What dies Jow Forums think of feminist writer Andrea Dworkin?

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>Dworkin became known as a spokeswoman for the feminist anti-pornography movement, and for her writing on pornography and sexuality, particularly Pornography: Men Possessing Women (1981) and Intercourse (1987), which remain her two most widely known books.
are any of these worth reading? she's maybe mildly based desu

In the thumbnail looks like elon musk

Ugly jew dyke but strangely principled compared to today's feminists. She called out Bill Clinton for dicking around as Governor and President

hey hey hey its me Andrea Dworkin

>anti- porn
>anti-degenerate male

she should have teamed up with the right

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In one of her writings, she talks extensively about men masturbating on feet and shoes.

I think we should take Dworkin to be a representation of all women and claim that all women are batshit insane like she is, just like we do with batshit insane gays.

it's kind of funny how the religious right bashes this woman when they basically hold the same positions

I thought that was an Elon Musk in a fat suit like the Nutty Professor

You should watch Jonathan Bowden's talk on feminism if you are interested in Dworkin types' ideology.

How many men did she eat?

Meatloaf looks better these days

On the one issue of pornography, you only say that because you haven't actually learned much about her.

Absolutely repulsive desu

Why were they masturbating on shoes and feet?

I tihnk like 5 or 10 CIS male opressors were neeeded to carry the coffin with this pig.

This is the only good leaf post in the last 5 years

>Can’t get attention doing pornography
>Hates that other women getting attention and money from it

Bannnn pornography reeeeeee

I agree, I look at pornography and it is a drug in the sense you have to find the next endorphin crazed high. Bill Clinton is gonna go senile and his perverted proclivity will become more and more obvious when he loses his inhibition.

Nothing wrong with men fawning and desiring women compulsively, how nature lends itself to copulation.

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she's the best!

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why aren't you, user? take the feet nationalism pill

Didn't she stab a kid in the face recently?

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Dworkin was a disgusting manhating cunt but would ironically be thrown out of the movement for being a TERF and opposing pornography, which goes to show what a dumpster fire feminism continues to degrade into.

Probably cause she knew other kinky Jews in her life.

Kill it with fire

Apparently in her biography she revealed she was a prostitute in Dutchland. Can’t see why anyone would pay her for sex.

She admitted to be in abusive relationships, imagine my shock.

Maybe she hoped banning pornography would make men desperate enough to get her prostitution business off the ground.

more like, she looks like has a heavy musk

Imagine the smell.

>banning pornography
and big cuts in alcohol prices

Not only was she Jewish but she constantly inserted herself into homosexual/lesbian circles and publications yet despite all her grievances she carried on a long term relationship with a man. When you look at second wave feminism (A.K.A. radical feminism) it was rife with "political lesbianism." Which means women who decided men were too dangerous or cruel to have relationships with so they'd LARP as lesbians (instead of just being celibate they decided to appropriate a sexual orientation). Dworkin inserting herself into lesbian/homosexual spaces is an extension of this. I've heard a few lesbians mention their distrust of Dworkin/her work due to her behavior.
Today these kinds of feminists (really any kind that think pornography and prostitution aren't empowering and trannies are just men in skirts) are what is now called "TERFs." However, I've heard that label applied to any woman who is aware trannies are just mentally ill fetishists who are entertaining an impossible delusion.

I have a question about feminism:
In Marx's conflict theory the formula is
>oppressor class (bourgeois) exploit and mistreat the oppressed class (proles)
>therefore the proles must rise up and take power from the bourgeois to create a free society

Did (2nd wave) feminists simply base their notions on Marx's conflict theory?
>oppressor class (men) exploit and mistreat oppressed class (women)
>therefore the women must rise up and take power from the men to create a free society
is this correct?

There's a schism right now
>pro tranny, pro porn, pro pimp, pro YASSS KWEEN SLAY
>anti porn, anti pimp, anti tranny TERF feminism
both however are retarded when it comes to the j/q and race of course

Yes, this is an old criticism of 2nd wave feminism.

