A warning to all "pagans" and "atheists"

I am tired of hearing you guys argue over wether or not you should allow Christianity.
Christians are and remain the backbone of all right-wing and nationalist thought, and the bulk of their movement.

If you so much as dare to raise one finger against us, we'll cut your fingers off, and make you bury your own children alive before we kill you.

Nope. Our relationship is one-sided. You need us, we don't need you. One of us is worth ten of you, and we outnumber you fifty to one. So keep it nice and quiet, unless you'd rather be nice and dead. Maybe go out into the woods and die raising kids who aren't yours like Varg.

This is our movement. You're nothing to us and we will hang you little pagans and atheists with the pedos.
>muh race
Fuck off.
Your "race" isn't sacred, only God is.

Now you may complain and squirm, you may cry, but it changes nothing, pray to God that he will be merciful because we will not.

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Pagans are 0.5% of the population, and half of those are jews.
Christians are 70%. We out number them 280 to 1.

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No one cares, most of us are christian dude.

You may only pick one (1), kike-worshipper.

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>Christians are 70%
How many of your number are niggers lmao?


Those uppity pagans need to be taught a lesson.

You're so cute when you try to be scary

You ll burn in hell forever but before that we will send you there

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I am christian myself, cuck

Papars tongue my anus.