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I suppose you could get on your knees, Juan.


We'll all follow you soon. There won't be an economy anymore very soon.

gib Argentine wife and we'll talk

Attached: hottie.png (600x799, 988K)

Does this mean its cheaper to buy things there in comparison to Paraguay?

So how much is a teen prostitute in US dollars?

Oh no no no. Karma is a bitch

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Maybe, but not a the same level. You Eurocucks will just have a recetion, we will have a massive one, defalt and hyper. I think that is worse
Here is the ex of fren
From 500 to 2000 pesos, I don't know how much is that in dollars

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LMAO we are such a failure that is funny at this point

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>Maybe, but not a the same level. You Eurocucks will just have a recetion, we will have a massive one, defalt and hyper. I think that is worse
You don't understand. Global financial collapse not just a recession. Millions will die in the coming years and billions will die after a couple more.

Happend in 2008, and didn' had those consecuences. Trust me, it will suck, but you can baunce back.

Remeber, boom and bust circuls

it's ogre my friends. I remember anons here were happy about Macri winning and calling me a nigger for being doubtful and not buying his shit.

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>Happend in 2008
2008 is gonna be joke compared to what is coming. There won't be no bounce back. For anyone. Fiat will eventually be completely abolished because it is a literal scam. It's "money" that doesn't exist.

How much for argie gf? Also remember change your currency to something else.

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Keep voting.

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If you're serious, now is the time to come here and take advantage of the crisis. Argie girls love white guys and if you have even a little amount of foreign currency you could live like a king during your stay here.

That is why we check the dollar you fool, our money is worth shit.

South america must unite and go to war with jewSA and put this kike bankster mafia out of action.

Kill the bull,Paco.

Is it worth a holiday? I was mostly joking.
Y-you guy are white right?

Can i buy some land and be a malbec winegrower? How much in dollars euros? Pls help

With what army? BRASIL?! Don't make me laugh

>primo pussy for less than 50 bucks

Attached: 1555387827520.jpg (509x339, 18K)

Gonna come and have some cheap sex n coke :)
How many pesos for a blowjob and an 8ball? Asking for a friend


How much peso is a prostitute

He said 500 - 20000


If you like fucking hot latinas then yes. There are white people of course, mostly of south european descent.

Blowjob would be pointless. You can fuck a really hot hooker for 1 hr. for 40-50 us dollars. Coke would be about 20 us dollars for a gram of the good stuff, but you could get less quality for cheaper.
I can recommend some escort pages if you want, you can see pics and even read customer "reviews".

12.51 Australian Dollar

No need man. I'm too big a sperg.

Seriously, I'd get jacked off every day for that

I'm not flying to argentina to pay for sex, but post the link. The whores here in germany are mostly east european/ turkish botttom feeders and I'd like to have a comparison.

Is this a good time to get an Argentinian qt gf, or will I just be killed by the Argentinian qt gf and she'll just take my money?

Omg. That's $8.40-$33.61 in real money

prohibition is a bitch user

Attached: muster_banner_2_preise.jpg (750x409, 310K)

>Keep voting.
Well, that's the good tried and true European method after all.

Can you imagine a "contract" to get jerked off weekly on friday for 10 bucks? Nice.

>in real money
Burger, I..

At these bargain prices, I'm going for full intercourse maybe even anal.

>Argentina is not whi-

Does the world use the petro dollar or the petrol krone?


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Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?

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Seriously though, pardon my retardation, my google search says 1 usd = 59 ars

Am I missing something

Yes , the cron job has not run yet

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This one is for cheaper ones but still you can find good ones.

I don't think so, the prices rises too


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it's the time that past between a script execution so google will update the price after x minutes or hours but since the price is relative to for example the banking time in argentina it won't be updated until 10.05 am or something like that in 2 hours.

It updates later

it's a good time bong.

Yeah but where are you getting real time info

The data is from banks homebankings which is updated.

>Voted for Espert

So pesos has the same value as ruble now. Good job argebro.
Was it part of your plan?

Thanks, send hookers

Yep , all going according to plan.

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>maybe if we vote for communism again, THIS TIME they won’t fuck us
You deserve this,

Indeed Cavallo saved us in 1989 and Israel and Bolivia managed to pull a Macri constant but slow fixing of government spending without failing.

Both are reasonable solutions but as Macri shows this country of short term thinking chimps require fast solutions or else they will attack you because you gave them tools for today to develop themselves instead of simply giving gibs today and hunger tomorrow.

Fucking retards why dont you ever understand that argentine women are the worst turbo feminist cunts in the whole Americas?