I think Engels threw women a few bones on that front, but don't know if I can quote him on that. There were quite a few marxists who believe that women were only to serve the revolution in terms of child rearing, however. Most likely alot of split opinion.

fucking thank you, I cannot get a straight answer out of these people. they act like me asking this is some huge offense when I'm honestly just asking to know.

Do you happen to have source so I can verify this? I detest communism. There's a few facets of 2nd wave/TERF feminism that are interesting but ultimately so much of insists of being wedded to insane Jewish spokespeople or communism.

Which goes to show that this 4th wave feminism isn't just going off the rails, Feminism has been the same cesspool since the 1980s and was just conveniently papered over.

>I think Engels threw women a few bones on that front, but don't know if I can quote him on that.
I'm a bit drunk can you explain what you mean?

I just want to know with no judgement - did the 2nd wave just base their foundations on Marx conflict theory? sources would be very appreciated.

It has always had flaws, some enormous yes, but 4th wave is truly fucking insane. It's mass hysteria.

She looks ugly and fat, which is exactly what women aren't supposed to look like. What is the point of her existence?

You're all a bunch of rapists. This womyn was a queen. If any of you men have ever masturbated, you've committed a violent rape against Andrea Dworkin.

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She pissed off Allen Ginsberg, occasionally made good points and also pissed off a bunch of lesbians by going to a dyke meet up
>lesbians: uhhh are you lesbian?
>Dworkin: ummmm demanding an answer out of me about this is actually very fascist
>lesbians: mmmkay well this is a lesbian only meeting
>Dworkin: I'm Jewish!
^ true story. Dworkin later literally compared lesbians wanting their own spaces to Nazi I shit you not!!

>dat pic
lmao that's exactly what Dworkin would have HATED
she's the OG gal who said "all sex is rape"

I mean, not really off the top of my hand. Jonathan Bowden in his lectures more or less says such. It's blatantly fucking obvious that 2nd wave feminism was Marxism with patriarchy copypasted over capitalism. They literally use the same slogans. They also bleeded into each other, I think it was Simone de Beauvoir who said, "The family is a gun in the hands of the bourgeois class."

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she made some novel predictions about porn hitting the mainstream, but was wrong about how it'd affect society. she said that porn being everywhere would turn men into ruthless beasts raping every woman they see, but now they're weaker than ever.

thank you user but blechhhhh to all that!!!!!!

GODDAMNIT can I find one single feminist writer/theorist who
>wasn't a niggress
>wasn't a jew
>wasn't a jew-fucker
>wasn't a political lesbian
>wasn't a communist/Marxist
even Beauvoir had relations with jews. FFS let me! find! some!!!!!
so far all I can think of is Kate Millet and Mary Daly but to be honest I don't know if they supported communism at all

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A hideous troll who has damaged an entire generation

Good luck. Even Mary Wollstonecraft was a proto-communist.

well the rise of male sex partners suddenly doing things like demanding anal straight away and choking their partner without prior discussion shows just how much of this shit is bleeding out. I can't get away from porn even when I try (so many websites are filled with it, the godawful pop ups even with ad blocker)


How could you not?

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Feminism is trash.

I love super morbidly obese dyke cunt Commie cat vomit porn. She's a superstar.

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shut it Brudos!

most of what I've seen personally so far, yes. I still wish to explore it.

"Ring Wing Women" by Dworkin

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Quite possibly the one good thing she ever did.

>Mary Wollstonecraft (maybe)
>Mary Daly
>Kate Millet
any other white non-Marxist feminist writers/theorists? wew

>When he died he stopped.
It's like a shitpost lmao

Looks pretty feminist to me

I wonder what she would have thought about modern transexuals, the athletic shit, drag queen storytime ,and the like.

