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give me a qrd, did the poos btfo the muslim shitheads or what happened here?

you could just read it.....

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thx for confirming that my assumption was correct.
based poos are removing the kebab.

i would imagine that 1.9 million muslims living illigitimately in india as non-citizens are now going to do a shit ton of acts of terror in revolt of this obvious btfo to them. inb4 mass honor killings, trucks of peace, acid attacks, stabbings, bombings... etc. the poos are surely going to reap a whirlwind of islamic violence bc of this.

>pray for the poos

They should send Muslim men to Abu Dhabi to work hard labor as a slave.

Bengali men make good slaves for arabs I sometimes watch videos of Saudis beating their Bengali slaves.

>Save Kulbhushan


That may very well happen

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If the Indians were smart they would ship all the Muslim men out by boat and put all the Muslim women in whore houses at extremely cheap prices.

Alot of men from bengaldash end up as slaves in Abu Dhabi

It be worth the Indians government money to ship as many Bengali men to Arab country's to be worked to death as slaves.

I think the average Bengali has a life span of 4 years when they arrive in Abu Dhabi as a slave.