Hitler was a Zionist and paved the way for the reestablishment of Israel.
All natsocs on pol are jews just using white nationalism to get you back on the plantation. The plantation (((they))) own. They know there will never be a holocaust given they own the media and have enough people watching and believing their shit.

Now Any mention of anything remotely redpilled is associated with Nazism. If you ask for redpills, you just get a fuckton of “ hitler did nothing wrong", like thats the only topic associated with redpills.

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fuck any and all authoritarians, monarchies, and religious extremists.

Think about it:
We are socialisation nations right now. We have socialised healthcare, housing, jobs, welfare EVERYTHING.
The public payroll includes the prime minister / president, judges, courts, streetsweepers, doctors, teachers etc etc.
All these people are on the public payroll. ALL people have socialist jobs. ALL these people work for the nation.

They Are literally national socialists.


Can you tell Jow Forums which National Socialist policies you disagree with? :)

As I said the other day:
My opinion on any given policy is irrelevant.

I'm Saying those policies provide the atmosphere for the globohomo agenda and any one who disagrees becomes an antisemite

>I can't name a SINGLE natsoc policy that I disagree with
>But it's bad.. just believe me
Seems legit, Moshe.

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I disagree with any authoritarianism.
There has to be some kind of agreement to be governed.

But This has nothing to do with my point in op.

Fuck off (crypto)kike

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>the eternal ANGLO reveals (((it)))'s true form

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