White guilt doesn't exist- Whites misattribute their distress to guilt

when the culprit is extortion.

They say it's guilt instead of extortion so that they're virtuous,
not cowardly.

The distress associated with Whites' acquiescence to extortion (Whites paying minorities to not destroy) is mistaken for White guilt, when the distress is actually
proximity to minorities who coerce Whites.

While the emotion (distress) is the same, remedying this distress requires treating its actual source-- which is not White guilt, but rather proximity to minorities who coerce Whites.

Guilt, the combination of fear and having wronged another, is impossible without having wronged another.

Recognizing that White guilt cannot exist, because guilt requires us to have wronged another, does not free us from distress.

But recognizing the interplay (coercion and extortion) between Whites and minorities in close proximity does show us a rational cause of our distress, and the method by which to decrease it: more distance between Whites and nonWhites.

Attached: okayy1.jpg (1440x1576, 435K)

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I think part of it is due to the affects of winter:
>close communities necessary to survive the winter.
>prior planning and toolwork required
>both leads to higher IQ and slow aggression response.
The anxiety is an extension of avoiding being ostracized, which lead to death

>I think part of it is due to the affects of winter:
>>close communities necessary to survive the winter.
>>prior planning and toolwork required
>>both leads to higher IQ and slow aggression response.
>The anxiety is an extension of avoiding being ostracized, which lead to death
Yes, Whites have a greater physical sensitivity to chemical releases arising from fear.

It seems like each race has their own attributes which make them susceptible to manipulation in different ways. Pretty much what we went over is the primary way of enslaving them. It doesn't work for buntus, since they're relatively aggressive and race loyal. But they're low IQ and resistance to instant gratification allowed the jewish upper class to pin them against Asians, hispanics, and whites using porn, drugs, and hiphop, which takes advantage of their tendency toward simple, repetitive, beat heavy music to influence them.

>kike trying to be smart

Your a kike your the lowest of the lowest. Also Whites are subhumans. I am Turkish and Mongolian. I am a smartass. I know that white guilt is a real thing. And sometimes I feel bad for the whites. Also you fuel White guilt.

Virtuous my ass

How do you pay someone not to destroy something? Wouldn't you be extorted or just hiring security guards.

>minorities who coerce Whites.
You mean like the Jews?

Third time you posted this today bro

So there were no other races/clans doing this?

guilt is vague and due to many things, maybe they feel guilty about their cowardice. And it's weaponized to make things worse.

Fags and Kikes have no say in life.

Somebody's been watching "Mark My Words." It's a pretty good channel.

While I might agree with your observations, I don't agree with the causality you propose.

You are hereby certified as a genuine Hebrew, all round decent bloke and not a kike.

White guilt doesn’t exist but white weakness does

>Whites are subhumans. I am Turkish and Mongolian
Kek mystery meet oriental mutt declaring the most successful race on the planet subhuman. Adorable.

>mystery meat*


Attached: watch it kikes.jpg (244x207, 13K)

White leftists are terrified of blacks - this makes them feel racist and thereby ashamed so they interpret their fear as guilt and their subservience to their gibs demands as virtue.

I feel Guilty. Because Im Black.
Other blacks hate me. I hatemyself

This Black self needs to be adressed. Help me White people. Show me That You do not hate me.

so are you from Palestine and your network marks you as Isreali anyway, or are you a "based Jew" or something? I know it's not relevant to the thread, but I'm curious user.

That Was to much. Sorry \o/
Fuck Niggers SpitfireXVI < made this


>Whites are subhumans
>I'm Turkish and Mongolian

user, I...

Attached: IMG_20190902_070857.jpg (1080x1089, 167K)

I don't hate you fren, just return the bike you stole from me and I'll forgive you.

didnt read. would fug girl in pic

Losing to chef boyardee, a unique experience, but a terrible one.

No jew is based faggot.

The best hope for blacks is a fascist third position black ethnostate ruled by the top 1% of competent blacks - with tough law and order and eugenic policies for atleast 100 years uninterrupted - and supported if necessary by white nationalist allies. Be one of those types of black - failing that a hotep perhaps.

You take a harder line than Hitler user

You know an army is actually bad only when it loses to Italy