Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - World can steal german hightech shit (in 2020/2021/2022) Edition

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Thuringia: Oct. 27 2019 #ltwth

>Election analysis 2014-2019

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>A f D W A V E


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Does someone have criminal statistics by race?
Only found some of the BKA which do not tell the exact race just „Ausländeranteil“ and we all know if someone has citizenship....

basiert und tigergepillt!

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Germanys don't create such statistics. CDU trys in a bundesland (I forgot which one) to finally do those statistics.
ATM its forbbiden for the police to do those by court order.

> Does someone have criminal statistics by race?

Thah would be racist. Some states' police (I believe NRW among them) have recently adopted a policy of publishing suspects' first names, so one could datamine police reports at some stage. Will be a while until enough useful data has accumulated - they only started in August if I remember correctly. So give it another two weeks...

in cases that go to trial, the first name and an initial is published, unless it's a minor. since a lot of refugees claim to be minors, that might not even be useful for the purposes you want them for.

he's the dad I never had

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Story behind Edition name?


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Insiders infos.
After I got my revange with trukey for fucking up my whole buissness plan by flooding germany chermical and housing with money.

I was in a meeting where germany hightech companys got contracts on a global scale. Which can result into tech stealing.
I can't go into details, since its still in the planning phase.

Have you found a purpose in life yet?

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Use ur monach for my personal revange and you?

To turn a grand fiction into a satisfying reality

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Since purpose but mine is still lower.

here's a twist for you, Scotanon -
you are a nationalist, ain't ya.
you want your homeland to be free from the sasanach overlords
you also want to leave that abomination of a structure know as EUssr
if the UK leaves EUssr and Scotland initiates referendum for independence to leave UK so they can stay in EU, what do you do then!?

>Zoomer and Millennials are more right wing than old people
How could that happen?

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I don't know, mate. We don't have any actual genuine Nationalist party in Scotland, the SNP is an obvious internationalist cosmopolitan kosher fraud. I'm afraid we're not ever going to be free, we're always gonna be stuck in some sort of union unfortunately. I don't know what to do then, there's just no escape. I'm afraid everyone up here is a bonafide dysgenic nigger lover so either way it'll just be a disaster anyway. I wish we could be seperate and free but it just won't ever realistically happen I regret to inform you.

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>everyone up here is a bonafide dysgenic nigger lover
just remember - they were not born that way, they were made that way. any generation can be made the exact opposite of that, just need a wee bit of SHTF... well, actually, quite a lot of SHTF, global SHTF to be true, one mega SHTF that would return us to Dark Ages, and almost total annihilator SHTF...

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Did you took a bit of sarcasim or are you extra retarded today?

Hey meine Kumpels, ich brauche eure Hilfe. Ich habe ein paar Fragen/Bitten und es würde mich freuen wenn ihr sie beantworten könntet.

>Wie/Wo bekomme ich eine Bibel (keine mit zionistischer Propaganda bitte)

>inb4 christcuck STFU; ist mir egal

>Wie/Wo bekomme ich einen Koran (keinen mit zionistischer Propaganda bitte)

>ich will einen schützenverein beitreten und lernen mit schusswaffen umzugehen; Tipps dazu?

>Ich will wieder in die Kirche gehen; aber nicht in eine pro LGBT oder ähnlich degenerierte

Das ist vorerst alles.

Ich würde mich auf Antworten freuen.

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Bible? go to your local indepedent protestant parish and ask for a free schlachter 2000 version.
Anti degeneracy church go to said independent parish.

>ich will einen schützenverein beitreten und lernen mit schusswaffen umzugehen; Tipps dazu?
>t. TVöD E10 shill
Bitte leuchten Sie anderswo, Herr Knicklicht.

Fragen Sie diesbezüglichen ihren zugeteilten V-Mann-Führer.

