Girls code.
You got a problem with that?
Girls code.
You got a problem with that?
Me ? No. The employers though should have a problem if that, if unproductive, stupid and generally financial loss inducing employees are common problems.
Next, fuck off jew.
What are they doing to that poor innocent backpack?
Doesn't affect me, but it does affect their employers
They're coding their way into the backpack to steal the iPad to start the development of an iOS application which will save the black community!
>That thing
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.
it will affect you when their code is deployed into the real world and craps out
pajeet bugs are bad enough
Wtf are they doing be dazzling a backpack or something. I guess the black behind them is a walking billboard.
Hopefully nothing that goes on release
If their employer doesn't do code reviews and testing, then the problem is the employer.
What? Were you expecting ass pats for having bobs and vagene?
Can we just let niggers and women run the world? for like a year? Hand over the reigns completely and do a 100% role reversal. Just to document what actually happens.
by that logic, there should never be any bugs ever...
They cannot be worse than poo coders and I rather have less poos in the us than girls.
>girl code
The fuck is that?
> encourage them to 'code' IT security tools
> make roasties buy those products
> see the shitstorm start once male-hackers easily obliterate those defenses and still cash
> yfw
Should say fat negresses code
as long as they only code about girli stuff, then no
girls write books too, but only girls want to read them
Girls Cod
Imagine the smell
That huge girl has mustache shade.
No one has fucking problem with girls "coding" but maybe people have problem with constant virtue signaling about it. No one fucking cares that you have a vagina.
Girls have "coded" since the begging of computing and nobody used to boast about it. Yeah, maybe there were about 10% of women in computing but at least they were genuinely interested in the stuff and equally knowledgeable to men (often even better).
Also I hate when computer science is reduced to "coding". It totally distorts the perception of what a computer is.
They value the fact they are women coding more than being coders that happen to be female.
In other words, they don't give a shit about their work, only about their feminist agenda.
Wow, 5 hands. That's gonna be a real high-tek backpak pouch. What are the specs?
I got a problem with those t-shirts covering them fat ass titties
The top-5 all-grllll devteams can never accomplish same level of competence as top-5 all laddie devteams.
>there should never be any bugs ever
Ideally yes. Still you recognize that resources are finite and that "good enough" is fine until it isn't.
I know girls who participate in ACM competitions and could probably spank vast majority of male programmers. Yeah, there's not many of them, but they exist.
And that's how Human life ended
Yeah but nobody wants those sweaty ham planets
> I guess the black behind them is a walking billboard.
Makes sense, thats a form of community service you have to do instead of getting jail time.
The girls who code and that sort of thing, the intended effect is actually very, very insidious.
Say you're into creating and un-thinking and un-feeling AI. You'll probably need unthinking and unfeeling people to pull that sort of thing off. E-KOMISSARS or JANNIES so to speak. So you present a series of challenges which require:
-manipulation of others using empathy over a set of exercises
-frustration at the actual coding tasks involved
Any idiot can code, the red-pill here is that it's a tradie-tier job. If the manager and company isn't specifically fucking with your head, you can think your way through any work task comfortably over a beer and a blowjob. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar interested creating e-komissars. These programs, of which 'Girls Code' is the BLACKED emanation, are specifically designed to find the kind of brutal jannies necessary to 'Project Manage' their way through the vague and intentionally retarded software development problems presented.
Because it's all recruitment for Google. Google needs effective komissars, they have coders out the ass, but their current class of komissar is an absolute embarrassment to communism.
I support anything that reduces the absurd wages programmers demand.
I don't use software coded by women.
Niggers can’t code though.
Apparently white people can't code either because you losers on Jow Forums are always complaining about Indians taking your jobs.
Whamen are strong and can do anything
wat??! Did the writer even do her homework before pushing that out her ass?!
>Anecdotal evidence from commie prostitutes.
>could probably
When I see girl teams (no trannies) out-perform male teams I believe it. Habeas corpus.
What are they stealing from that white girl?
Yeah but they can rape and pillage like nobodies business
I have absolutely no problem with the concept, only the results. Quite frankly the women who have worked on my projects as "coders" have been universally weak. I won't say shit because their code has mostly done the job, but it's either been delivered late or taken too many hours to get to a working product.
Never had the same problem with male coders.
Me - Project Manager in the UK since 2008.
>Margaret Elaine Heafield Hamilton (born August 17, 1936) is an American computer scientist, systems engineer and business owner. She was director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo space program. She later founded two software companies—Higher Order Software in 1976 and Hamilton Technologies in 1986, both in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
No, they have
You know how there are so many male programmers that are amazing that you don't even have to point to examples?
Like, people just know that's how it is.
You have to give specific examples for women though.
What does that mean?
You can code review a spaghetty code cut and pasted from stackoverflow, but it will stay a spaghetti code cut and pasted from stackoverflow.
I guess that's ok = it's not ok
No, go ahead = don't do that
I'm looking for a nice guy = Im through fucking Chad's
> koding komissars
Underrated post.
What important task have they completed?
>Habeas corpus
And what do you think it means?
Yeah, I do. Women should stay at home raising children. There should be no such thing as daycare. Also, employers should be able to discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, or anything else they want.
