> be pol
> mad that white women bang more masculine black men
> complain about white genocide
> fetishize Asian women as your way to feel sexually powerful
be pol
Other urls found in this thread:
just admit your entire "movement" is just about sexuality and masculinity via proxy
Explain the Asian phenomenon. What’s the intrigue, they're not all that attractive and seem to swing to the left of spectrum, so why?
t. Asian male
you described like 3 basement dwelling faggots in this shithole. explain the rest.
Or you're a mentally ill faggot obsessed with primitive niggers.
blacks have more estrogen in their bodies
I was talking to a girl at the bar and she asked me to follow her, she walked into the restroom before grabbing my cock and I just turned around, quickly told the bartender my friend is getting the bill and booked it. Saw her coming out after me but fuck thots
Lol i don't even give a fuck anymore. Weed is better than women lmao. And for reproduction I can just get a used roastie or not do it at all. Or I'll just not procreate and wait for this shithole to blow up.