How does Jow Forums rationalize in their heads the senseless killings of innocent Jews (including women and children)...

How does Jow Forums rationalize in their heads the senseless killings of innocent Jews (including women and children) at the hands of Nazis?

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>the holocaust never happened but i wish it did!

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they werent innocent and they werent genocided, starving in an internment camp for deportation bc your own side bombed your food is not genocide

try reading a book instead of watching tv


I heard there were ashtrays, bars of soaps, lampshades, cars and even houses made out of Jews

That headshot
>fucking based

>wooden doors

>they werent innocent
collective guilt is a childish concept
>they werent genocided, starving in an internment camp
they didn't all starve, and those that did were still genocide victims by anyone's definition
>your own side bombed your food
If I try to conquer Canada and deport all the Mexicans there, that doesn't make them Canadian allies you fucking idiot


>at the hands of Nazis

Here comes the tactical nihilism to cover up Nazi atrocities.
>Dude who cares, they were da JOOZ lmfao xD

This. But unironically

Exagerated propaganda

>the idea of collective guilt being bad is a Jewish concept for bainlets
>starving because your own side killed you is not genocide, genocide needs a perpetrator whose intention was to kill you - try reading a book sweetie
>jewish capitalists and communists in the west and russia were not allies of jews in europe: 12 year old brainlet the post

The holocaust never happened so there is nothing to rationalize.

Seething kike

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War is hell and people do awful things during them.

>starving because your own side bombed you is not genocide

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I wish they had killed them all.

we dont rationalize anything except our love for bbc. just spend a day here and you will know what im talking about.

You’re not people. Fuck off Rabbi.

They were pussies. They had the means to completely exterminate the kikes. They didn't. They failed. We suffer because they were fags and couldn't eradicate the kikes off the face of the earth.

war. anything goes. .

Ooh look another kike with a meme flag. You are not fooling anyone, Ira.

lol cry about it some


If you do not eradicate your enemy they will come back.

Besides we're pretty much all descended from men who conquered other tribes and civilizations and killed all the men while keeping the women for themselves. What exactly is the big deal?


109 countries can't be wrong about the Jews.

>a scene in a movie was real
Meanwhile 100s of thousands of Germans raped, tortured and massacred by your Russian grandparents

never happened, also show flag kike

You are a cursed people. God has turned his back on you for killing his son.

you know that that was a kike movie to intoctrinate the goyim right?

Based leaf?

Has jewish hollywood really turned you into a gullible retard or did you somehow do that yourself?

(((Join in link goys)))

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There are Nazis left in Germany? I hope German authorities are aware of this.

>collective guilt
Forget moral judgments, the problem with collective guilt is that blaming babies and dumb laborers for the works of decrepit old bankers and socialists is just bad planning.
>leaf's own personal definition of genocide
Go learn about the various levels of intent so you can understand that driving drunk at 120mph down the sidewalk = intent to kill pedestrians and that kidnapping citizens from their homes into camps with inadequate food supply = genocide. And if you want to look less ignorant, realize that people care about the genocidal shootings and genocidal gassings just as much, if not more, than the genocidal starvation near the end of the war.
>yeah, I read your example, and I agree that that if America tried to deport all the Mexicans to Canada, they'd automatically become "canadian allies" and I could blame Canada for any harm that comes to them.
Alright, friend, but that's still gonna sound pretty stupid to most readers.

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Shit like this is why a Holocaust WILL happen, and soon.

>t. that kid in school who tattled on you to the teacher

>a huge thing happened
>some of the billions of people alive at the time made shit up about it

Jews created the war, then cry about it.... Just imagine people want to ban guns, well Jews are responsible for all seaths under communism, globalism, and crony capitalism.
Why aren't we banning Jews?

Lol, seethe more that people are starting to deny your faux martyrdom.
Go beg for attention in your twitter checkmark hugbox and rave about the deadly masturbation machines and super mario 64 levels.

