What Is 23andMe Motive?

They put in 0.1 to 0.3% non-white in many of our DNA results. Is this pure innocent statistical noise or is there a political agenda behind it?

GedMatch results state 0% Sub-Saharan African, yet 23andme tells me I'm 0.1%. Pic related.

>inb4 "You Nigger"

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GedMatch result pic related

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>is there a political agenda behind it?
Craig Cobb
gaslighting and astroturfing

oy vey stop being so raciss goy

Yours says you're British. Thats bad enough.

also obligatory

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Depends who you believe. It's widely quoted that they add "< 0.1% nigger" or jew when it's actually 0% to "screw with racists", however if you track back the source of that quote you find it's an anonymous interview with (((Cracked.com))), who don't even tell you what specific company this allegedly real person supposedly works for: archive.is/NrMkX

It could well be that it's just statistical noise, inherent in the fact that this shit is complicated and has error bars, pic related. It's particularly difficult for pasta bros who are likely to be told they have Ashkenazi taint if they have any southern ancestry at all, it's difficult to separate real southern Italians from the jew population that lived there for centuries at a time when they also actively sought converts and intermarried.

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The guy admitted once that they put 0.1% African in there, specifically to troll white nationalists.

they're disingenuous in the way theyre determining ethnicity.

they're comparing your dna with the genomes of populations from different geographical regions. if you cant see why this methodology is flawed: i'll break it down for you.

they're trying to imply that because you have some similarity to the sub-saharan africa, one of your ancestors was sub-saharan... this isnt true. perhaps some colonizer interbreeded with that population and left a genetic gift in their population.

its not that you're related to them in any way. its a stupid way to determine ethnicity :2

All your founding fathers were British ya mutt

Freemasons too. So what.

U.S.A. isn't a real country btw.

Its just noise.
At a certain point we all feature a basis human dna. Humans evolved in africa/far east, so this basic dna gets labeled african.

Besides americans and jews are obsessed with heritage, thats the reason for these dna analysis companies.
And i think they track down old nazis with dna cataloge!

i have no black in me and im less of a mutt than you are but apparently im the inferior one because you are whiter than me.

The fact that you pay to send in your DNA to a company is enough proof you are not white, sorry.

Good point, you need a dna from a person that you know is "pure" from that country or has a basiv dna makeup.
What if they compared sme british african gene or south african dutch with you. Suddenly you are african.

They didn't do that for me, maybe you're just a nigger OP? It's sad that the last pure Anglos only exist in Australia now

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That's the retarde4de, why not label us 1% Chimpanzee while you are it.

Its anonymous. How tf are they going to know a WN submitted the test?

You can determine where the SNP originate based on how common it is in ethnic groups, the real reason why the test is flawed is because it only samples a fraction of the SNPs related to ethnic differences and then does a statistical estimate based on the sample taken

Because only WNs would whine about 0.1% nigger DNA.

Neither Britain

>Is this pure innocent statistical noise
it is, basically they want someone who got pure european to feel somewhat mixed when they give you a 0.1% Congolese. What that 0.1% says is that you have some fragments that basically all humans share.

Personally, I don't think they have an agenda because there is proof that human civilization came from niggerland. As proved by this nog wearing a shirt.

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These companies are all run by Jews. They are literally building a DNA database to use against the population. DO NOT GIVE THESE FUCKS YOUR MONEY

I had a 23&me from over a decade ago get "updated" they sent me an email and everything saying so, the only change was adding a 0.1% SSA mixture.

They didn't resequence my DNA, they just fucked with their algorithm to spit out a nonsense result which is so borderline they can never be called on their scientific professionalism.

depends on which version they have you on
in the new beta I'm no longer 100% European because of (((trace))) ancestry

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They do it for everyone

Is that at a 50% confidence level? When you put the confidence level to 90% trace ancestry usually goes away, no idea why people take the results which admit they're only as right as flipping a coin as their ancestry

What about Ancestry.com? Heard it's run by Mormons.

yeah, that's at 50% which they say is speculative
seems like increasing the confidence interval just increases the percent of unassigned in my case

What if the admission itself was also a troll?

>this basic dna gets labeled african.
Then we'd get 99.9% African for everyone.

The truth of the matter is that people wander around a lot, racism has NEVER been universal, and the nature of race/outbreeding tabus has varied a lot. You get people who engage in interracial sex BECAUSE it's forbidden - the English fetishized the French as much as Estonians fetishize Africans, for instance. You get cultures like ancient Rome, where social power was reserved specifically to ethnic Romans - not imperial subjects, but people who could convince everyone else that their ancestors came from this ONE SPECIFIC CITY IN ITALY - but a key part of social power was being able to fuck everyone else, so there was an awful lot of Roman blood in members of the subject races. Upper-caste slaveholders in the American colonies made interracial marriage illegal - and bred with their black slaves to the extent that those English who'd never SEEN an African before they came to the colonies could tell that the house slaves were the children of the upper class.

They’re attempting to get normies to believe they have a commonality with niggers, thus making miscegenation with niggers more likely

It’s an instrument of satan used to root out descendants of Abraham and the northern tribes of Israel.

Daily reminder that if you don't have any Baltic ancestry youre not white.

Too bad they all have Russian genes after ww2

Shut up English teacher.

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>giving your DNA to a corporation

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I told one of my relatives their results would come back .1 sub Saharan.
Tfw Jow Forums is always right.