his resistance, if you know what I mean.

Here's an alleged picture of the front of his vehicle.

Attached: 21886804_0.jpg (1200x900, 180K)

Attached: 1535766622873.png (645x729, 105K)


Attached: RHEOSTAT.SARABET.jpg (1491x1017, 135K)

Another cohencidence is that Texas gun laws changed today, the day after this happened. The laws open more opportunities for Texans to have firearms and store ammunition in public places.

From churches to public schools to foster homes, the laws also loosen restrictions on where a firearm is permitted.

Agreed. An "Operation"

Attached: Ator - Cinergy Synergy.png (1195x575, 559K)

Russia. Russia, Russia.

Attached: RHEOSTAT_RUSSIA_TWEET.jpg (1577x1168, 202K)

>black guy commits a shooting
>Jow Forums believes the official narrative without a second thought
>white guy does the same thing
>suddenly Jow Forums doesn't believe it happened, or believes that it was actually foreign governments doing it. Also you have to run the shooters name through 10 different language filters and then that's the proof it was all fake. Even if none of it makes sense, it actually makes perfect sense. Because the government would fake it just to hide a convoluted code in the info they do release, which is enough for some random fucking retards on the internet to figure out and prove that it was all fake to begin with

There russian kikes involved, but israelis and western diaspora are cooperating too to fuck everything. Maybe they are suffering some infighting too.
Who was Maria Bunita (or Butina)?

That's because niggers killing people happens multiple times every god damn day. When a white guy shoots a bunch of people, something weird's going on. Especially when the media's mysteriously refusing to talk about the suspect when before they were more than happy to talk about the El Paso shooter.


Attached: Fighting.Eagle.USPS.IronWarrior.png (986x435, 717K)

Is there dashcam footage?


As the film opens, a baby named Ator is born with a birthmark that signals he will someday destroy the Spider Cult which currently holds power over the land. Fearing this prophecy, the leader of the cult - High Priest of The Ancient One, Dakkar - attempts to kill the baby. Baby Ator's birthmark is covered up, however, and he is whisked off to a village far away where he is given to a couple to raise as their own. Years later, Ator - now in love with his sister Sunya - asks his father for permission to marry her. Ator's father reveals to Ator that he is adopted and can therefore marry his sister if he likes. On the day of their wedding, though, the village is raided by the Spider Cult's soldiers and several women are taken, including Ator's new bride.

After pursuing the soldiers, Ator soon finds himself training with Griba - a warrior who is an enemy of The Ancient One, and also the person who whisked him away at his birth. Griba disappears on him, though, after which Ator is kidnapped by Amazons, nearly seduced by a witch, and undergoes a quest to retrieve a magical mirrored shield. While kidnapped by the Amazons, Ator is "won" by Roon, a fierce blonde thief whom he helped earlier in the film. Roon is somewhat enamored with Ator, so she decides to flee with him and assist him during his quest. Ator is successful in obtaining the mirror, then uses it to fight and defeat Dakkar. His victory is somewhat muddied by the revelation that Griba - his mentor - is actually Dakkar's predecessor, and had trained Ator so that he could retake his position as High Priest. Ator defeats Griba, however, leaving him to be devoured by the offspring of The Ancient One - a giant spider which dwells within the temple. To ensure that the cult does not return, Ator then provokes and kills The Ancient One itself. Afterwards, with Roon having perished while infiltrating the temple, Ator and Sunya head back to their village, presumably to live in peace together.

EXACTLY, know you see why Im buggin out with all the connects.

The invincible Orion

Attached: ator_2_dvd.png (456x647, 633K)

Joker, Brightburn, Detroit: Beyond Human... and several Netflix movies are retelling a plot where a wronged individual (or group) goes on a vengeance rampage, sometimes this protagonist is just another asshole trying to take over, sometimes he is a puppet, or a victim...

Ator is purpetrator

ATOR is an anagram for...


Attached: 1545371201099.png (504x512, 38K)

thats weird

Attached: odessa car.png (1126x906, 1.41M)

He's confirmed a jew

Attached: odessa_shooter_sister_elissa.jpg (240x240, 11K)

Wow, heres where I got the Toyota picture.

Attached: Screenshot_20190901-224207_Twitter.jpg (1440x3040, 1.15M)

19 5 20 8 1 20 15 18

Total value


בדק - Bedak
Translation - Check
Hebrew Gematria Value



hmm something funny going on

Take your pills my man

Ditching a golden taurus (bull)?

My Gematria is flawless, how dare you tell me to consume pills that my uncle creates

Ator is a German last name

no. these two photos & its totally different setup. license plates look different too

Trump (2000):
I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.”

The first one is a 1997-8 toyota... definitely not a ford Taurus. It was obtained by a reporter on the scene who spoke to the police firsthand just after the event. (Before any narrative had been established)

im gonna find out who this Shelley Childers is & solve the mystery

Attached: Lookwell.jpg (319x238, 10K)

Shooter owned a Toyota Tercel car, not a truck

ok I just solve the mystery. this lady is a reporter for ABC13 Houston.

so we got two reporters with pictures of two different gold cars

To paraphrase that one japanon. "When you wake up and find a turd in the toilet, there's nothing further to think about. However, when you wake up and find a turd on the table, you need to start asking questions."

Which is the japanese word for Tiger.

Torah is something else you fucking mongoloid autism

His name was Seth Aaron Ator

So its a Jewish mass shooter, but don't worry about it, worry about Nazis doing mass shootings.

Reports are coming out saying it was another Trump supporting incel loser, angry at being a failure in life, lashing out at others

Heres another picture from earlier in the day.

Attached: download.jpg (1280x720, 278K)

maybe reports coming out of your ass

this shit is all so suspicious

Attached: odessa shooting mail man.png (1063x942, 862K)

According to the Book of Exodus, Aaron first functioned as Moses' assistant. Because Moses complained that he could not speak well, God appointed Aaron as Moses' "prophet" (Exodus 4:10-17; 7:1).

And Tora Tora Tora is a great movie about the Jewish influenced attack to drive America into a war we wanted no part in.

Attached: MV5BY2MyZWY2ZDAtOTM5ZC00NTM4LTgxNWYtYjBiMTFkNjFjNTM4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQzNDI3NzY@._V1_.jpg (1000x1500, 250K)


Attached: fools.jpg (1117x743, 84K)

Seth Ator = Torah Set

okay wtf

>according to user searches
which was a single screenshot from

that's bretty gud actually, kek

so basically you cant win. you can put all the safety measures in & enact all the gun laws you want, and doesn't matter

epstein is the one thing they can't hide
Trump did something and fucked with the algorithm of real life and now it's stickied in the minds of everyone

Odessa is related to "the flood" theme kikes are pushing since early 2016. It was a joke, but...
