A video about greta thunberg is being taken down because it shows her deception

There is a video about Greta thunberg I cannot upload. this video is taking taken down.

Sweden is deception, they hide under that layer of humanitarian to get at the top of global organizations.

Greta is playing the sick girl role to prevent anybody from asking hard questions about the people behind her supporting with money and connections.

The aristocracy gave her a boat trip. No average person would be allowed unless she had the connections and support.

Nobody would get that high unless they were supported by someone.
Swedish companies and global organizations are behind it. Using the youth to gain followers and make her untouchable.

When Greta thunberg is an adult she will be given a top position at the global organization and the millions of followers will make anybody who questions her a criminal.

Attached: greta is not here to save us.jpg (768x432, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They are taking down a video from metacafe, liveleak and other sites.

I uploaded it uploadfiles.io

add this at the end 76cytlwd

The video gets deleted from every single video site despite it doesn't contain anything violent


Attached: 2019-09-02_10-41-06.png (656x390, 181K)

liveleak takes down videos?

i don't believe there initially was a conspiracy to promote this potato, the EU just saw precious opportunity to raise taxes via a good mass hysteria and summerfags just saw an opportunity to skip school

She work for the merchant, we all know.

Can confirm, we got to skip uni lessons with no hit to attendance every time these fuckers showed up. It was a nice time.

Attached: 1564943943498.jpg (415x600, 58K)

Yes. I am her manager and can confirm. She is being groomed to be president of the world

Greta never tells anyone what to do

CIA honeypot

I've seen the video it's the one with that Brazillian meteorologist who BTFO's pretty much all of NASA's data on ocean temps and rising sea levels BS. It's would definitely end her if it went mainstream, a lot of extremely powerful corporations and intranational orgs would be financially hurt by that, so yeah, not surprised it's been purged. it was the same with the gates wide open vid from 2015 that arguably led to Brexit and Trumps election and everything else that's followed since.

Doesn't even rhyme...

Attached: 1566767812980.jpg (680x680, 44K)

Post on Jow Forums
Pay the toll

> UK
> Toll, as in fine or fee

Some memes write themselves.

A retard in charge of retards
Checks out
I welcum her as my world president


They use greta because retards like you will always look to blame "her" (hes a tranny) handlers rather than the evil demonic child itself.

Greta is jewish.

Attached: Monkeyzillians.jpg (3800x2404, 1.25M)

someone already set up a vm and download that shit im too lazy

I dont know man, i dont know anything desu.

Attached: history.png (1600x1539, 377K)

she does act very demonic when the cameras are off - more so than her ~50 disabilities

OP upload it here plox

That's a retarded way to spell toll.

Burn the coal,
Pay the toall.

I swear greta isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.

Attached: 1566062978927.png (650x366, 199K)

Attached: Greta Thunberg nazi1566136861201.jpg (1080x1080, 241K)


Attached: 0727711.jpg (1920x1064, 970K)

Typical Jew imo

they were jewed a few years ago. many mods were fired and replaced with kosher mods. comments disabled below videos because too many hatefacts. and many conspiracy related videos were flat out removed and posters banned.

was a big deal back then. they never recovered. most likely they came under political pressure and were told 'comply or face the consequences'.

Lurk moar before posting newfriend

can anyone confirm the file is safe? takes about 10 minutes to download

Fat, weak men everywhere are terrified of this child, that her views if spread, may force them out of their car and back onto their feet to walk and carry their own burdens. Flaccid, sweaty, weak fucks attacking a girl child who threatens their perfumed comfort. Fags.

Attached: 1548105354240.jpg (1113x1200, 194K)

>its a perfumed comfort to not subsist on bugs while the elite dines on the finest beef

you're video is a fucking embarassment op. 600mb for your complete garbage empty of anything. i hope your parents know what a clown you are, you fat fucking loser faggot.

>Greta ben Shapiro
cannot unsee

dunno if its safe, but the video is completely worthless. just greta talking infront of EU parliament and then OP the big fat faggot puts some elementary school level skeptical text ontop. zero proofs, zero substance, zero arguments, zero anything. complete waste of even the most neckbeard-nolife-anons time.

Please download the video. it's totally safe.
I am trying to upload it to liveleak and metacafe and I can't because they take it down.

If you can figure out a way to upload it to youtube then do it.

If you don't trust me download it on a VM. But I can tell you it's just a video about greta thunberg that shows her deception.

of course you cant because Greta and her narrative is important to the globalist oligarchy

The video shows her at the EU parlament crying but before she starts crying it shows her subtly smiling.
People are posting saying there is nothing important so you cannot watch the video!!

