If you're over 25 and still haven't found uterus to insert seed in to preserve white race you need to start working on...

If you're over 25 and still haven't found uterus to insert seed in to preserve white race you need to start working on that very fast since posting here isn't enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm working on it :O

>this girl with pitxh black hair and brown eyes and brown skin is considered white to this shitholer OP


I didn't notice that. I feel violated by OP now.

I want to squeeze your perky tits and try to twist your nipples almost completely off as my thrusting intensifies. I want to hear you gargle as I blow my load down your throat, filling both your trachea & esophagus with my semen. I want to hold it deep in there before suddenly pulling out with a popping noise as you finally get to gasp for air, delerious from the asphixiation and multiple orgasms I've ripped out of you with my clever toes and the thoughts of how I'm abusing you as my sex you. I want to watch my cum dribble out of your mouth & nostrils as tears run down your face. I want to slap you hard across the face, and then lie on my chest as I tenderly nibble on your soaking wet pussy lips. I want to make you come on more time with my mouth, and then I want to fuck your mouth again with my cock hard like a merciless thrusting machine until you pass out from lack of oxygen just as I ejaculate down your throat again. I want to walk away while you're like that -- unconscious but breathing, utterly abused & restrained -- and write "FREE BLOWJOBS" across your chest and "FUCKHOLE" across your forehead with an arrow pointing to your mouth. I want to then tell everyone on that beach about you, and watch as you're used like that by everyone. Then I want to do it all over again to you. But, mostly, I want LINK $1000 end of year.

Agreed. We need to lower that to 20 though.

show boby and vigane

based kike

Based jew.

Roger boss

I don't want to make more manlets. I will pass.

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>shitholer OP
HAHAHA yeah that bitch looks like some Persian troll out here in Los Angeles


Found the love of my life a decade ago. No kids because gf's infertile, clownworld, and too expensive.

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Checks out

Reminds me of Bashar.

You would have to be out of your fucking mind to want to get married in this day and age.

oh it's you again
based doll man
I too am a doll patrician

>wow someone not giving me shit

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nice setup dude really

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>you need to start working on that very fast
Yes I will totally get on that.

But did you start making them?

All the guys that got married in their 20's are wasting away at work so their "true love" can buy a brand new car.
Always talking about "stacking bread" while they die inside working 6 days straight of overtime over and over again for years.
>what did you do this weekend
>lol nothing because you spent all your free time "hustling"
Yeah but we all sit around dumbfounded with my married buddies while we listen to their wives henpeck them.

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Arab girls are actually very easy to bleach.

>durgesh is at it again

Ayy lmao
Based kike indeed

I thought that when I was 20 but I don't care anymore because I prefer shitposting and internet to spending money on roasties

Sorry but my girlfriend has a dick.

Some white guys will have to go to the phillipines bto breed if they can't get a white woman.

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If your over 25 and still making this shill threads really consider the following:

Self Harm.


are latinas able to preserve white seed?

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idk but she’s a paki not Latino.

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>Birmingham shirt
Isn't Birmingham like Pakie central now?

T.albino nord larping as a Jew

>Favors the Blues over Villa
My kind of girl.

Angie’s boom chika pop. A man of culture

>shitty father with no life experience

30-35 is the best age to become a father. men age like fine wine

Not completely

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Had to wait for Zoomers to grow up a little. Miss me with that millennial shit...

What is it with Brits and the too short shirt sleeves?
It looks gay.

nigger I'll be lucky to graduate from college at 24 and maybe become an officer/pilot
The uterus doesn't want a man in the making, it wants an "established" man which is far from what most men are these days
Also who's the chick? she's cute

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Nigga in OP picture got a bowlcut looking like Dylan roof

He's doing us a favor by banging the paki and making the other muslims seethe

You should at least donate sperm,maybe you can bring your dolly to the bank to help

based jew

Fine where do I find a gf
>0 replies incoming

I was about 25 when I did it. I recommend waiting until you're like 30 and going for a 20 year old. Just my 2 cents.

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I'm fat and ugly and women are more shallow than ever. I dropped 100lbs and started lifting but I can't fix my ugly face.

I put the work in and women still wretch at the thought of being with me. Not my fault really.

I dont even know
there's hardly any white girls here and the best places to find them are in the rich bubbles
good luck trying to court them when your competition consists of rich yankees

Usually in the gutter around 3 am.

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>good luck trying to court them when your competition consists of rich yankees
Oh fuck off you gaytard.
Yankees can't do shit.


Money wins over looks and personality

They both got the crazy eyes. Look in their eyes, they're hollow, vapid, lifeless, and even demonic.

That woman will never make a good mother anymore. They either f'd the last remnants of her soul away through filth and degradation, or she needs a straight exorcism to ever even be able to be anything relating to a proper mother.

