China is not as politically stable as everyone thinks. There was a foiled coup attempt on xi after he came to power...

china is not as politically stable as everyone thinks. There was a foiled coup attempt on xi after he came to power. He could end up dead if things get bad enough. The economy is in serious trouble. over 3,000,000 people have lost their jobs since the trade war began, foreigners have been attacked in the streets, over 10% of their farmland is unusable because of pollution, over 1 billion people in china rely on imported food from America, they have entire cities that nobody lives in with empty skyscrapers. they are in deep deep shit and nobody else in the world except for Russia and north korea want to deal with them. the united states is essentially their only trading partner. Russia cant prop up an economy with a population the size of China. IMPOSSIBLE. The chink shills are out in full force tonight on this board.

Attached: china.jpg (3000x2031, 1.42M)

Other urls found in this thread:

daily reminder that China does not exist

>over 10% of their farmland is unusable because of pollution
Actually the more CO2 there is, the better condition it is for the farm crops.

China is far more stable than the united states.

homie their soil is contaminated with industrial chemicles, heavy metals, and lead.

nvm I was baited I think

i dont understand this chinese meme.

Attached: xi.jpg (931x524, 65K)

it's funny if you squint

I'm curious why they're pushing so hard on Hong kong NOW of all times.

>china is not as politically stable as everyone thinks
Who thinks china is stable other than chink shills?

Destabilizing China has been in the planning ever since Trump. Last year they had protests too, so any excuse to protest with spark protests.

Let's see, they have cameras all over the place like London.
But they use their camera system to give positive incentives to their citizens, for example: Buy this product, you get extra social credit.
In London they use the cameras to fight the knife stabbings, and to put dissenters in jail.

The micromanagement of China will make it more stable than the west over time.

That pic is fucking kino as fuck Op. is it from an old pulp mag? Who’s the artist?
I love old pulp Americana like this.

Also this is literally every Asian woman’s wet dream. To have a white all-American stud just roll up like that and have his way with her.

No. What I'm asking is why is CHINA making it's moves the way it is.

can someone post the winnie the pooh meme that is chicom repellant? thanks in advance fren

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by that i mean not this one but the one with the mock chinese flag and all of the banned words including tianenmen square

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Has to do with their currency manipulation. This chinese billionaire says its all fake economics basically. Hong kong is pegged to the dollar and is where most money laundering occurs. The chinese rmb is a joke. Theyve been printing insane amount of money for some time now.

China is a paper tiger

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I wish more people would bring shit like this up. China, if not already in crisis mode, will be in the near future. Their entire economy is a house of cards at this point. Trump, for his faults, will at least call their bluff.

I'm so sick of hearing about how "China is the future" demoralizing bs everywhere I look. Chink fuckers can't even make functioning escalators.

Go ahead, CCP shills. Be obvious in this thread like you usually are. You guys aren't as nuanced at the JIDF shills.

My amateur theory: CCP toppled by ROC/CIA coup and China becomes the US's bitch.

Suck it, zipperheads.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_China.svg.png (1280x853, 19K)

If China wants to survive, they need to take Trump seriously. They need to stop poisoning us and buying our Congressmen.

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Stupid chink.

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If only Vietnam was as sexy as that picture I'd have a bunch of hapa cousins instead of a despondent grandfather who tried to kill my dad

how is it more profitable to ship goods from China to the US over shipping said goods from domestic plants?

China can kiss my ass

@All Chinese faggots in this thread:





Attached: 1920px-Flag_of_Hong_Kong_(1959–1997).svg.png (1920x960, 169K)

The empire of mutts, spics, and pakis?

is this how asians see?

China is more stable than America


Attached: 1566579775722.jpg (601x561, 64K)

Don’t even need to do anything when the western is literally destroying themselves.

Fucking meme flags are ALWAYS spewing garbage

I would bet on Xi assasinated. China nukes Taiwan in a desperate attempt to stop civil war. Fails. Factions start nationalizing shit and using it to produce weaponry. Shitfest starts.

>There was a foiled coup attempt on xi after he came to power.

There's been a couple. Last one was about a year ago.

Then where the fuck was I with all those chinks? Thailand?

Haha, not even close. 6/10 bait made me reply.

Because it has no choice. It was getting by, simply one the virtue of running a monopoly on certain manufacturing and mining industries. They're starting to understand that their facade is cracking. We're cucking them on the trade war and it's becoming apparent they truly were the paper tiger we all speculated for decades. They cannot back up their bark with any bite at all. They've got to do something or they will be rendered irrelevant.