You must be retarded or Argentinian to willingly deal with those thots.

Want an argenigger girlfriend? Enjoy being told about women power every day and being forced to use gender neutral language

Sorry, the printing of jew confetti will continue until everyone is moved over to bitcoin. Only the financially retarded will be dumb enough to stay in unbacked paper garbage like cash, tbills or bonds. Get the feeling its almost time to over throw governments.

Which ones?


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LMAO she can talk about feminism all she wants after she swallows my cum and I shit on her chest for the price of a loaf of bread

"Everytime i stick my hand on the communist stove it hurts...this time it won't"


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Damn even the cheaper ones look good.

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Kek, will be at 76 next week, 200 at end of the year and 40.000 by middle of 2020, you have seen nothing my child, and that is just hyperinflation, deflation will make people just lost EVERYTHING, all life saving, all corporations ever, all business. Just *poof* gone. I calculate a hunger genocide of at least 20 millons of argentine deaths. You will probably be death next year

>argentine dude comes to work with my team for 6 months
>getting paid in monopoly money argentine pesos
I predict he's going to be starving early next year

Hyperfinflation won't help anybody.

Kek, did your company scam him or he was an idiot that accepted being paid in pesos?

He accepted being paid in pesos for the experience. He has an italian passport at the very least

Hey look, it's not just you guys.
If it's any consolation, thanks to the jews and their sea of niggers, the whole world's gonna be fucked soon.

You are not so correct, hyperinflation helps by liquefy all debts, that's a positive trait of hyperinflation

>40.000 by middle of 2020
Not if Milei gets to the central bank first

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What a fucking idiot, i dont think argentines could adapt to nowdays Europe tho, they want to be threat like kings and queens just because their grandparents were European and nothing more, they will be offended if they make less than 10.000 euros in one month

>Happend in 2008

2008 was the beginning buddy.

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>Italian passport


>FIAT currency
America is engaged in Zimbabwean economics but gets away with it because the alternative of losing faith in the dollar means the whole world economy comes crashing down.
So maybe the repression of oil prices was not only to isolate Russia economically but was also to stave off hyperinflation of the dollar.

Attached: US-Budget-Debt-1901-to-2021-e1459203158201-1200x629.jpg (1200x629, 112K)

Apparently 20,000 euro/year is considered a great salary in italy.

Prepare to be flooded by argentine style feminism as their country crashes more and more. If you thought american or swedish feminism was insane, you're in for a treat. This will be your equivalent of californians flooding red states after their state has gone to absolute shit

>America is engaged in Zimbabwean economics but gets away with it because the alternative of losing faith in the dollar means the whole world economy comes crashing down.

Yeah, but the longer this keeps going the worse the crash will be and we're already long overdue.

We're on our way but you haven't seen anything yet. The dollar is still backed by a large economy and military force for now.

And? Hyperinflation awaits you.

Since you now call it The Falklands, you've already given it up, even in your own mind.

You ain't seen shit bud

buy buttcoin


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Jew watering holes (aka banks) open at 10:00 am here, and currency starts moving in the markets after that point. So the dollar could be frozen at, say, 60 pesos during the weekend, with an estimate yet unofficial value floating around, and on Monday the official value is updated.

Now we become superpooper by 2020

That's really really cute.

BTC is being traded at 13k usd atm here, massive demand of people buying to escape the banking system.

You taco niggers should be used to this shit by now.
Seems like every third year you country's currency and economy collapses.
What I want to know is who are the total fucking retards that keep loaning money to you worthless taco niggers?

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>BTC is being traded at 13k usd atm here
here where? Bitcoin ATMs? LocalBitcoins et al? If you go on any of the top 10 exchanges you'll get it below 10k USD currently. Where are you currently buying it?

Localbitcoins and top 10 exchanges here are trading at those prices atm , you can't go to international exchanges due to capital controls the btc circulating supply locally is brough by freelancers mostly bringing their income and the demand is to do payments to bypass capital controls.

So international prices are irrelevant local price of bitcoin has always been higher than the international one probably by 3% or 5% , now we are paying 35% more

Here in compra

You can see the local price at top local exchanges

the usd is at 60 now , cheapest exchange is trading at 11.3k

Localbitcoins price is 10.5k the cheapest one atm , was 13k a few hours ago.

Shit's insane , btc demand is massive here it's insane that so much money moves to btc once the peso get's rekt.

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Well done, perhaps I will go there for a cheap high quality fun

BTC atms are selling at 12k fug , the demand must be fucking massive atm and only reason the usd is going lower is because the central bank is selling usd to calm the market.

But they can't do that with btc which is why it keeps rising.