>one (1) single *white* womyn
yikes, she doesn't count!
black women are way better, so what if your pic related actually surpassed her hormones and actually got work sone as one of some few exceptions? If it weren't for the whites Africa would already be Wakanda and you know it
The street shitters can take all of the jobs they want writing unrolled loops with shit Microsoft tech. I don’t want those jobs. Have you even worked with code written by Indians?
Nothing wrong with the ethics or quality of gaming journalism you incel gamergate cuck.
> If their employer doesn't do code reviews and testing, then the problem is the employer.
Funny how code reviews only became a thing once women and pajeets became "coders" en masse. Gone are the bad old days, when solitary white men wrote, tested and debugged their code all on their own. We're enlightened now! We have (need) code reviews and CI now!
That is man,baby
>Girls code.
>You got a problem with that?
I have no problems with people engaging in activities they are competent at.
I have problems with people being kept in positions they are incompetent at.
If those girls can code adequately, then fine. If they can't, then they shouldn't code.
I believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
They skipped toilet training and went right to coding
>"Nothing wrong with the ethics or quality of gaming journalism"
>Dem flag
However, if she wants to earn as much as me, she has to code as well as me.
Don't forget about me. #GirlsCode
>If their employer doesn't do code reviews and testing, then the problem is the employer.
The problem is that in the current social context, code reviews have become a nightmare, because instead of being a man-to-man (even man-to-pajeet) look at the use of coding structures, debugging and in-line documentation it's become a weapon of the patriarchy to criticise and shame women.
If given women as part of the team I try and nudge them into non-code related activities like deployment management or testing.
>unrolled loops
Do you value speed that much?
fucking based
>Indians taking your jobs
Because they can work for a fraction of what we need to be paid in the west because $100 a week can still afford a decent lifestyle in Mumbai or Pune.
In the West, you would be homeless and starving on what the Indians are paid.
I mean they will copy paste then modify the same line of code any number of times while never once considering making a damn loop or variables. It’s not an optimization, I’m just calling them lazy fucks.
I don't know the context of the looting... National emergency or BLM riots; but if it's about a national emergency: blackout, hurricane, etc, then I would support what this guy looted.
>toilet paper
Not rescuing TV's and sneakers.
>black women are way better, so what if your pic related actually surpassed her hormones and actually got work sone as one of some few exceptions? If it weren't for the whites Africa would already be Wakanda and you know it
>Funny how code reviews only became a thing once women and pajeets became "coders" en masse.
Nope. We used to do code reviews as part of the Dev-to-test handover and we were an exclusively male dev team. This was back in the 1990's.
An Intel i-vagina series processor with 8 neurons of memory and a BBC compatible drive.
Reminder that high quality games like Assassin's Creed and Rainbow Six Siege are developed by women coders.
>high quality games
>Assassin's Creed
>Rainbow Six Siege
All of my nope (also explains a lot)
>lesson 1
>if {das === 'right'}
>then {console.log("YASSKWEEN")}
>else {console.log("sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit")};
>You got a problem with that?
Put them in all girl teams though. It'll prevent sexual harassment and improve productivity.
Lost it
Wonder if she ever has Tay over for some threesome action with her douchebag husband.
lets play a game...find the tranny...
[spoiler]They're ALL trannies.[/spoiler]
this, >90% are trannies in that pic
On Tuesdays we kode.
>measuring effort and contribution purely on lines of kode
Lmao I seriously hope you don't do this. My man was just mass-updating domain models, which increases his LoC contributions on github. Not a great indicator of work done. What are you, a project manager?
I work at a tech company (not part of development).
The women we have are generally incompetent, but we have to have them because muh representation. As a result pretty much our entire QA and product / project manager groups are filled with useless boobs for their "interpersonal skills." In fact, our new QA manager made some comment about "wanting to be in technology because if the lack of diversity;" well guess what, your entire team wants to leave because you are a disrespectful, self centered ass to everyone.
We have an army of womyns who as far as I can tell do absolutely nothing all day but hold meetings on things like diversity and what coffee flavors to get.
There are two or three who get stuff done. Our dba is terrifying. But apart from them if we could replace them 3 to 1 with non-ass-scratchers, we would be a lot better off.
>while (dindu == true) do
Open your eyes Hideo.
>who run the world? Girls
Dang it's this. I'm getting triggered, my dudes.
This is why you fail pajeet.
No, but I have an issue with HOW "girls code" WHAT "girls code" WHERE "girls code" and WHY "girls code"
Please take a vacation in Detroit, St. Louis, and Baltimore. We’ve already done that experiment.
all of those have a nigger in charge yelling about the white oppression STILL above him keeping his peoplez down
it won't stop until they have their own ethnostate within NA.
LOW IQ Minority Hires + Bad Code = Diversity Tax on employers
>added the ability to change the fontsize of the colorbar
I'm not measuring anything. The world did when this bitch attempted to be the face of the project.
> code reviews as part of the Dev-to-test handover
> 2 reviewers plus 4 buggy CI tests for every single change
So it already took you ~30 days to run a 5 liner through the whole review gauntlet in the 90s? user, you had a truly shitty career then. For other places that sort of thing only began to creep in around 2005 to 2010. At least you're close to retirement while there's still a little bit of pension fund left. Small consolation, I know...