it's early onset Alzheimer's, right?
It's early onset Alzheimer's, right?
Nah just Fake news putting stupid words into his mouth. He never said that.
You do realize that every time Trump gets a chance he calls the people filming him: "fake news" and "liars and crooks".
So isn't it natural they're going to make him look at stupid as possible in retaliation?
it's not even the first time he's said he's never heard of cat 5 hurricanes before. i mean come on. the guy is either dumb or losing his marbles.
it's a colloquialism. it's like saying "I've never even seen a girl with tits that big." Yeah, you probably have, you're making a hyperbolic statement for emphasis.
Stop being retarded. Trump's just using his folksy speak to say: "We've not had one this big come so close since I was a kid".
And he's right. 1938 was the last one.
you're making excuses. he lives in Florida, and that's not a colloquialism there. he could say "i've never heard of a storm so strong" or something, but saying "i've never heard of a category 5 storm" is disturbing because EVERYONE has heard of that classification.
There is a clear shill narrative of pinning Trump with mental degradation
These shill threads always comment on his mental health. It’s so blatant.
"muh shill" explain how saying "i've never heard of a category 5 hurricane" not once but multiple times is shilling? imagine if hillary had said the same thing during the 2016 campaign?
Pretty sure he meant a cat5 hitting land. If you hear the whole thing that's what it implies.
>it's early onset Alzheimer's, right?
No,'s your seditious and treasonous anti-American lugenpresse that is trying to rip apart, subvert, and destroy our beloved nation.
Fake news and Trump never said that in the context you mean.