What is the Future of the South Africa?

It is (still) the one and only civilized place in Sub-Saharan Africa. But with more and more whites leaving it, the future seems to be unknown.

What about the country in 30 years?

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Uninhabited Desert

Dunno bout South Africa, fuck Israel though.

South Africa's violence will skyrocket to the point where most whites will end up leaving. At that point, farms fail, city living conditions plummet, factional leaders...typical African country. If you're looking for predictions, I would say look at what happened to Rhodesia. It's not as if a viable African state isn't possible, but with the violent trends and infighting common in almost every country there, don't be surprised when they start killing whites and claim its because "de wite man colunize muh Africa"

It will probably end up in a decline then get stuck at a development level half way between where it is now and Zimbabwe. As far as I know the racial groups break down into Black Tribal, Other Black, Colored (Black white mix), and whites.
About rough guess is that 60% of the whites and most of the colored people vote for a Progressive Liberal party called the Democratic Alliance, which is less bad than the ruling government but still social justice stupid. The Tribals and rest of the whites vote for very small Conservative parties. The main black Group hates all the others, they also hate foreigners, along with their communist offshoot party.

My guess is the other 40% of whites are mostly rural land owners and will be pushed to leave soon. As their farms turn to fallow land the majority of the public will be arrogant and defiant in blaming the whites as they loose their agricultural sector. Their electric grid is starting to fail from corruption and neglect and I expect that to get worse in the future. Once the economy takes a bigger dump the Black majority will turn their attention on to the progressive Whites then the Coloreds for blame.

Then the country will stagnate for 20 some years as people start to leave and try to move to other parts of Africa. Probably try to ruin Botswana first since its one of the few well run countries.

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>It's not as if a viable African state isn't possible
hurr durr history has shown hurr durr

Kikes are guilty of forcing SA into ruin by supporting savages and communists in this country.

Black niggers getting rid of white pepo and starve happend before and will again end of story

Fuck you nasrallah

South Africa died long ago.
Only Commodity of real value is Platinum, used mainly in petrol cars, which are dying out.
South Africa will return to dust. You do not see any unique culture here, just more gray globalist mass workers trying to get by.