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>tfw loud balkanshit niggers (albanians I think) who basically behave like gyppos despite not being gyppos
>tfw I live in a house with my family and sometimes you hear their kids play extremely loudly for several hours despite all windows being closed and us having lärmschutzfenster (thank God they are silent at night tho, at least to us)
>tfw the other neighbours that live in the same house as them are going to sue for mietminderung because of the noise and they are always telling us horror stories about the "Terrorkiddies" as they call them

Nein ernsthaft ich will einen beitreten. Es gibt sogar einen in meiner Gemeinde aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich durch den kleinen lokalen Verein kompetent werden kann.

Ich will auch keine illegalen Methoden.

You don't sue another Partei for Mietminderung. If certain conditions are met, you can simply deduct a certain percentage of your rent.

Ha lustig haha

Regarding christianity: Read "Who we are" by Dr William Pierce. It's basically a book on the entire history of the White Race and goes into detail about Christianity.

Apart from that, virtually all churches are christcuck ones. Maybe there are a few remaining Freikirchen (they might be cults or cultish tho). Personally, I think that we and Christianity are simply incompatible.

First of all, you should enroll in your local Volkshochschule in order to fix your grammar and orthography.
Once you've done that, find yourself another board to shill on. Jow Forums is a board of peace.

Ich werde nicht aufn scheiß anime board auf meine grammatik achten du vollspast

Add anger management classes to your to-do list.

I think christianity is good for germans. We may can't kill subhumans but we can force them into labor or cripple them so hard that their live are in my eyes not worth living. Its a higher form of punishment which is good for teh german free mind.

Again, read Who We Are. It explains everything on the subject of religion.

Yeah, I am well aware that most are cucked and since I live in an area that is mostly catholic I do not have high hopes in finding a decent church (, because of the state the catholic church is in).

Wer nicht einmal die deutsche Sprache schützen kann, kann erst recht nicht die Verfassung schützen.

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Add kys to your class

Give a link pls.

>t. Norman Ritter

Such foul language on a good Christian board like this?

How vile!

Vile would it be if we want that someone take a gender study class and porn class in the humbold-uni in berlin.

(((Who))) would ever give such a class?

Read the article about the porn class 2 days ago.

ah, post-election Kraut/pol... literally like post coitus reaction to pic rel

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Wintersemester 2018/19
Seminar: L.008.32490 Porn Studies
Seminar: L.008.32535 Jewish-American Literature in the Postmodern Age


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Komm schon sag es bruder.

Ist nur ein blöder (((Zufall))).

Dann sag ichs eben.


Madita Oeming

public porn scholar * sex-work-inclusive feminist * university teacher * writing PhD on porn addiction as moral panic * venting via
* she/her

Das KANN doch nur ein Satire Account sein.

Verfickt nochmal.

i think you mean Reul in NRW. afaik it`s also meant to be not by race but nationality

Yes , thanks mate and thanks for the correction.

Kann mir jetzt bitte jemand meine Fragen bezüglich einem Schützenverein beantworten?

side note:

according to this guy

we have more professorships on gender studies than e.g. pharmacology

Gender studys is the esiest way to get a job as analyst. Surely idiots will choose this way to get a 4000 euro/month job.

Sauerkraut und Kartoffelsalat mit Bier gibts auf der Beamtenparty, und pünktlich um 22 Uhr heisst es Licht aus.

on the other hand bayern/bavaria

wants to eliminate those informations completly

because *drumroll* yes...discrimination/resentiments

the increase of refcrime must be tremendous, when they already have to take such actions in order to veil the truth


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not to mention all these omega academics who would nevver get a professorship otherwise

guy who supervised my diploma thesis was a cunt like this

6/10, would cum in her mouth.

Wait, who is she and is she standing out right in front of some sort of pornography theatre or exhibition or something?

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25%(average) of all allsaults are made by refugees. We have to do the crime by nationality staistic now becasue in 2 years it will be a crime anyway. The UN replacment plan is still comming and they want to ban those statistics.

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Thats why I'm happy that I took the second academia path. Weiterbildung after 2 years of work. I had bad asses as profs. Solving chemical reaction in the mind was a common thing in Fresenius.

Mach erstmal den Jagdschein und besorg dir Waffen. Schützenverein kannst du später suchen.