Download and watching by yourself. The whole video.

talk shit about Greta thunberg and I will beat you all to death with my war club , she is my queen and lord and the day will come where she rules over all your pathetic incels

>But I can tell you it's just a video about greta thunberg that shows her deception.

it doesn't show anything you dumb cunt

She's an aspie, inappropriate display of emotions is a symptom (even if that thousandth of a mouth twitch could be called a smile.) I have a hard time believing the hidden powers would bother with censoring this shit.

for once this autist has something to say.

Attached: its-ok.png (1080x1080, 418K)

Dailymotion is based. Often gets overlooked by (((them))).

am I seriously the only one who downloaded the video?

OP did you put some malware in it?

Here you are OP
It starts at 0:04

Attached: Greta.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Bump because i want a bitchute upload

I did and I advice other anons to do the same:

What the fuck


lock that downs kid up

the face of utter despair lmao

Exploiting a child for political gain. I dont think I've ever seen ((them)) stoop so low before
>said no one ever.

Download the video and watch it. It's safe the problem is I cannot upload it anywhere!!

No audio. Why?

>There is a video about Greta thunberg I cannot upload.

Host it yourself then dumbass.

I managed to upload the video.


It will be taken down soon.

upload to bestgore.com that is actually what it is

What is the deal?

why the fuck is a 2:25 video 600mbs? even trying to dl it off liveleak

Crack and sex wih muttnogs

Attached: 007.jpg (1500x1000, 651K)

put it on liveleak dumbfuck

It has the Expressen.se logo, so that newspaper must have posted it. OP is a liar?

The deal is in the video you can see she is smiling before she starts making the emotional speech.


Watch it before it is taken down.

its like that icentrain movie

i hate the little cunt, but this video is plain retarded


Watch it before it is taken down.

Greta is deception sent by swedish establishment.


I agree. I'm more interested where she looked than why she smiled. The smile could've just been by a reaction

ok, you lazy niggers, I found the original video in bitchute.
It starts in minute 4:00, but the highlight is in minute 4:18 just before she starts crying. When she says "erotion", if you look closely, she has a faint grin in her face, knowing beforehand she's going to put a show for the masses to applaud.

She smiled because she knew she is fooling everybody in that room.

you are fucking retarded
i swear

Attached: Screenshot_20190829-013858.png (720x1280, 500K)

>kike pretending to be swedeposter

this better not be child porn

She is deceiving everybody. And most likely even this forum is full of people paid by FFF sweden

Greta thunberg is controlled by swedish establishment and their final goal is to get to the top of the UN.

She is using deception and the crowd to get to the top of global institutions.

There is nothing good about her.

Sweden is FFF

Omg, she's ugly af

Because for whatever reasons webm with audio aren't allowed outside /gif/

I guess that is smiling by Scandi standards.

pls don't insult. she will clean the Earth with Captain Planet (Al Gore)

Attached: greta.jpg (1024x759, 62K)

So I downloaded it. What a waste of bandwidth. 600MB for 2 minutes and 25 seconds studying Gretas Asperger ticks and contemplating that she is lying. OK what are you hiding in this file? and how do I access it?

Of course, just give your tax

>managed to never hear one of her speeches untill now
>watch the video
>huge waste of time and now I had listened to that aspie because of you

Wait, in confused as to why it's being taken down. Did she cuss or hit someone? I don't get it.

Probably because criticizing her is hate speech, and you can't allow that on the interwebz.

Captain Neckbeard to her rescue, bibideep bibideep!

Does it talk about how she's funded by OPEC and China to end energy production in the West and only the West?

Attached: gretanrm.jpg (1024x672, 160K)

Hello FBI,how's the day


>deception sent by swedish establishment
You are vastly overestimating the absolute idiocy that is the Swedish establishment.


2.25min video and 600Mb?? Try compress.

Attached: Screenshot_20190902-114550.png (760x763, 246K)

OP is obviously mentally insane unless there is something hidden. Anyone know some tool to get the hidden file?

>Shocked liveleak takes down videos
They take down videos and channels en-mass just because the uploader doesn't follow the Jew narrative. It's been pathetic for years.

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Looks fine to me, Achmed.

Attached: 0mojuk0h6syx.jpg (365x440, 60K)

What is going on in this one?

First day on the job? Tone it down a bit to be believable.

Please let her come here and try to survive anywhere near our rainforest. She will die of diseases before you could say autism kills

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>eat your bugs
yummy, yummy, fresh and tasty

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