
Hello anons! Welcome to Catholic/pol/ where we talk about the importance of faith in politics and society in general. What matters most is NOT Left OR Right, But GOOD and EVIL. Abortion for example is EVIL, no exceptions.
Adultery is WRONG. Period. Homosexual activity is WRONG. Period. Embrace the true catholic faith and embrace God!
> Rosary Louis Marie de Montfort - The Secret of the Rosary_djvu.txt
>Sensus Fidelium
(The Cathechism of St. Pius X ) : PIUS X.htm

Catholic anons come and join the discussion AVE MARIA!
So, did you pray your Rosary, anons? Did you go to confession?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>believes in transubstantiation

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Remember to confess your sins before Communion, anons

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don't rape kids

>What is Holy water?

the spirit resides in the bread and wine at communion, as it does in holy water. It is water, but is possessed by the spirit of God

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The bread doesn't turn into the actual flesh and blood of Christ during the Eucharist, it's bs.

Why would i? That is abominable thing to do. Unfortunately, priests are tormented by demons VERY severely. Being a priest is NOT EASY. The devil LOVES to torment Holy men, so as to break them down and make them lose faith

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Femanon here, I'm not even a catholic but these guys make me swoon

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>not believing in the transubstantiation
"Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day. My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood live in Me, and I live in them."

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Reminder: Catholicism is anti-White and Catholics deserve to be exterminated

Popes, cardinals, bishops, and priest go to the extreme by wearing yamakas in order to imitate Jews. This is The Christian's goal in life. Let's hear it from the Christianity's leaders themselves,
"We are Semites spiritually." ( Pope Pius XI )
"Judaism is the father of Christianity and Jesus is our rabbi." ( Pope John Paul II )
"Inside every Christian is a Jew." ( Pope Francis )
As Christianity's membership evaporates, the remaining men become more homosexual, hirsute, and hereditarily Jewish. In a century it could turn back into raw homosexual Judaism, just as the original Judaic cult of Christianity was when it started. It's as if the original DNA is recombining.

on the contrary. It turns into flesh and blood as the Spirit takes possession of it, the bread and wine is a vessel for the Spirit. Like Holy water is possessed by the Spirit of god

No it doesn't. Prove it.

Hello femanon, the Catholic faith is for ALL who wish to know and become one with Christ

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>the remaining men become more homosexual, hirsute, and hereditarily Jewish
How autistic are you?

Prove to me how Holy water is Not possessed by the Holy Spirit.

If you died today do you know for sure you're going to Heaven?

Here's how you can know for certain:

1 John 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
>that ye may know that ye have eternal life

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We're talking about transubstantiation.

Only cowards want to go to jewish heaven

Anderson is only 38 years old, and his church was founded 13 years ago. Are you saying that before he began his public "ministry" we Chrsitians didn't know if we were going to Heaven?

It is based on the SAME thing. The spirit takes possession of the Bread and Wine as it does with Holy water.

You were redeemed on the cross, you were not saved. Faith comes from the Latin "fide", from which words like "fidelity" are derived. If you are obedient to the Word of the Lord, then you keep the law and you naturally produce works. So faith and works are essentially inseparable. Keep the law, obey the Law, and if you falter confess your sins.
Compare this to the swill that Anderson preaches.

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the sPiRiT takes possession of the bread and wine and turns it into the actual flesh and blood of Christ in your stomach when the priest puts a magical spell on it. absolutely bonkers bud

Not only don't you get the transubstantiation, you succeed only in making a fool out of yourself in this thread. Surely you have more productive ways to spend your time, user.

The early Catholics were Antifa-like Christians. They hated the fascist establishment. They hated white privilege. They set fire to the great city of Rome, the pride of white civilization. They were savage, stupid, and violent. They were called Cretins ( Christians ). They raped and destroyed propery. They were the Christian Jews, Jewish Christians, and assorted hirsute Christian racial misfits. They hated law and order, free speech, capitalism, and science. They hated the traditional gods and customs of all white people. They changed the Roman calendar. They falsified history. They changed the name of Yahweh to God.

