meat became disgusting,
anyone else stopped eating meat spontaneously recently? I had some chicken breasts yesterday and the thought of biting self-willingly another creature's flesh was so repulsive i almost threw up, i keep seeing images of live animals as i am eating their flesh and it's hurting me mentally.
Eggs are ok though.
Meat became disgusting
i felt super sick after finishing up
I eat carnivore and feel great
no mr shill I'm not eating bugs or becoming vegan please tell your employers this isn't working :^)
kys kike
too much söy in the water supply, get your water from the mountain
I will save you from those disgusting rib-eyes, filets, porterhouses, and tenderloins by searing them on my grill, and destroying them one bite at a time.
i eat raw meat daily. i have abbs and i dont work ouy nigger
U are turning into faggot my brother, come eat good kielbasa
Must not be very hungry
People have different dietary needs, it is possible that abstaining from meet for some time will do you good - just don't try to make it permanent and revisit your diet from time to time.
fasting and carnivore is the optimal diet
>People have different dietary needs
Different races perhaps have different dietary needs, but not different people within each race apart from the amount of energy needed.
>anyone else stopped eating meat spontaneously recently
No. I just had some ribs.
Go vegan and die while chads will feast on dead animal's flesh and thrive
hi jordan
I dunno how anyone can become vegan. also I don't understand why they would buy fake meat replacement's. plenty of good vegetarian dishes
You need to kill your food yourself, gut it, eat the beating heart and cover yourself in blood.
It's food for your soul
I will never stop eating meat, animals are there to be eaten.
Kill yourself, shill
eat japanese shit burgers and german maggot sausage they are better :-)
Found the kike . You lie
I find most meat annoying to eat, chewy, bits of gristle and takes me to long to finish a meal. Then you wonder what country it’s from and what they put into the animal to fatten it up and keep it free of disease.
Even before you look at animal cruelty there are a ton of reasons why being a meat cuck just makes no sense. Even after eating it I don’t feel that great, Where as after eating vegetables and fruit I still feel light and more energetic.
Fuck meat I don’t even think our body’s were designed to consume much of it and I don’t think it’s that good for us anyway.
wow what a faggot
I'm going to go buy 3 giant steaks today, pan fry them in cast iron to perfect medium rare, eat one, and throw the rest in the garbage. I'm going to do this because OP is a faggot.
I rarely eat meat and I try to have compassion for all living things.
I eat meat because I'm an asshole. My stomach doesn't know the difference between plant proteins and animal proteins.
You sound like a faggot vegan. I had a ribeye couple peppers and a couple onions for dinner last night(all grilled); I felt great and took a massive poo in the loo when I woke up this morning. Fuck whoever your shilling for, you will all get the rope.
These are your ancestors. They literally lived on mammoths.
Oh look another anti-meat post. This totally isn't astroturf, guys.
I eat two pounds of red meat every day. Get fucked bug nigger.
6th be thread I've seen in 5 minutes. Isn't it awful you spent 4 years in college, or more, to end up making just above minimum wage to shitpost here? I'd neck myself if this were my reality.
I have not eaten a vegetable in 32 years. I refuse to .
Meat only is the natural human diet .
You are a kike .
Well stop eating it completely then, good for you a choice you can make for yourself.
Now fuck off
This will be the only reason i will stop eating cows they are so tasty
I had that moment while I was eating chicken wings, lasted for about 3 seconds and I kept eating. Someday I am going to die, something is going to eat me. If I left the chicken on the plate, it would rot away and be eaten by something else like mold or bacteria. If I left it outside some other animal would eat. Nothing goes to waste in our space, all things we eat are living things; if any other living things develop some form of communication and argue the existence of free will or invent a pulley system, use a 3 part machine or something equally impressive I stop eating them. It's why I can have a rabbit as a pet or dinner, but my cat is only one. Rabbits are stupid R selected creatures who do nothing but eat grass and flea, they've earned their place in the food chain.
I'll never stop eating meat, maybe you should try to buy in another place?, do you have carnicerias? you know places that only sell you meat in your country?
I have recently quit eating meat except for fish.
The agricultural revolution was a mistake lads
>throw the rest in the garbage
eat them all you skinny faggot
Aw man, u got me horny for steak now, fuck u
Depending on your current diet you can have a lot of nutritional deficiencies or excesses and your taste should help you in correcting these.
……...So you gonna put that on the grill or wait for bloodsuckers to come and EAT YOUR FACE?!
If people refuse to eat meat they are no better than the cows they're trying to save and should be treated as such.
Reminds me I got to go to the grocery store to pick up some pork chops. I think they are open today.
Hunting season just started here. I've been out hunting for the first time. Haven't gotten to shoot yet tho. But my dog is doing well.
The thought of leftie/green cucks crying as I kill my own food gives my an erection.
Fuck vegans.
Based digits
The Amazon is burning, bros... it's all because white people can't stop eating meat... take one for the team and embrace the maggot sausage and cockroach chips
>anyone else stopped eating meat spontaneously recently?
Honesty I was shopping for a half side of beef just hours ago.
Fuck off vegan shills. Nobody wants your shitty burgers.
>he doesn't have a mostly dairy and juice diet
Never gonna make it.