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Its honestly pretty simple, most people on Jow Forums believed the lies and propaganda of the holocaust growing up, because it was forced down our throats as children (sort of like the fag agenda is being pushed on kids today). But then we got older and went from getting our history from (((public education))) and (((movies))) to getting it from history books, autobiographies. pattern recognition, documentaries, historians, etc. and once you can get over the cognitive dissonance, its pretty easy to figure out that Hitler was the good guy, perhaps not the best war strategist, but that could be easily explained by bad information being relayed back to HQ (just look at how much fake news we see EVERY FUCKING DAY, now imagine a world without internet, who knew what was real back then, not like you could fact check). If nothing else, just reading what is in the Talmud and why Jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries, should be enough information to at least have you question the Jews story, but on top of that, just look what Jews are doing today... we know and we ARENT HAPPY. 110 soon

>e guilt is that blaming babies and dumb laborers for the works of decrepit old bankers a


I can smell the low iq leftism from here

>Go learn about the various levels of intent so you can understand that driving drunk at 120mph down the sidewalk = intent to kill pedestrians and that kidnapping citizens from their homes into camps with inadequate food supply = genocide. And if you want to look less ignorant, realize that people care about the genocidal shootings and genocidal gassings just as much, if not more, than the genocidal starvation near the end of the war.

You can't even form a coherent logical argument. How the fuck are you still responding? lmao

>yeah, I read your example, and I agree that that if America tried to deport all the Mexicans to Canada, they'd automatically become "canadian allies" and I could blame Canada for any harm that comes to them.
Alright, friend, but that's still gonna sound pretty stupid to most readers.

Can you even put a logical argument together or is your entire psyche based on emotions and propaganda? Read a fucking book or two. jfc

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With jewse,
You lose

This is just projection of what Jews want to do to the rest of the world and what the are already doing to the Palestinians in Gaza.

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Right on?

>collective guilt is a childish concept
>all krauts bad because they let this happen

I too, have heard fictional stories.

Lord knows Hollywood is a paragon of historical accuracy.

>I can't prove the holocaust happened.
>I just trust that historians would tell me the truth if it didn't.
>Also, if a historian tells me it didn't happen, I go out of my way to ruin his life and silence him.
>How could he disagree with historical fact?
>The rest of the historians would tell me if it didn't happen.
>But they don't tell me that, so it's okay to destroy those who do.

I never demanded any gibs from the Germans. I'm on your side there. You'd understand that many Jews are embarrassed about how much it's been milked over the decades if you could just stop viewing millions of people as a single entity.

Why do you need to rationalize something which never happened?

>many jews are embarrassed
>do nothing to stop it
This is literally anudda holocaust. Why are Europeans making Jews feel embarrassed. Fucking nazis.

Are you me

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I just love maymay flags!!

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Jewish women and children don't remain women and children forever!

You seriously can't escape seeing the world through a lens of collective responsibility. How else did you figure that stopping Israelis from guilting Germans out of submarines is my job? It's like you skipped a major part of your maturation.

Remove your flag

Sorry but those words don’t go together

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What innocent Jews?

Whatever atrocities you name the Nazi's doing the communists were ten times worse.

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yikes! I fucking hate white people.
>denying history

>holohoax happened

Pass me six wood blocks romabro

>muh individual!
>fucking white pipo
>dirty goyim and thier white privilege
>why white so racist
>we need to stop white people
>we need to destroy white culture
>European nations need to learn multiculturalism or they won't survive
>white people need to stop having children
Remember. This is the world you people created. Enjoy.


To prevent millions more killed as They (Bolsheviks) already killed millions.

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What is Nazi?
What is Hulucaust?

Then there is this that is not ever discussed but exists and is a problem.

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What holocaust? We have way too jews. Even Tim Poole agrees.

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>water out of showers
>a miracle
how the fuck could millions of people throughout generations get to this mentality
it's absolutely mind blowing, holy shit

The holocaust never happened but I'll make it so

If you were god's chosen, you would understand

War is hell

Who told you about my Jew-mobile fashioned with foreskin-leather interior?

If 100 die today to prevent the rape and deaths of 10,000 tomorrow is it not justified? I take no pleasure in the deaths of innocence I simply realise the necessity

The Palestinian or Russian Holocaust?