China deserves all the mayhem coming here way. I pray for the innocents.

Attached: Repressive.jpg (1014x760, 194K)

>my dad in his 1970-71 tour in 'Nam

Boat travel is basically free... just takes a long time

Everyone knows China isn’t stable it’s just rednecks screaming muh chink muh chink. The equivalent of liberals going muh Putin muh Putin

Our economy is mired with red tape and kike accreditation bullshit which blows costs up domestically. That's why it's cheaper to get things from China.

Oooooh a pirate flag. Real scary memeflag CCP.

Fall down a fucking escalator.

> foreigners have been attacked in the streets,
this always happened, but you don't get thumbs up from taxi drivers when you say you are american anymore. russians still get thumbs up
>over 1 billion people in china rely on imported food from America
>they have entire cities that nobody lives in with empty skyscrapers.
neither of these are true. ghost cities are a meme. unfilled developments exist, but the cities are pre-built then filled once a %age of people can move in and have it functional.
it's true that the economy is less strong, as it is reaching a sort of capacity for good white collar jobs in the top tier cities and not expanding down the list of cities. job opportunities for graduates are becoming more difficult to find, so no doubt that in 5 years there will be a discussed issue about grads not getting jobs.

well true... we have human rights

> it's not true
> because the government will force people to move there if they don't want to go to the re-education camp

>hurrr hurr anyone disagree with me is a CCP
Having a good time sucking Jews cuck?

Human rights is what is stopping european countries from deporting muslims and Africans.

Chinese labour is far, far cheaper because of currency value differences and less development.

The minimum wage in the US is WAY too high to justify making most of this cheap garbage here, and shipping by sea is so cheap that would be cheaper to send a ship all the way around the world to shop to New York from China and back than it is to move it by land from California to Texas.

No, the definition of human prevents it.

Once you go down that route there is no more point to universal human rights.
Just rights of citizens of nations.

So China still made the correct call.

You are literally speaking in Engrish.

God you fuckers are obvious as hell.

China doesn't need farmland because they own Canada and Australia.

>CO2 is the only kind of pollution
China is virtually a toxic waste dump. Everything is contaminated. They deserve it though, so it doesn’t matter. Truly a land of insects

Micromanaging government... that spells stagnation. Stagnation for an economy dependent on trade for growth means death.
>fuck China

It's all run by the a.i. who makes purchasing recommendations on the fly to adjust for the economy.

It's a positive incentive system, just like Capitalism.
It will work.

>t. chinkoid

Who innovates? The AI?

China steals US technology instead of innovating.

Tariffs... for an economy dependent upon exporting stolen IP... mean death.

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Just a reminder that China is a communist government and, historically, communist gov'ts lie about how they're actually doing. They have a power image to keep up and western stooges to convince that socialism isn't a failed experiment. OP is right, but no one should have thought China was stable to begin with (if anyone actually did d e s u)

we would have won the trade war already but trump is lying about it and the economy due to some different fuckery going on. The markets are really close to collapsing. Trump has to engage in perception management via twitter. It's always seemed to me like china just plays ball and everything is theater

It's not a tariff, it's a deselection of your goods vs their goods.

You tryna tell me that there's someting wong with the social credit system?

Chinese Here!
Can confirm that China is polluted like worse than a dystopian scifi movie. All pictures you see here during the day have the skies photoshopped to remove the permanent pollution haze. Most pictures are taken at nighttime to show off the glare of their neon lights.
The meme only became popular when the CCP banned its use in China. If posting on social media it will be deleted, your account banned, and if continued, could serve prison time.

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Based and fuck-chinks pilled.

Carbondioxide is not a pollutant. It's a necessity for plant growth and life on earth.

This is an area Trump could do better at in my opinion. If China has to stop stealing IP. They will get crushed by the American business machine. The bug people are incapable of innovating or expressing the Fousting Spirit it actually scares them.

Four-fifths of China's water from wells 'unsafe because of pollution'

This article is more than 3 years old

Ministry’s samples from 2,103 wells in eastern flatlands show none were considered pristine and half were unfit for human consumption of any type

More than 80% of underground water drawn from relatively shallow wells used by Chinese farms, factories and mostly rural households is unsafe for drinking because of pollution from heavy metals and agricultural chemicals. Photograph: AP

The Water Resources Ministry study posted to its website on Tuesday analysed samples drawn in January from 2,103 wells used for monitoring in the country’s major eastern flatland watersheds.

