I am tired of hearing you guys argue over wether or not you should allow Christianity. YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. Christians are and remain the backbone of all right-wing and nationalist thought, and the bulk of their movement.
If you so much as dare to raise one finger against us, we'll cut your fingers off, and make you bury your own children alive before we kill you.
>B-B-B- Nope. Our relationship is one-sided. You need us, we don't need you. One of us is worth ten of you, and we outnumber you fifty to one. So keep it nice and quiet, unless you'd rather be nice and dead. Maybe go out into the woods and die raising kids who aren't yours like Varg.
This is our movement. You're nothing to us and we will hang you little pagans and atheists with the pedos. >muh race Fuck off. Your "race" isn't sacred, only God is.
Now you may complain and squirm, you may cry, but it changes nothing, pray to God that he will be merciful because we will not.
>One of us is worth ten of you, and we outnumber you fifty to one. This is not true. Pagans are 0.5% of the population, and half of those are jews. Christians are 70%. We out number them 280 to 1.
The pagans and atheists are not showing up! We have put fear into their hearts
William Ramirez
Be patient and let your words be sweet, learn what Christ said before preaching it.
Carson Baker
>"Christianity is pacifist and jewish" Christianity is the root of all culture on this planet. Christianity began at Genesis chapter 1 with the Creation, Adam and Eve, and ends at the end of the world with the return of the Lord of this Universe.
Judaism is the worship of a multiplicity of gods and godesses (such as Binah, Keter, Yesod, Lilith, Malkuth), the worship of the Oroboros Serpent/Leviathan, manmade rituals like sucking the blood from infant penises(publicly), human sacrifice(publicly), and it is a shame to speak of what they do in secret.
1) Judaism is not the worship of the Torah. 2) Islam was created by kikes within the Vatican. 3) Mormons are Fifteen(15) million out of 7 billion people on this planet.
>2) Islam was created by kikes within the Vatican. What?? The older Church are basically a mix of Rome/Greece and Christianity. But you'd find a pure Roman culture too harsh...
Parker Barnes
Greco-Roman became synonymous with Christianity for a reason, redd*t.
Look guys the 17 year old radical trad epic memer gamer anti-jew christian alpha crusaders are up at 1am in the morning on a monday trying to wave their 4 inch dicks.
Your god was a Jew. Your savior was a Jew. you bow-down to a creepy demonic Volcano Jew.
1. Both claim Abraham. 2. Muhammad was born to a "Jewish" tribe, Banu Quarish. 3. Muhammad lived in the "Jewish" kingdom of Yathrib in Arabia. 4. His sidekick- top lackey and the first Caliph of Islam -Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq was, according to some hadiths, a "Jewish" Rabbinical Exilarch from Iraq named Rebe Shallum. 5. Most of the Qur'an's stories and religious laws are plagiarized from the Talmud, including his justification for marrying 6 year old Aisha (Yebamoth 57b) and committing homosexual acts with the boychild Hasan (Metzitzah B'peh, Kethuboth 11b). 6. Muhammad was invited by a "Jew" nest to be their religious judge, which shows he was a Talmudist. 7. The religious laws found in the Qur'an are identical to those found in the Talmud - i.e. Kosher is interchangeable with Halal. 8. "Jews" and Moslems may pray in either a Mosque or a Synagogue. 9. The first Ulema, which created the Sharia, was located in Kufa, Iraq, and was within walking distance of the Talmudic academies of Sura and Pumpedita, where the Babylonian Talmud was created less than 100 years earlier - most of this Ulema was made up of "Jewish" Rabbis who 'converted' to Islam.
You are a Jew. You, your mom, your best friend, and OJ Simpson descend from 1 common ancestor less than 2000 years ago. You did not spring up from the ground like grass.
I don't agree completely with any ancient society, but the the foundation the greeks and romans gave us were more meaningful than any desert manual gave us
Actually Jesus was never married so it isn't possible for him to be a cuck.
Nolan Brown
>You are a Jew. You, your mom, your best friend, and OJ Simpson descend from 1 common ancestor less than 2000 years ago. You did not spring up from the ground like grass. TIL that christians believe in recent jewish abiogenesis
>posting variois collection of JIDF cope memes to avoid acknowleding the sham of your "Hebrew" culture
Jace Parker
the rogue jewish-based cults were hated by the jews and other jewish-based cults, who could imagine that. America and Britian hated each other and separated, that must mean America isn't a western country
Based OP Thats the worst meme ive ever seen, enjoy hell faggot, your gay trees wont protect you ALL RIGHT WING MOVEMENTS THAT ARE NOT EXPLICITLY CHRISTIAN ARE GOING TO FAIL COME HOME TO GOD WHITE MAN
What you call "Jewish" is Semite, that used to be a pretty common ethnicity in the middle east. Only after millennia (around 1300) the last non jew Semites were destroyed. I'm a farmer from the third world, I doubt you know anything about a "harsh life" And Christianity did far more than any barbarian northern cult, Greeks and Romans had far more respect for Hebrews than they had for barbarians.
