>EU is not 63 years old.
>EU did not come into existence after the 1956 Treaty of Rome.
>The EU flag was not seen in Europe until AFTER the year 1999.
>EU is a self promoting propagandizing myth, which began after the Maastricht Treaty was amended to include referenda over the EuroZone issue.
>The EuroZone Issue was voted on by each nation state of eu, with UK refusing the Euro.
>UK refusing the Euro spells doom for EU.
>Eventually, the DM will have to be reissued.
>The original committee to create eu included Helmet Kohl, Francois Mitterrand, American IMF bankers, and other Free World US/Euro bankers and leaders. It did not include a single person from the Eastern Bloc.
>In 1989, when the idea for the EU was first considered, the Eastern Bloc prohibited it's citizens from contact with the West. This was relaxed in Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia.
>When eu was being designed, (1989) Angele Merkel was an East German national, and prohibited from contact with the West.
>The EU came into existence upon the Resolution of the Euro v Pound issue, and following the two year waiting time mandated by the Treaty of Maastricht. (1999, two year wait ended January 12, 2001)
EU Check Thread
>Maastricht's Bilderberger Hotel was the birthplace of eu.
>Because eu did NOT exist during the 1999 NATO intervention on behalf of the UN Sec Council, the Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe, OSCE, handled the legality of the NATO role in intervening, since the UN Sec Council did not specify under what conditions strategic military operations would be allowed.
>Since that time, the OSCE has been replaced by the eu Common Defense and Security Policy, (CDSP), which is a million man defensive army serving the member states of eu with combined defense.
>One must differentiate the self promoting lies eu tells of itself from the facts: to those born after 1999, eu seems monolithic. However, it was planned by offspring of the same scum that designed the Soviet Union, and the facts injure the image of eu as a "great idea". When the facts are exposed, Gorbachev's quote about eu is correct. "Eu is the Soviet Union of the West."
>One might call the "official" biography of eu like unto a creation myth. Kim Jong Il, former N Korean dictator, is the only modern leader with a better creation myth than EU's.
>EU is doomed to failure due to the lies regarding its creation still being promoted, meanwhile, the truth those lies are trying to hide keeps coming back, stronger and stronger.
>EU is credited with ending the IRA/UK conflict, but the truth is that EU's architects spoke with UK leaders and suggested that UK's negotiation position was stronger should the two nations resolve their differences. To this hour the liars that made eu use the Irish Border issue in a presentation of the Fallacy of the Slippery Slope.
>The Fallacy of the Slippery Slope states that we shouldn't change, because horrific consequences would ensue.
I didn't understand the EU in 1999 when I was 12.
It seems like an even worse idea now, was really wondering what the hell Europe was thinking I guess. The answer is that they are not thinking?
The European Union has grown into a fanatic religion in the western failed states, especially in Germany and France.
And i am not shitting you guys.
If you want to redpill the fuck out of yourself, go and buy a plane ticket to either germany or france.
Go take a sheet of paper, and ask a thousand germans/french what they think about the EU.
Here are the answers you will receive from 999 out of a 1000 germans/french:
>we would all be dead if not for the EU
>we have water, breathable air and the sun shines because of the EU
>every single thing i ever seen in my life is because the EU God has given it to me
Funniest thing, even here on /pol at least HALF of french/german posters will defend the EU.
On /pol.
The final place on the internet thats supposed to hate jewish money laundering schemes like the EU, its praising it here.
Hahaha you've made me laugh so much
Paris =/= whole France you dumb polski
Frankfurt =/= whole Germany but Merkel cucked the government
Many people in France are AGAINST the Europe. They even FORBIDDEN to poll the people about a Frenchxit
>Following your statement :
>USA is fucked because SJW are in charge of everything and control the media
So go squat somewhere else and choke on Putin's chode
Read this, eat shit and 1V1 a train you morron
Based EU africanizing Europe and reducing it to a hapless cattlecaste of rootless African goycattle.
Based ruling class Jews who have annihilated europeans with ease. Look up "fundamental rights of people of African descent " and then look up SSA population pyramids.
It's over.
Hahaha you've made me laugh so much
All french + german cities are INFESTED with niggers and muslims, user.
>bb...bu.....but if you find this small, tiny village on the ass end of nowhere, there's no niggers!!
So, so sad.
>USA is fucked because SJW are in charge of everything and control the media
Well, yeah.
>choke on Putin's chode
wouldnt this be you poor losers?
Dont forget to vote again for more communism, and them burn your country down AGAIN because you got more communism.
Without arguing: the most prominent supporters of eu are people born after 1995, who believe the lies eu has sponsored about itself: 1) it is 63 years old 2) has always been how farms receive subsidies 3) defends Europe constantly...
Nope. It is the Kalergi Plan, plus Jewish Bankers. Though some support among boomers and Gen X persists, most people distrust an organization that has to lie this much about what seems like unimportant shit...till you realize that EU did to Greece what individual bankers would like to do to the whole of the European economy.
Why are you crying, boo-boo?