This century will decide who's the dominant race

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i would pound her shitter

Yes and the dominant political idea democracy will die for good

Doubtful. In the future there will genetically enhanced and mechanically implanted superhuman species which will completely destroy this current idea of race.

There is no dominant race. Communism is the dominant race.

It's a race to the end, for in the end there can only be one race.

And it's beautiful.

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The dominant race won't be determined, we will just complacently sit here while everything we once had is lost, population gets far out of control, and we use up all the remaining resources earth has to offer without ever reaching for the stars due to total loss of social cohesion, then we will all fade out like a slow burning candle. In blink of an eye, making no impact on anything larger than ourselves, we will have formed and reset to the very same dust from which we came.

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The reptilians have been the dominant race for centuries

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Jesus fucking Christ saved and now going to explode. Thanks ruble bro.


Just you watch as the asians dominate the entire fucking globe and colonise the Solar System while:

>Whites are drowning in an ocean of degenerate bullshit of their own making, wasting an entire century on doing exactly JACK SHIT
>niggers will still be niggers --- worthless
>latino people will keep sleeping 22 hours a day, continuing to be as worthless as the niggers

You sad bums can deny it all you want, it wont change the fact its gonna happen, and real soon, too.

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Nature could do these things (by introducing more trace metals into our bodies or whatever) but humans themselves would only create pathetic mutants like Frankenstein.

excellent post

Ah is Hapa Tiger on vacation??

lmfao what? by mutilating white people by saying they have to play by a set of rules no one else has to play by? The only reason there is world peace and invading countries is seen as "wrong" is to disadvantage white people at their merit.

Finno-Ugrics + Poles

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It will show we are all sinners before God.

Hapa Tiger?
I was drinking the last few days, i think i missed something lol.

That weird hapa guy who takes photos of himself where's he sucking his cheeks in to make his jaw bigger, and is the OP of every WF/AM & BM/WF thread on every board he can, and has his own subreddit devoted to hapa supremacy or some dumb shit.

I don't care who is the "most dominant" race or any of that "nazi" shit. I just want to be left alone and be free from ugly shitskins.
Go back home shitskins go back home

Even the literal Nazis didn't care as much about racial purity as is now commonly claimed, nor did they see themselves as the sole "master race" with divinely ordained dominion over the earth. Those narratives are projection by (((a certain group))) who do hold those views.

sure thats a doll

I'm grateful for Poland's ascent. It will be glorious, and fun. Hitler and the commies forgot the fun part.

That's how you survive in the jungle

Gross man shes wearing a pad.

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Are HAPAs the real redpill?

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white features are genetically recessive like blonde/red hair and blue eyes while non-white features are genetically dominant such as black hair and brown eyes. That's why various ethnic groups - Latinos, Asians, Blacks all have similar features such as black hair and brown eyes. Also considering that whites are outnumbered by perhaps a ratio of 5:1, the white race will slowly dwindle and recede into irrelevance. Mixed children such as hapas also usually identify more with their non-white side since their non-white features are usually the most visible.

Most hapas I find to be extremely fucking cute. I wish there were more in my area.

I really think so. Last stand for whites.

even with all the decent of abandonment and betrailment they have sufferd over recent history can Jow Forumsland be the hero that saves Europa from the kike funded mongol invasion for a 2nd time?

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last I checked it has always been China

have HAPA children white man

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Asians are dying out. They are wasting the prime of their civilization entertaining hordes of chink boomers, builidng useless unsustainable infrastructure that will rot away in our lifetime, and exporting cheap shit to the West with no tangible gain. Half of East Asia will be past 50 in less than two decades and that's including Vietnam. Half of the Asian kids at that point will be born to australoid souhtrons with average IQ in low 90s.

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China is putting Muslims in actual concentration camps and trump can’t even build a fence

The notion of race as we know it will slow erode this century. By 2100 very few people will even pay attention to "race" or care about it.

It will either be the cucked Whites in an epic final act comeback, the scheming Jews and their Shitskin dogs or the Chinese and their billion human drones

But breeding with Asians at least your children have straight hair, lightish skin and high IQ. Many times hapas are more attractive than pure european or asian. If your choice is between an ugly fat roastie or an average asian, the latter is probably better.

>tfw no tomboy halfu

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>(((a certain group))) who do hold those views.

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Sounds like Jew


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Asians are probably going to win, right?
Japan and Korea will be the next examples of democracy and China will still be China.

By what measure is that decided? Niggers will continue to breed and overpopulate, while whites and Asians will continue to get wealthier.

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every country above the red line will conquer, the rest will be replaced. Its thats simple.
>most of those countries are muslim or black
Notice that p-value, my niggers. Notice how right i am.

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