A whore does not raise healthy children, mental health included. She'd raise them f'd up in the head, as these types of women are worse than children themselves. Their emotional maturity is usually stunted from ages 4 to 6. So imagine a 5 or 6 year old trying to raise your children.

The crazies are not worth even getting laid, as they come with so much baggage and drama. But, nobody takes that advice, not even me. And thus, we all have to live with the consequences.

Jews think they’re white

She's a middle easterner, they're crazy by default

Try iodine

An honest Jew I'll be damned

She’s South Asian, ME birds are tame by comparison

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39, and I have not even spoken to a female outside of family in over 20 years now. The whole seed is not going to happen soon bro. Couldn't even get a nurse for myself, because all went to germany.

She's alright looking but I hate South Asians because they are entitled fuckwads with childish tempers

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Man I wish dolls were legal to buy her and I had enough money for even a basic one. Being alone is very feels bad man.

ah and congratulations to finding the love of your life.

hide yo' mannequins

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Yes they are probably wouldn’t marry unless extremely westernised with no attachment to the old culture. Lots of ME assimilate within 1 generation whereas we have 4th gen paki and Indians here who still live in ghettos and smell like curry.

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Can anyone explain why pajeets are this way?

so exactly like white women?

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>ME assimilate in 1 generation
Highly dependent on the village their from and immediate family. Example Lebanese people are “white” on arrival. Palestinians are very resilient due to their anti-Jewishness. Moroccans dream of being bleached. It varies.

+mental health issues rampant, I know someone who counsels for their communities so the instability makes sense.

skewed man to woman ratio at over 13 year of age magnified by the fact that you get a bilion plus nation where milions of men will never have a chance to have a woman.

You’re right. We don’t have many Middle Easterners here desu. I just know some Persians and two Turks and they assimilated fine and are not Muslim

the problem is prevalent the most in the men acutally.
fuckers like to act all tough but then cower like little girls when the confrontation happens.
The women are a mixed bag but the ones in the traditional outfits are the ones with the worst attitudes.

What if she’s a black uterus?

a combination of being outnumbered by men in their country and essentially being polite niggers

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Any tips?

hey man china bros have it rought just like that. 3% more men then women is abnormal in the 19-49 age group. And when you add the fact that 3% of out almost 2 bilions is HUGE number of people, you stop having a good reason to laugh at. Because you know places with large male populations and smaller female ones, tend to either go to war or start civil war. And both the china bros and the turbo chad PJs have nukes.

>No kids because gf's infertile
no, it's because ur gf is a male

War my ass
more like a good training exercise for the 509th

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You got it wrong. If the woman hasn't found a white man by 25, it's over. Age of the man doesn't matter

You literally can't in some areas. The people living in my area are reaching the age of 80

Well awesome for you US bro, but look at it from my perspective. We don't have nukes, and will never have them, because greens are too strong here. A china or India going to war is scary. Specially when we have no way to defend ourselfs.

You're in NATO
we do all the fighting for you anyway
pay the fuck up


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I think i know where is problem.

True. Same here. I am 39 right now, there are dudes going on 60 here that never had women. And not because they are ugly or poor. No they are rich dudes with a lot of lands. It is just that female population here consists of women over 60s and under 14. All other as soon as go high school leave here and never come back. And if you get a mail order bride, they stay for 2 years, divorce your ass, and you have to pay for them living in germany or uk, while working here in Poland.

I would like to point out that besides you, we are one of the few countries in nato that pay in full. We even wanted to buy your missle defence systems, but Obama decided to say no in the end, to not anger Russians. And being well versed in history, he did it on the 17th of september the day, Soviet Unit attacked us durning WWII. Which is on the tier of Japs arresting all US personal on the Isles on the day of Pearl Harbour attack.

they're the kind of crazy that can/may slice your throat in the middle of the night, when they got really upset, but they never show that they got upset, they just slice. Be careful man.

srsly. i used to have throat. now i have blowjob only. no throat to throat fark. just lip. lip succ/fucc is ok i guess. but throat is +1

I feel like Poland is the only European nation that thinks of itself outed the EU.
Persians and Turks also like to think they are white. Persians are notorious for becoming the biggest degenerates here. Go to California and see how “westernized” they truly are.

Meh. I'm a race traitor, East Asians are our allies

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I met my wife on a friendcode exchange on /v/.

Now we're having our first child.

most south eu women are like that. seen darker prototypes in bulgaria and serbia. croat guy probably never seen anyone with lighter complexion in his vacinity

It's considered white in Croatia.

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tell me, where do I find a qt persian waifu

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Got one laying next to me right now shes on the rag and wont let me fuck her in the asshole.

She's going to eat him alive. You can see the uncertainty in his eyes.