Pol approved movies based movies

Jow Forums approved movies thread

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Das Boot

Fantastic Mr fox

The Searchers


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>homophobic af
>has sex with a lot of hot women and drinks whiskey which is based
>tells an amazing story of a man who lived for 7 more years with AIDS and made a business by saving people getting unapproved pharms by (((them))) traveling the world looking for the medicine
>Tells people about the dangers of AZT and how it doesnt cure AIDS or even help a bit but herbal supplements and vitamins do
>Has guns and is a rodeo cowboy

Is this movie not based at least a bit??

There Will Be Blood.

Oh my God I have to watch this one again post redpill. I remember my 9th grade teacher showed us this one.

ayyy lmao

Lawnmower man

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Eyes Wide Shut

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Bu the way he got AIDS because he had unprotected sex with an intravenous drug user not because he was a fag.

Fuck ruined quints

>saving the lives of fags with aids

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no thanks, I don't like movies with sad endings

this is bait
or did you forget the flashback to him getting pounded in the ass?

The Witch, but not necessarily in the reading they want you to take.

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Lawnmower Man was based af.


A Cure for Wellness

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Full movie is online if someone wants to check it out. It was based on a story by king when he was on drugs and wasn’t regarded yet.



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Fuck tv.

He was profiting off of it. Ancap life or what lmaooooo
No it was him doing it to a woman dude. At the rodeo right in the back of the stalls? I saw all the flashbacks and then he remembered specifically getting AIDS from the intravenous drug using woman. I know what you mean I thought it was him getting fucked by a guy too but it wasn't.

You talkin to me?

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Fuck that satanic shit.

Slowly strips away and destroys the Christian family and romanticizes becoming a witch.

A24 is a cult.


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Right to try bill, trumpenreich

No the film really shows the danger of women, and in the end their religious ideas weren’t far off about what was happening.

>Falling down
>One flew over the cuckoo's nest
>Vanishing point
>The professional
>Taxi driver
>Three billboards
>No country for old men
>Death wish
>Dirty Harry
>Money mon$ter
>The 13th warrior
>Conspiracy theory
>Eagle eye
>12 monkeys
>Pi: faith in chaos
>Zero theorem
>The Iron Cross
>Tropa de elite
>Rambo: first blood
>Gran Torino
>Lord of war
>Do the right thing
>The apt pupil
>Code 46
>All movies by Stanley Kubrik
>All movies based on Phillip K. Dick's books

Butterfly Kisses (2017) by Rafael Kapelinski


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>13th Warrior

Patrician taste, user.

Death Wish. Original with Charles Bronson or remake with Bruce Willis.

LOTR, whites literally fighting for their survival against brown and black hordes.

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San Babilo, made by leftist, but that few sentences are worth it:


Wasn't he kind of a cuck tho? Going for the white chick with a half spic son?

You are required to do 10 based movies for every rom com produced. He has much work to do.

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>Death wish
>Bruce willis

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My Name is Nobody

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Kindergarten cop

who the fuck watches comedies

My fav is non-fiction and fantasy, how did you know?

True, it was filmed in just one weekend in Chicago and then CGI'd

Solid list but 'Falling Down' is full kike'd propaganda, Black Pill breaks down why.
From what I recall, White Man fed up with Clown World and lashes out...but in the end loses but more importantly, far as portraying image goes,, White Man bad, goes crazy lashing out against the system, all for nothing

>fav is fiction*
fucking idiot, so stupid stupid fucking stupid *hitting self on head*

>Vent D'est (1993)
Movie about Russian General Boris Smyslovsky, leader of the First Russian National Army in WWII, an independent army allied with Germany. Smyslovsky knew that if he surrendered to the Red Russians, all of his men would be executed. If he surrendered to the Allies, he'd be repatriated to the Russians and then all of his men would be executed. With no good options he drove his army, at that time whittled down to 462 men, 30 women, and 2 children, into neutral Liechtenstein and requested asylum. The movie is about the geopolitical maneuvering that kept Smyslovsky and his men safe. Liechtenstein was the only country that refused Russia's "requests" to "repatriate" its citizens, and thus Smyslovsky is one of the only Russians (actually a Finn) that fought the Reds in WWII and actually lived to tell about it. In the movie Smyslovsky is played by Malcolm McDowell who does a stellar job.

The movie refutes a lot of tired tropes. "Everyone who fought for Germany was a nazi who killed jews!" to which Smyslovsky replies "Not I, and not my men! We only fought Russians."

It's a very good film and very historically accurate.

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