On Jewish Genius

Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

>However, the average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be within the range of 108 to 115 under some studies, which is significantly higher than that of any other ethnic group in the world

ncas.rutgers.edu/sites/fasn/files/How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf


Literally the same sources that state blacks have lower IQ than whites which you take as gospel truth (i.e. Lynn, Taylor) are the same ones that state jews have higher IQ than whites

Literally the only defense lower IQ groups have against these studies is the same ones that blacks use against white IQ such as "they cheatin!"

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How's your spacial awareness and intelligence scoring, memeflag kike? No wonder you can't visualise the obvious backlash you're going to receive again

>the intestal worm is superior to the organism it infests

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>tfw us Jews are destroying, humiliating, rallying the lesser races and subservient whites to eradicate whites forever.

You are subservient apes that are too comfortable with jobs, Hollywood movies, the internet, video games, and pornagraphy.

No amount of red pills, poochute videos, schizo info graphs, even blatant evidence like the recent Epstein alive pictures will ever get whites and the other cattle into action.

You have lost and any sort of action will instantly black list you from getting a normal life.

And there is nothing you can do about it.

Full support from every member of their huge millionaire families nigger

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white christian anglikans in the US i think have even higher average then kikes

it's simply because jews have no working class because we used their working class as fuel in some cold winters 80 years ago, as easy as that. clever jews would leave in time, or just bribed their way out of it. so stupid lumpenjuden got ashed

>China lies, cheats, and steals everything they can get away with.
>People say there's no way they have a high IQ. Have to be botching the numbers
>Kikes lie, cheat, and steal everything they can get away with
>We just accept these IQ tests without question

>Europeans with strong culture of education practicing eugenics is smarter than other Europeans

Well no shit.

We don't claim they are inferior, we claim they are destructive no matter the race it's directed to.

Who do the Jews name-drop as their best genius scientists? Einstein and Oppenheimer. Both were frauds and sexual deviants. Oppenheimer was a giant faggot and Einstein was very adulterous and incestuous.

>And there is nothing you can do about it.
>I-it will be different this time goyim

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>Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

only white jews are smart. Show me the dark jew Nobel prize winner from Ethiopia.
As for why, they select for it when arranging marriages and they value it as a community.

I knew all the commie flags were actually kikes.

You're going to get gassed Chaim. You, and all your filthy ilk. We will do it legally too.

hey i blame the greed and complacency of the christian plutocracy

>And there is nothing you can do about it.

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>Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?
same reason retards post loaded questions with false assumptions in an oh-so-sly attempt to manipulate opinion while being oblivious to the fact that people responsive to such do not congregate here?

>And there is nothing you can do about it.
I wonder where this is going....

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just noticing a kike is jewish out loud seems to be a revenge more sweet than 6 million fresh bagels the way they oy to the vey

It's not that Jews are superior, but rather that they lie, cheat and steal as easily as breathing. The white man's forthrightness and sense of fair play is beneficial only within a homogeneous society, because it makes him vulnerable to opportunistic outsiders. This is why we must get all the niggers and the kikes out.

Jews are neither inferior, nor rule everything.
Sane people rightfully hate destructive jewish influences (like holywood).
Nazis are under 80IQ apes.

I don't care about rhetoric and pseudoscience. All that matters are the results, and so far the Jews are winning. If they weren't smarter no amount of luck could explain away their winning streak. If you wanna prove to me the superiority of the Aryan race, start up the ovens, this time for real. Until then, don't bother.

If you can't get rid of the parasite, then yes, the parasite is smarter than you.

There are more high iq white that jews alive.

A central component of fascist ideology is that the enemy must be simultaneously all-powerful and pathetically weak.

The powerfulness of the enemy is there for two reasons:
1. Explain why the world is the way it is (in lieu of a proper systemic critique)
2. Make the struggle against the enemy heroic. Another component of fascist ideology is a cult of heroism.

The weakness is similarly there to serve two purposes:
1. To stock hatred and create moral justification. Contempt for the weak is another important component of fascist ideology, and strength is always morally self-justifying.
2. To make the struggle feasible, and not a hopeless pursuit.


>I'll use the confederate flag
>that'll full the goyim
C'mon we can trust this kike guys. When have jews ever been dishonest rats?
>We're just smarter goy
>It's not racial nepotism why we succeed
>See thes IQ tests my people are in control of that say we're better than you
>Ignore our racial obsession with being the master race goy
Just fucking die already you awful heeb

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You’ve been spamming this for days

Also , show your (((flag))) faggot

>listen to me explain fascism to you goy
>ignore that I'm a hostile outsider who wants your race dead

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And what will you dumb cattle do about?

