And accidentat discover Karl Marx

This is what happens to you if you study philosophy

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You become a self-obsessed tranny?

I bet the dude actually knows what's up and pretends for his patreonbucks, I cannot believe a gymbro just decided to become a tranny one day outta fucking nowhere

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I suspect this also, came to the conclusion today watching its Are Traps Gay? video. Drops vague implications and hints.

id fuck her

I really can't believe how much this guy is propped around everywhere, to the point of having 6 thousand patrons and making more than a hundred thousand dollars a MONTH, if they told me I could be paid more than a scientist if I wore I wig and read leftist drivel on the internet I'd fucking consider it. I mean is he actually funded by bigger organizations, open society foundations and the like?

not necessarily.

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You joke, but this is what happened to my philosophy major/turned communist larper friend exactly.

It's like these people all follow the same script of something.

Or they really are that void of original thought.

>... and accidentally get funded up the asshole by NGO sock puppets on Patreon

I think you mean?

You cash the fuck in, of course. Sell the fuck out, say anything that comes into your head that you think your paymasters want to hear, the louder and more obnoxiously the better.

There is no organic support for Leftie strawmmen incineration, it is all astroturfed. At least these days they are mercifully small in number, if you recall 2014 there were fucking thousands of them on YT happily shilling away.

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When I was introduced to Contra, he was one of those faggots who would """switch""" between male and female. Why change to "always female"? In his shoes, would you be willing to go the extra mile and be willing to meet up with people who you disagree with on most, if not all, levels? And yes, I would absolutely wager a good chunk of his patronage comes from leftist organizations. (Also checked.)

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Why would you need to make a video about that? Traps are ultra gay, I could have told you that.

>making more than a hundred thousand dollars a MONTH
You think this sounds a lot, but in reality it's peanuts. Why wouldn't NGO kikes pump hundreds of thousands into this fag? They know it's never going to be spent on anything subversive to the system and they can just print as many monopoly monies as they want. Money isn't really worth anything today, you can't do anything important with it.

>Is he funded by
Yes. Cast your mind back to 2016, April to be precise. Thousands of lefty talking heads suddenly woke up to the devastating news that over 90% of their Patreon money had collapsed. There was actually a whole day in which there were no Left Wing talking head YT posted, which back then was amazing. Thousands of Patreon accounts had mysteriously closed overnight, the NGO/s funding them simply pulling out during the start of the first quarter of the new year.

Same with the handful of remaining little lefties. No human is throwing more than a couple of sympathy dollars at a manly tranny setting fire to straw men on the weekly. There isn't twice the demand for Nostalgia Chick than RLM, for example. It's astroturfing 101. Chappo fucking craphouse does not have that sort of audience engagement, it's blatantly obvious.

But that's the deal that the Star Wars shills online agreed to: you sell your integrity for quick cash which can disappear at any second, so shill louder.

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Because they are running out of money for direct engagement due to the high cost of arming and busing AntiFa up and down the country, most likely? Seriously, go back to 2014, there were thousands of nominal little lefties printing money through Partreon despite having a core audience of less than 500 legit viewers. The scattershot approach failed to prevent the chorus effect they'd hoped for, so now they pump money into selected avatars of left wing "values" eg this chap is obviously the tranny tickbox, Ellis is the feminism tick box, Chappo is the fratbro neo-lockertalk tick box... and so on and so forth. NGOs run out of other peoples' money too, eventually.

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The epoch of cheap money are coming to the end. No more miracles, magic business. Not the end of capitalism (because there is no end of what doesn't have clear definition), but some kind of restart.

>Because they are running out of money for direct engagement
How can they run out of money when they own the money presses and can use them without any governmental or societal oversight whatsoever? Their problem is the diametric opposite, they have infinite money and nowhere to really put it anymore.

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NGO = Non Government Organisation. They have to rely on donations themselves, chap. If their bosses don't think they've done a good job subverting the public, they get fuck all next season. In 2016 their bosses were apoplectic due to the double whammy of Brexit and then Trump. They ripped the plug out of the wall, stomped off and started again with a new sort of shilling combined with lobbying for aggresive censorship of anyone who wasn't flying the Red Flag on social media. We watched it happen in real time.

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No, it doesn't work like that. The kikes who run the NGO's get their monies from intermediary kikes like Soros. Soros gets his money from high level kikes like the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds get their money from owning the machine that pumps out US dollars and by going down in their basement and printing some whenever they're bored. So you've got a chain of infinite monopoly money going down that chain. The problem is that people in the west are starting to lose motivation from money, that is all the people who matter. They're becoming NEETs instead and spend their days shitposting. So whenever these NGOs find some demented tranny they can actually pump some of their infinite money into, they cream their pants.

Try examining an NGO like Hope Not Hate, you'll soon see that it's absolutely anything but what you've imagined there. The whole point of using NGOs to do your dirty work is that you surrender direct control bar the money flow. You get a say - either "here's more money" or "Shut It Down" - about once every five years or so. It's culpable deniability at every step of the way.

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>kikes are imagination
You're very bluepilled.