Lady needs to be dworkin out more

That’s a ham tranny

I'm sure she would have hated it with intense fury. And now modern feminists have been successfully tricked into thinking "sex work is real work" except for the "TERFs"

She'd shit and lose her mind

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As a Jew, I feel embarrassed we create such annoying yentas.

I don't even like her but some her shit is spicy

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Pretty sure that’s a misunderstanding of Marxism. The bourgeoisie were made up of both men and women who were oppressors of men and women in the lower classes. Pretty sure feminism was just a subversion by the upper class to keep the lower class divided.


i heard she was raped.
>imagine the smell

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I never thought we'd reach a point in History so degenerate and spiteful that I'd side with her views on the matter.

ayo Moishe, why is it that I can't seem to find any feminist theorist or writer who
>was white (not jewish or black)
>did not have relations with jews or blacks
>wasn't a political lesbian (not a real lesbian but larped as one instead of sleeping with men)
>wasn't a Marxist/communist
looking into feminism it's like just a wave of jewish women, it's bizarre. there's a bunch of jews, a few blacks and then some whites (most of whom were pretty nutty in some regard desu)

so you're saying the 2nd wave feminists misunderstood or that I have misunderstood something?

apparently she got raped as a child

Baste Peter Sotos is apparently a big Dworkin fan and identifies his own writing with hers (somehow)

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All the ones who created all the feminist movements were of the bourgeoisie class is what I’m saying. They then used their institutional power to propagate this throughout society in order to divide the working class and protect their status.

well... I don't care for her but her views on pornography weren't wrong. her views on pimps, etc. weren't wrong.

porn is actually bad and makes people ill in body or mind. even if what made her come to that conclusion is different from you the result is the same and it's correct.

QRD on him?

>These men presume to speak for you.
that was only true in her mind. it’s the feminist’s fevered brain at work, making up baseless shit.

I'm just trying to keep the thread alive. that's what's beautiful about this website and the country I live in: one can access all kinds of information no matter how much one (dis)agrees with it.
Jow Forums taught me more than 13 years of public education

She can play Ellie in the Borderlands movie.

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I see why she needs feminism

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And.. and.. and fast cars are going to turn young boys into homicidal street racers!

The two digit IQ on this old rube.

hmmm... I suppose if you have a point with this, where it breaks down is if/when prole men mistreat prole women then of course they would (and they did) seek out something else.

lmao I've seen self proclaimed communists online saying working class women should not sell themselves (prostitution) to working class men, these women should give freely their sex to these men instead! I think I read Marx or Engels wrote that women's sex should be be bought, sold, or treated as a commodity. I guess they didn't get the memo.

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*SHOULDN'T be bought

The same dichotomy exists with men. For example does a man’s effort belong to his family or the state?

Porn is bad? What a brave and ingenious prediction. Sometimes I wish I was stupid. Life would be less frustrating. It’s a cruel punishment that intelligent people have to share the planet with complete idiots who are so so smooth-brained they think they’re smart. Fucking comedy.

Next you’ll say fast food is bad.

Btw this is not a dig at you. It’s just frustrating to me that people think porn is not bad. Might as well say fast food is good for you because it tastes good and makes you happy.

>Pretty sure feminism was just a subversion by the upper class to keep the lower class divided.
Nah, it was just so jews could make more money. Surprise, sur-fucking-prise.

for normies the notion porn is bad at all is considered utterly crazy. it is currently considered heroic and empowering doncha know? that is what the starting point is with this discussion in today's climate. babbysteps user. the porn situation is 10x worse and more insidious than it was in her time.

That's an amazing documentary.

Dworkin's species of feminism was never bad. It at least had form.Third-wave feminism flopped hard.

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feels like no one can get away from the state nowadays. in society are those the only two options anyway (unless one tries to disappear like uncle ted)?

it's annoying no one seems to be able to come to consensus on whether we're on the 3rd wave or the 4th wave rn.

some think there was a small 3rd wave in the 90s and since ~08 - 12 the 4th wave started. others think we're only on the 3rd wave and that started ~08 - 12.

I’m gone