People dressed well, talked swell and had money. It was all perfect. People also knew their place in society.
Give me one reason why the 1950s weren't better than now
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Where are you getting your image of the 1950s from
There arnt any. Boomers fked it up for the rest of us
Medical knowledge and that's it
there aren't, hippies destroyed western civilisation , they caused greater harm than WW2.
I can't do it user. You're right. It WAS a better time... cars were better - not this plastic shit we have today. Food wasn't low fat low sugar low taste recycled cardboard. There was a sense of optimism...
Google. But they get it from everywhere, like Pinterest.
And in the 50s there were no feminazis and faggots running around.
>Tfw that woman has been dead for 20 years
Half as may people in the country opportunity behind evey stone
Thank Trotksyites for the shit you are in. Stalin was right when he pickaxed that motherfucker in Mexico.
Internet porn
They were still all just amazingly 10/10s.
Footage and pictures from before 1965 make me snap if I'm exposed to them long enough.
>People dressed well, talked swell and had money.
That's a myth though, you're getting that from classic movies.
It'd be like trying to understand our society using Jennifer Aniston movies
The same foods that were around in 50s still exist today. No one is forcing you to eat the low fat low sugar low taste recycled cardboard
Did Boomers make you a fucking leaf?
That picture is literally titled old-hollywood-beach-vacations
You know what old hollywood was? Junkies, whores and pimps
So basically a ton of cherry picked images
> cars were better - not this plastic shit we have today
All the legitimate, true answers you could have picked and you say this dumb shit. Cars are far better today. Look up a crash test between a car from the 70s-80s or older vs one from today. If you wrecked bakc then, you were fucked. There were no crumple zones, and really no safety features in general to speak of. Cars nowadays are safer, more efficient, and more reliable.
Everytime I hear that Hollies "Long Cool Woman" song I wish I was born 1920s-1950s. Even the criminals dressed mad as fuck here.
Commie faggot.
we used to wear suits to ride the bus
It was a time of tremendous excess of wealth. The time period to really envy is 1870s all the way up till 1930. People were real and didn't silver spoon their children into hating their nation.
What a gay looking dog
>If you only knew.
i used to wear a suit during sex
She could totally kick his ass.
Be honest. Will I ever live to see a time like this in society again? Will my grandchildren? Will there EVER be a time like this again?
I’m always amazed... even the poor looked classy. Instead of a dirty Batman T-shirt and a pair of sketchers... people were in a jacket with hat. Adults didn’t look like oversized children.
Maybe by the 2050s, things might have settled into that direction from a hundred years before, again. Perhaps.
We've been enriched since the 1950s.
Enriched. Enriched anons. Enriched.
Don't you feel enriched?
It's more culturally chaotic now. There is no defining culture. Anything goes and downhill it rides.
>Boomer grandparents moved to Canada. Was born here.
Literally yes.
Yea sarcasm makes up for not leaving shit for your children. Okay.
I think the nursing home care you receive may make up for all the long years you've enjoyed.
Fucking kek
That song is from the fucking 70's.
Maybe I'm just a stupid fool for thinking this say, but I'm still holding out hope that AI can usher in a new golden age foe society. Automate all the low skill jobs, put all the poors and retards on lifelong gibs to placate them while the uppercrust steers society in a new direction.
This is why people want you dead retard
You're not invincible, you're supposed to learn this shit in your twenties. Your money won't save you
Have some moo.
We have rockets now.
Modern cars are soulless plastic shitboxes. By the mid-50's most basic safety equipment was available and as long as you weren't in a shitty X-frame GM product you could probably drive away from accidents that would write off most cars today. Only fags care about crumple zones.
Do you know the difference between a train and subway
The car would be drivable but you'd be paste. Modern cars sacrifice themselves to save you.
Its not the 1830s
I didn't say it was from the 20s-50s you fucking retard. You can clearly tell it's"set" in the bootlegging 20s era, if you actually listened to it.
Wanting to survive car crashes is for fags
because we had a central bank just as we do now
Look here youngster. It was the best time in American history. Let alone the world. We just beat the Nazis, and everyone had shit pots full of money. Only bad thing was that Ronald Jesus Reagan was the president. We also helped our greatest ally make their own country. something something John Wayne.
> had money
In the USA. That was their dream time. Not here, though, or germany for that matter.
Lol they did u dirty user
>Give me one reason
no get a job faggot i aint giving you shit gtfo bum
>Ronald Reagan was the president in the 1950s
Oh Lord Jesus, Eisenhower won’t like that at all.
Cars from the 50's are still up and running, how many toyota prius' are you going to see in 60 years?
>People dressed well
Because they only owned a handful of clothes, so the clothes had to be good because they had to last. Plus, people weren't fat. Everything looks like shit on a shapeless blob of dough, which is why modern fashion looks so terrible. Healthy normal people look good even in modern clothes.
>talked swell
True to an extent, but ask yourself why. Dialects were more pronounced because people moved around less. Social pressure and class immobility locked people into conformity - you had to talk right to get anywhere. This is a restriction of your freedom. In fact, "social norms restricting your freedom" basically defines the '50s. It was the between period of the real past of the '40s and the real present of the '60s. The '50s was a transition decade where old customs were dispensed with in the face of new wealth and the middle class's rising dominance.