There is no logical basis for any religion. Scripture is not proof, you have literally no evidence to back your beliefs. And before you start using the word "faith", don't bother, it just means you're willing to believe something without any proof, making you an idiot. You are now free to insult me without trying further to prove your point.
Nice OP...I like it. Put these motherfuckers in their place. The ONLY reason this country has gotten to this point is because of our mercy, compassion, and tolerance...And that is QUICKLY running out. Thats what happens when you try to be civil to someone and they sucker punch you in the mouth when your trying to help them...You better wake your asses up and fast to the reality of the situation. The MSM and politicians have lied to you and made you feel greater and more in control then you really are. They essentially are setting you up to be fucked.
Literally any solid proof at all would be enough to make millions believe in your fantasy stories, but there is nothing that proves christianity. Nothing.
Easton Cook
I would like to point out that you can still want your race to prosper and to save and protect your race, which has precedence in biblical scripture, and fight for Christ
>who worship their skin color as an idol. hmmmm...This is exactly what their doing isnt it!?
Jonathan Watson
Confirms that christcucks are rabid NPCs. Its same situation like with gays and faggots, christcucks are the equivalent of the lispy feminine acting turbo faggots who people despise.
There is no such thing as animosity beteeen "Jewish-based cults". Every Golem such as Islam was for the purpose of manipulating gentiles for Jewish interests, the Muslims being for the purpose of reclaiming Jerusalem from heathen armies, and eventually retaliating against "Christian persecutors".
Stop trying to cause infighting. We know what you guys are trying to do. What matters most is keeping our countries homogeneously European. Whether you're Christian, Pagan, or Atheist, we are united in order to keep our countries safe from the nonwhites. If you are against this, you are the enemy actively trying to cause infighting between us. Simple.
Why you desire evil for your brother? This is not God's way. I don't think pagan mud huts and endless wars were better than Christianity. Rome embraced God for many good reasons.
Dont be a Bully OP, thats against the relgion. All sheep will make there way to the pens once the Dogs start barking and desu.. those that dont were MEANT to be food for the Wolves.
oseph T. Chang, professor in the Department of Statistics at Yale University and senior author on the paper.
Chang established the basis of this research in a previous publication with an intentionally simplified model that ignored such complexities as geography and migration. Those precise mathematical results showed that in a world obeying the simplified assumptions, the most recent common ancestor would have lived less than 1,000 years ago. He also introduced the "identical ancestors point," the most recent time -- less than 2,000 years ago in the simplified model -- when each person was an ancestor to all or ancestor to none of the people alive today.
The current paper presents more realistic mathematical and computer models. It incorporates factors such as socially driven mating, physical barriers of geography and migration, and recorded historical events. Although such complexities make pure mathematical analysis difficult, it was possible to integrate them into an elaborate computer simulation model. The computer repeatedly simulated history under varying assumptions, tracking the lives, movements, and reproduction of all people who lived within the last 20,000 years. literally a basic model lmao no basis in reality
>The results can also work backwards, into the future. According to Chang, "Within two thousand years, it is likely that everyone on earth will be descended from most of us."
>"what you call Jewish is semite" No. I don't call anyone or anything JewISH except the Synagogue of Satan. To be a physical JEW is to be a descendant of Jacob. Everyone one Earth is a descendant of Jacob.
Zachary Brooks
Israel was more of a "grassland" 1.7k-3.5k years ago...
>why don't you slip and break your hip WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW I kindly ask for a civil debate, as you proposed >why dont you make that faggot come here, he can come and debate everyone here
and you wish harm upon me? such unchrsitian values!!
seething christnigger with no arguments, you were probably just trying to lure people in your discord to dox them lmao
Thanks for copy and pasting the article, moron. Obviously this can be demonstrated and is demonstrated in other ways. I sincerely did not think you would be so retarded not to understand a 4 paragraph synopsis. bbc.com/news/magazine-19331938
I don't think that a religion with a leader outside Rome direct control would give them more control than their old State Religion. Egyptians are Aryans now?
Jason Turner
White people did build the Pyramids.. Thats correct. I like people that like their Histories. I am being sincere when I say Jesus loves you more then most((dropping Messiah title btw, I myself am a Profit at best and just used it to make point))
You're only making shame of yourself, if you don't have skill with words, be content in living according to God's principles.
Dominic Green
Listen kike, you will not squirm your way out of this. It is very basic math. Very basic. Jacob lived 3000 years ago. Everyone on planet earth descends from a common ancestor less than 1000 years ago -- 2000 TOPS. It's over.