You are only allowed in this thread if you’re redpilled. Prove you are with one sentence.
You are only allowed in this thread if you’re redpilled. Prove you are with one sentence
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck niggers.
National Socialism was the fastest to fail version of communism.
jews are the source of everything evil and degenerate in the modern world
niggers tongue my anus
We must secure the existence our people and a future for white children.
Islam must be eradicated
Passed.Too aggressive,.
I dont have to prove shit, I do what I wanna do.
Jews and elite Anglos are using Western countries as a vehicle to take over the world and turn everyone into rootless cattle slaves.
We must rebuild the aristocracy, get the monarch back into power and embrace HIGH TORYISM
Two out of three hours worked is to pay interest on your governments debt.
I just made this Wikipedia edit
I am INTJ introvert and I believe that europe needs right-wing nationalism to move forward and prosper.
What you're referring to as Linux is GNU/Linux or GNU+Linux.
I grow my own vegetables.
Kill Niggers! Kill Faggots! Kill Cunts! Kill Kikes!
Fuck jannies and fuck juice!
Do you own an indoor chicken farm?
Brendon Tarrant did nothing wrong
You don't get to gatekeep my free speech. I don't need to prove anything.
Which I assume is the response you were looking for.
Rejected.Rejected.Passed.Passed with honors.Passed.Passed with honors.Passed.
You think that's good. I edited this MONTHS ago and it still hasn't been edited back. There are a number of memes to be found
Passed.Passed.Passed.Rejected. Not the answer I was looking for sir.
britty gud
Hitler gif, passed.
I wish. That shit is cash.
No, i have a small vegetable garden and a few hens laying eggs. Organic produce without the extortion.
If Elves such as in Elder Scrolls or Lord of the Rings actually excisted, they would be the master race and humans would need to make way.
Rejected huh? Bloody plebeian, go back to masturbating whilst thinking of National Socialism.
Screw all normies.
Oh my apologies good sir, seems I was accepted, bloody brilliant, my apologies for the insults, very poor mannered of me
I think he's got it screwed up, your answer is immediately after your post number in his post, so you passed
Rejected. Such deep thinking about a mere video game is bluepilled.Passed.
Not rejected, I post the post number and then the result. Read it more closely.
..and fuck your degenerate tattoos and fuck your heavy metal and fuck you acting like niggers with your motorcycles. First you are cannonfodder, then you will get the rope, too!
One sentence?
>the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
We have more gizmos and gadgets, but my every metric we are less happy. Suicide, depression, divorce, alcoholism, drug addiction, every proxy for happiness shows we are less happy. Bonus round
>usury/avarice is the root of all evil
There is only one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, kikes are the synagogue of satan and they do lie.
Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck spics and dykes, fuck trannies, fuck faggots, and most importantly, fuck jannies
Nonwhites will keep us in the Earth as long as they can get their gibs
America doesn't need exotic political symbols and suicidal personalities from the past. General Patton owned the battlefield.
ya dun goofed
>mfw it's real
he did nothing wrong
>altmer, dunmer and the other elves live naturally much longer than humans
>more magic-related bonuses
well, yeah.
in TES humans are barely better than argonians and khajiit but only because their livespan is even shorter than humans. nords and redguards are both idiot folks. imperials are somewhat better and bretons are half-elves.
KARA BOGA, eliminate all cumskins
The single most dangerous thing to the white man is the degredation of the family unit, fags and Jews are the root cause.
Hitler should have won WWII, the jews were pushing marxism and communism and Hitler was only trying to protect Germany from the internal threat destroying his beloved home.
Yeshua Mosiach is the one true God.
Americans are not white
Democracy is a failed god.
Trannies are depopulation strategy orchestrated by the jews and also to demanculinze the west to make us easier to control by making perfectly fit fighting age men weak mentally destroyed victims.
wait why is an arab telling me that whether I can be in the ethnostate or not?
It's not so much about a game/film as it is about the lore and interesting and creativity that brought it forth.
Also, all the Elder Scrolls races have commited genocide at some point and racemixing not approved of in most cultures.
As for the Lord of the Rings, for its time and popular theme, it's pretty redpilled like having a full white cast.
The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.
Aye, thats some peak truth there
w-w-wait a second?!
Action is what really matters but race and culture are heavily influential upon a man’s actions.
No-one posting here is truly red-pilled.
You just follow a different narrative constructed by the same Evil.
Rejected. White Americans are not only white but have the same rate of crime as developed European countries.
True redpill
USA is the proxy-state of Israel
fucking kek
you missed one
Pee pee poo poo fart
Thank you kind sir.
Passed.Passed.Rejected. There was an interview with a former nazi camp guard and he told about all the shit that happened in auschwitz. Zyklon b, death squads. The real deal. This is a bluepill masqueraded as a redpill, even I myself fell for it for some time.
The Black Sun is gay, Christ is Lord. Repent.
Red starburst candy are objectively best, fuck the (((pink))) and especially the nigger orange.
Black sun is a fucking symbol, not a religious icon you retard
This is now a fashwave thread
Fuck niggers, fuck trannies, especially fuck jannies
Passed.Rejected.Passed.Passed.Whoops. Passed.Rejected. Too vulgar.Rejected. The black sun is a cool symbol.
anonymity does no exist on the internet, you do realize that, right? Being "user" on the internet is called a placebo, its not real...... I'm honestly worried people dont understand that in 2019, VPNs are all government ran companies..... please stop being so fucking naive, they know who we are
>We must secure an existence for our people, and a future for white children...
Industrial society and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.
I was born in this land and tilled the soil and when I die I will be buried in this soil.
Rejected. I agree with this guyPassed.
Hail Mr. Bond
Taxation is theft
Marxism is a ideology that manipulates young workers. I should know. I WAS one of those workers. Good thing I swallowed the redpill and I can clearly see marxism being a shjt ideas being ran by Jews.
Im 12.
>I like how the next one says 109 is the number of times OP gave blowjobs to other men
If you say stuff like "my truth" or "his reality" go fucking commit die
Ive secured the existence of our people
Passed. Well done.
Underrated joke right there.