
Why should I be concerned about so-called "white genocide" when the decline of white populations occurs in a context of white-antinatalism tied extremely closely to high GDP capita, literacy and decent life expectancy? Why should I, as a post-white individual care if whites consume and abort themselves to extinction as a rational economic decision to keep their high GDP per capita?

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Whites were just the first group to experience this phenomenon. If you look at birthrates in the Muslim world, they're about 50% lower than they were decades ago. Your average Muslim woman is only having about 3 kids, but she was having 6-7 in the 1950s. This is a global change.

Global infertility caused by 9-5 jobs. Humanity is fucked. In the future it will be 50% elderly.

>post-white individual
Literally nobody cares if you're "concerned" or you "care"

i was shocked to discover that iran's fertility rate is about on par with your average european country at 1.66

>Why should I be concerned about so-called "white genocide"
Because it's never fun to be a minority.
Like really, I can rest my case right here.
Even in the most developed society in history of planet Earth, minorities are worse off than majorities.
So if you don't buy the idea that your ethnic group is your extended kin, and if you don't care that other ethnicities are more tribal (thus less likely to favour you), the fact you would become a minority will disadvantage you.

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Why don't white people just have sex

They have plenty, they're just too sheltered to understand the value of children.

There is no such thing as "white genocide". It's just a fantasy created by racists to justify their hatred

Dumb breeders