The ministry said that of those samples, 32.9% were classed as suitable only for industrial and agricultural use, while 47.3% were unfit for human consumption of any type. None were considered pristine, although water in wells in the Beijing area was rated better overall than elsewhere in the northeast....

then move here and tell me how beautiful and well run the nation is.
China is falling apart, a year ago there were massive veteran riots because the government has no more money to pay them, they shut down 2 large cities, and police and military were posted to every corner of every block in the capital city just in case Chinese Military Veterans tried marching on the capital to demand their paychecks.

Attached: WeChat Image_20181116112450.jpg (1080x1506, 129K)

>hurr hurr muh engrish!
Fuck off faggot

Just plant some tress, retard.
Make your cities smaller and increas ehte amount of small cities.

every piece of land is inhabited and overpopulated, Mao failed and didnt kill enough of us.


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you are retarded there is no trade war

Wrong, many small villages are being deserted.

Instead of making mega cities, he should they should have let the small villages grow.
But this is something to social credit a.i. can help with. Bonus points for people who move into small villages in the country side.

China does not exist

You guys really need to take lessons from JIDF. They are way better at this than you are.

Fuck communists and their mediocre cyberwarfare.


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I live here, maybe you would like to come visit and show me these "deserted villages"

Thank you for sharing, Chinkanon. Virtually all information the outside world gets on China is CCP spin.

How long do you think the Chinese economy has at this point?

China is 1984
Western World is Brave New World

USA, China, Brazil, Canada, UK, India, Russia,... should balkanize and the resulting countries in Asia should form an asian alternative to Europe (yes, they have enough money, people, resources... to do that).

CO2 isn't pollution, stupid memeflag.

The entirety of the Chinese economy is state run, its going to chug along as long as possible. The stock markets here are all manipulated and fake as well. There will never be a "stock crash" unless the CCP allows it.
The Chinese economy might never collapse, but because its so heavily reliant on the USA, Trump can send it into a deep recession and maybe a depression.
The older generation has living memories of the cultural revolution and great leap forward, they also remember Deng Xiaoping's reforms which Xi Jinping has undone. There is a great support of the CCP but not XJP here.
The younger generation dont have living memory of austerity or suffering, only continued rise in wealth and comfort. A downturn in this is going to seriously turn many Chinese against the government and will trigger another 1989 event larger and more widespread. Its already happening in pockets.

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I'm not talking about your shit island, the landmass in the mainland is massive.

Jow Forums is banned in mainland China and is only accessible through Hong Kong VPN, you would know that if you knew anything about China.

>Mexican Navy
$50 says that shit is already on the streets

you cant fool us china man

Wrong again.
Jow Forums is blocking those VPNs.

China has only banned google recaptcha, so the Chinese needs to pay for the Jow Forums VIP keys to circumvent recaptcha.

well I'm a mainlander using my Hong Kong VPN and you are using a meme flag, maybe you could tell me the secret to accessing Jow Forums without a VPN my Chinese expert friend


Here you go retard:

Jow Forums blocks IP ranges, not VPN's.

nice try chingchongs cant fool us here with you xie xie powers

Interesting. Trump seems to know this 100%, hence why he's playing chicken with the global economy. I have nothing against the Chinese people themselves, I genuinely hope there's a solution that doesn't involve a severe depression. If it makes you feel any better, very little of the wealth gained from tariffs is making it's way down to the American people and our society is crumbling in real time.

We're all fucked, basically.

Page doesnt load without the VPN running my memeflag friend. Perhaps you are not as much of a Chinese expert as you thought you were. Let me guess you came to Shanghai for a month to teach English?



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Then how do you explain those Chinese flags on Jow Forums?

I'm American, retard, I just think it's funny how you tried and failed to spell "Faustian".

>tfw I have better grammar than you do and I'm the one being accused of Engrish

Trumps national security strategy
names China as a Cold War enemy

USTR section 301's mirror this same sentiment

and various representatives in the Trump adminstration and in the trade talks team have given interviews and articles stating the goal is complete economic decoupling of the US from China.

We are only watching the beginning

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you got the wrong person desu

Why'd you (You) me then

ccp shills are too obvious

>the united states is essentially their only trading partner.
what? We trade fish with them, my shit is also made in china

(((Soulja Boy off in this oh
Watch me crank it, watch me roll
Watch me crank dat, Soulja Boy
Then Superman dat oh
Now watch me you
Now watch me you
Now watch me you)))

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