Oh, I remember her from that thread a few days ago. She should be shot when we get IngSoc.

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Warum nicht einfach auf Waffen aus dem 3D-Drucker warten?

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austria gets fucked even harder

(if these infos are correct)

Good thing I left Austria a couple of years ago. From one shithole to another.

Thats fugged. Wochenblick isn't known for false statements, they are known to be right wing.
Imagine if those fuckers gets homeless :|

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the reinforcements are already on their way

unfortunately true, but where to go?

at the moment i think ireland could be an option

Ireland is as SJW as it gets. They're actively advocating for more 3rd world immigration.

I have no fucking where to go, maybe just Jew up enough shekels and buy my own fucking island.

Sámi people most beautiful people.

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>Ireland is as SJW as it gets. They're actively advocating for more 3rd world immigration.

fuckin hell another option gets crushed

well theres always hungary, but learning the language will be hard

Same shit every fucking time. Not even the left wings are up to help those really all they want is to get more into europe, like some fucking breeding experiment because they all (in I bet my balls that the AFD is there the same) fucked up nature with chemicals. All that shit is ruled on landesebene and all the fancy speeches in the bundestag are fucking useless.
Who destroied hambacher forst and is now helping the protesters for it.

More proof that GenX are god tier. Shout out to Kraut Gen X and all GenX.

Good day, anons.

>Ireland is as SJW as it gets. They're actively advocating for more 3rd world immigration.

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>like some fucking breeding experiment

yeah hooten-plan came to my mind

>who destroied hambacher forst and is now helping the protesters for it

hypocrisy comes to a politician like sweat to an athlete

you glow a lil bit my friend

basiert und knicklichtpilled

>Wer nicht einmal die deutsche Sprache schützen kann, kann erst recht nicht die Verfassung schützen.
>impliziert wir hätten eine verfassung

bild relativiert

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Das ist doch gerade der Witz an der Sache, du Krautchannigger.

bitte nimm den kurs.
nimm die fucking literatur
ich hab immerhin fast ein ganzes seminar über frühe arbeiterbewegung/kommis ertragen, nur um rauszufinden das es doch alles juden waren. und die profs an der uni an ne wand gehören

Dafür hast du ein gesamtes Semester gebraucht?

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>Wie/Wo bekomme ich eine Bibel (keine mit zionistischer Propaganda bitte)

>Wie/Wo bekomme ich einen Koran (keinen mit zionistischer Propaganda bitte)

>ich will einen schützenverein beitreten und lernen mit schusswaffen umzugehen; Tipps dazu?
Bei deinem lokalen nach Probeschießen fragen und schauen obs dir dort gefällt und eventuell beitreten.

>Ich will wieder in die Kirche gehen; aber nicht in eine pro LGBT oder ähnlich degenerierte
Einfach mal deine Kirchen bei dir ausprobieren.

nope aber es war halt noch schlimmer als ich dachte...
>es war ja kein echter kommunismus
der satz ist so wort wörtlich gefallen, als ich angemerkt habe das jedes system das versucht hat marx theorie der arbeit zu implementieren es entweder aufgegeben hat oder implodiert ist.

Der gesamte Bildungsapparat des Staates dient nur zur Indoktrination und Anerziehung von Staatsgehorsam. Und am Hebel sitzen dort immer noch die 68er.

Go figure.

das stimmt.
der jude ist hinterlistig wie eh und je.


Lasst den Thread nicht untergehen, ihr Negers.

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it should say
>Here we see a wild Tiger preparing to cross the river by strolling down its bottom

I couldn't use it for schlop posting if that were the case.

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make an alternate version, for... uhm, for...
oh never mind

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>Tatsächlich äußerten sich Grüne aus Land und Bund (darunter auch Parteichef Robert Habeck) noch am Sonntagabend prinzipiell offen, forderten aber auch weitreichende Mitsprache und eine Neuorientierung der CDU.
>Neuorientierung der CDU.

Will the CDU castrate themself ?

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