Kill Jewish People?

Kill minorities?

All of this will just generate sympathy towards these groups of people. The liberal left will be seen as the righteous ones all along and some Neoconservatives and conservatives will redeem themselves by removing the white nationalist thorn from their movements.

It's going to be hilarious to watch you troglodytes cry and seeth that your movement has been crushed swiftly and steadily, setting it back for another 50 years.

Of course violence is bad, but at the end of the day sympathy only gets you so far.

There's only so many crocodile tears you can cry before people wise up to it.

No, that's nazism you're describing, they're not the same thing. Stop using "fascism" for everything you don't like.

It's from Umberto Eco's essay. It doesn't describe any specific movement, just a general template of "Ur-Fascism". Basically just a list of attributes common to all movements that have been called fascist at one point or another.

The same eugenics program that created big blacks in the USA (via slave market selection, surviving the trip selection, plantation life selection, just the vanity selection of buying big nigs rather than small ones) has also created intelligent jews (via usury selection, handcrafts selection, etc making it impossible for the jews to be just plain peasants and forcing them to fill in IQ heavy niches).
I recognize the cognitive superiority of the jewish tribes that come from such environments where their higher average IQ was selected for and promoted over time by oppressive christian states. They are a minority in Israel, but they make the state work, and I wish we had as good leaders as they have.

However, just like black intellectual inferiority is only an observation, and doesn't make policy claims, so does ashkenazi intellectual superiority only observe the fact, and doesn't suggest policy. What are you going for here? The fact of IQ studies doesn't compel any action, yet your post poses as if it does. What are you suggesting?

>A central component of fascist ideology is that the enemy must be simultaneously all-powerful and pathetically weak.

>The powerfulness of the enemy is there for two reasons:
>1. Explain why the world is the way it is (in lieu of a proper systemic critique)
>muh white privilege, muh (goyim) capitalism, muh patriarchy and other culturally marxist/classical marxist theories (never applied to the g-ds chosen of course :^) )
>2. Make the struggle against the enemy heroic. Another component of fascist ideology is a cult of heroism.
>"Fair" world without whites (with g-ds chosen on the top of the pyramid, with no one to challenge them, of course :^) ) Vengance for the 6 gorillion soap bars!

>The weakness is similarly there to serve two purposes:
>1. To stock hatred and create moral justification. Contempt for the weak is another important component of fascist ideology, and strength is always morally self-justifying.
>2. To make the struggle feasible, and not a hopeless pursuit.
>muh white fragility, muh "social construct of whiteness" so whites don't even exist,always shit on whites on media, goyim as cattle and slaves


Panicking are we? I love it


>All of this will just generate sympathy towards these groups of people.
It's cute how you think there is abundance of sympathy left for ((( you)))

It's inaccurate. Bernie Sanders it's being called a communist in the US, that doesn't mean he's one. Lots of movments have been called fascist, that doesn't make them fascist.
Fascism was the system in Italy, and what Mosley wanted for the UK. Hint: own race is not postulated as superior. Fascist believe that their system will transform the nation into a superior one over time. Not every dictatorship is fascism.
Germany and Croatia were nazis.
Spain and Portugal were traditionalist dictatorships, that rejected revolutionary shit like fascism and actually got rid of them.
Unlike nazism, fascism can work, yes it's shit to live under, but it's functional.

Because IQ is not really a measure of intelligence but more a measure of how Jewish your mind is. Similar to the HDI being a measure of how Scandinavian your country is.

Nazis never called them inferior intellectually, when Goebbels made one of his speeches he jokes about Jews being their intellectual superiors and they are only doing what they learned from them, obviously satirical. Jews were morally depraved though so that's what they were resented for.

>jewish genius
it's called bitter hatred for whites, sweetie

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Good job Chaim

you know it's just propaganda, there are more 140 iq whites in the world than jews alltogether, i'm one of them

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fuck off you lying jew

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Why are Jews observably smarter than whites?

jewish propaganda is relentless so it's easy to believe it.

Good question
>Why are meme flag only on Jow Forums btw ?

Oh you means this one ?

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Parasites aren't smart they just piggy back on the success of other people and rig governments in a way that they can do what ever they want.

>surprised Jow Forums is filled with childish anti-kike shilling
You get used to it, mate. No point in trying to stem the tide.

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Hate kikes lies as much as muzz lies.
Perfect balance & harmony