It's early onset Alzheimer's, right?

it's early onset Alzheimer's, right?

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Nah just Fake news putting stupid words into his mouth. He never said that.

You do realize that every time Trump gets a chance he calls the people filming him: "fake news" and "liars and crooks".

So isn't it natural they're going to make him look at stupid as possible in retaliation?

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it's not even the first time he's said he's never heard of cat 5 hurricanes before. i mean come on. the guy is either dumb or losing his marbles.

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it's a colloquialism. it's like saying "I've never even seen a girl with tits that big." Yeah, you probably have, you're making a hyperbolic statement for emphasis.

Stop being retarded. Trump's just using his folksy speak to say: "We've not had one this big come so close since I was a kid".

And he's right. 1938 was the last one.

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you're making excuses. he lives in Florida, and that's not a colloquialism there. he could say "i've never heard of a storm so strong" or something, but saying "i've never heard of a category 5 storm" is disturbing because EVERYONE has heard of that classification.

There is a clear shill narrative of pinning Trump with mental degradation

These shill threads always comment on his mental health. It’s so blatant.

"muh shill" explain how saying "i've never heard of a category 5 hurricane" not once but multiple times is shilling? imagine if hillary had said the same thing during the 2016 campaign?

Pretty sure he meant a cat5 hitting land. If you hear the whole thing that's what it implies.

>it's early onset Alzheimer's, right?

No,'s your seditious and treasonous anti-American lugenpresse that is trying to rip apart, subvert, and destroy our beloved nation.

Fake news and Trump never said that in the context you mean.