The reason why everything is mediocre now is because the middle class is preeminent. Things were more fancy when the elite was preeminent, but there are very few elites. You wouldn't be part of the fancy dress party, you'd be riveting ships and missing two fingers by the time you were twenty. Then, in the '50s, suddenly you have money and pretend to be like the fancy people. Then, in the '60s, you get tired of playing pretend and just be comfortable and normal and relax a bit. Continue to the present. We get more comfy, laid back, and relaxed as things get better and better. It's hard to care about fags when everything is great.
lol k
>and had money
lol no
I wonder a lot what it would have been like to live in a white country.
You mean Jew owned pharma that would rather people suffered if it meant a profit could be turned
>Modern cars are soulless plastic shitboxes.
That's because they're made to work, not look good.
>By the mid-50's most basic safety equipment was available and as long as you weren't in a shitty X-frame GM product you could probably drive away from accidents that would write off most cars today.
The car could drive away, but you'd be red liquid in the footwell oozing out the door.
Not to mention that the engine would come through the firewall and mince your body while the steering column would fucking impale you through the nose.
>Only fags care about crumple zones.
Good safety practices can get old after a while, but so do people who practice them.
Sigh... me too.
one day this golden age might end, literally a few well placed emp blasts and we would be fucked.
Subways go underground
No mobile porn
Give me one reason why the Bronze Ages weren't better than now.
They were 100%.
Ai is mostly a pipe dream
Oh yes, there's absolutely nothing sustainable about modern society at all. We are either going to tech up beyond our imagination or going to die, but wherever we go we aren't staying here. The future of mankind will be decided in our lifetime. Take a look around because this is the last time your life is going to resemble anything like the way your ancestors lived.
In the 50s you would expect 50, 75K miles from an engine. Today about twice that figure and they require less maintenance and far fewer flat tires with radials replacing bias ply. Better fuel economy, more options and most importantly, as you say, they are safer.
This nostalgia for halcyon days of yore must be felt by those too young to have experienced them.
It's a combination of people too young to remember who unironically get their knowledge from fucking advertisements and teen romance movies, backed up by boomers who have zero insight into themselves and think it's just coincidence that "the best time in history" JUST HAPPENED TO BE when they were in their physical and mental peak as young adults.
Basically, humans are retarded.
If you crash at 100 miles an hour chances are you're going to die whether you're in a '58 Ford or a brand new Toyota. You might not get impaled by the column or crushed by the engine block, the car will just disintegrate or you'll be decapitated by a failed seatbelt pretensioner or something. You don't magically turn into a puddle of blood and guts if you're involved in a crash driving an old car, that's a retarded meme spread by people with zero experience with old stuff.
>bbbutt muh reliability!!!
I worked at a dealership, stuff from the mid 90's-early 00's would come in all the time for servicing. Most cars had 300,000+kms on them and were still kicking along fine while we had brand new cars in the workshop having engines pulled because of cracked heads, assembly issues, etc. Cars have always been built to a price point but today that prices is so low it's not funny. You can't even maintain a modern car yourself these days, everything is a non-serviceable unit.
>If you crash at 100 miles an hour chances are you're going to die whether you're in a '58 Ford or a brand new Toyota
That's simply not true.
Your stupid opinions stem entirely from a stupid assumption that you have made, which is that fatality rates are the same across models of vehicles separated in time by 61 years.
One major difference is the epidemic levels of faggots sucking each other's cocks. This will be humanities downfall, they're too gay. People of this earth literally can not stop sucking cocks long enough to do anything productive.
Daddy's fun-in-the-bum boys degrading everything with their self absorbed faggotry.
they took this from you.
1954 Los Angeles: "Mayonnaise at its finest"
I’m sorry to hear that user.
white people actually in miami....
Do you have one that says, "our world didn't need enriching, kikes"?
Fantastic meme my white brother - best I've seen all day.
Even in the 80s, Miami wasn't too bad.
Do you idiots ever read any actual history books?
They were draft dodgers, weren’t they?
>1958: probably gonna die
>2019: it's okay, my magical crumple zones and air bags will save me!
I guarantee that if you end up like pic related you've got about a 98% chance of being dead.
No it isn't. I have old photo albums of my parents and grand parents, I should scan them in. People dressed ridiculously well, like every day of the week. To be honest, I would not want to dress in slacks and dress shirt ever day but at least the modesty aspect would be appreciated for women. Slutty wear didn't start until the bikini was invented in the 60's or 70s.
From a rose tinted lens
>crashes only happen at 100km/h
>there is literally no difference in mortality between cars from 1958 and 2019
I'm not going to reply to you any further. You're a retard and everyone can see it, even if you can't. I've made my point.
The girl holding the sign is the only thing that's good in that photo.
>Have some moo.
Waz that? Is that some sort of boomer meme?
Why....why does the old man have milk?
See this is why the country went to hell.
Looks boring as fuck. Not defending this era btw, I hate it too.
My word....
>le handpicked image
yes that's exactly what the 1950's looked like, handpicked images and what I saw in movies growing up lmao