I'm a Presbyterian but I don't think my church is traditional enough. Orthodoxy is way too backwards in my opinion. I'd be open to reading more of your theology though.

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Catholicism is the best thing ever to happen to the world
because Catholicism is the correct worship of the one true God

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>Not only don't you get the transubstantiation
Do you mean to tell me you don't think it changes physical form during the Eucharist?

Biblical repentance is not turning away from sinful behavior.

It is not being “sorry” for your sins.

It is not an emotional response.

Repentance is not forsaking anything.

Nor is repentance a willingness to turn away from sins.

Repentance is simply a change of mind toward God that compels a person to place their trust in Jesus Christ's death on the cross for their sins, His burial and resurrection.

2nd Corinthians 11:3, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”

So few people have a clear understanding of how salvation works.

Let me make it very simple.
YOU ARE A SINNER and unless you accept Christ's payment for your sins on the cross, you will spend eternity burning in the fires of Hell.

You cannot add or subtract anything to Christ's payment.

Jesus paid the full price of our sins with His precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-19).


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yes the devil made all men do evil and people should not go to jail because the devil should go to jail ?

the Catholic SS

> So faith and works are essentially inseparable

Romans 4:5
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

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Ok, boy, take them meds. Everything is ok.

>because Catholicism is the correct worship of the one true God

Catholicism is objectively anti-innocence at the higher floors of the institution, how do you consider it the true worship of the one true God? All things withstanding, Christ hates Catholicism for what it does to people.

You should make one of those anime gospel things with Bucciarati

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The Christfag will post pictures of White Jesus to help the Jew. He wants to deceive white Europeans into believing that their king is a Jew and that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. Jesus (fictitious), who has preposterous magical Jew powers, is offered as an enticement for whites to cross-breed with Jews. The Christian wants to turn you into a Jew.

>Christ hates Catholicism
Did he tell you that?

Jesus has already bled for your redemption user. You just have to accept it

1 Timothy 3
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
>must be the husband of one wife, having children
Catholics and Orthodox teach the exact opposite.

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Sick my dick Mary you fucking whore.

I would recommend watching Sensus Fidelium. Many EXCELLENT videos and commentaries. I would also recommend the Catechism, and reading the early church fathers. City Of God By Saint Augustine is a good one I would recommend

I am well aware you come here only to shill. You almost always appear in these threads. I will pray for you, user.

please reconsider your life choices, user.

It seems like it's always the ex-catholics I know who are also the most liberal and leftist.

What is it about the church that makes them this way?

Orthodox priests can marry, it's the higher ranking priests (bishops I think?) that can't. Still kinda dumb though

read the history of celibacy on Wikipedia, please

>Catholics believe in Tradition and the Pope
Catholics believe in Holy Scripture and Tradition that alignes to what is taught by the first. That's why we don't believe a man can marry four times (unlike Orthodox).

It transubstantiates into the body and the blood of Christ. When Christ was risen, He had a glorified body, He could walk through doors and walls and mess with people's perception, this was not a normal body. The Eucharists changes the properties of the host, what was once bread becomes saturated with the flesh and the blood of Our Lord, it is a unquantifiable spiritual change and unobservable physical one but it is His body nonetheless.

Read James 2:14-26. Read it in good faith and drink the Word.

>no husband I swear im a virgin, this baby is a miracle.
It's the most transparent "im a slut" coverup in history.

>read the history of celibacy on Wikipedia, please
Read the Bible, please

>hat alignes to what is taught by the first
No it doesn't considering I just proved it doesn't

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I mean, Peter was married. But celibacy is important regardless.

let me rephrase that for you:
>"Hi. I know 10 ex-Catholics who are now into Liberalism and leftism. I think it's because the 1-billion adepts faith they were taught has something special. No, I don't know any much more people at all, why you ask?"

>muh James 2
That's not about salvation, that's about being justified to man. It talks about Abraham being justified by works, which is to man, not God. Compare it with
Romans 4:2 For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.
>not before God
That would mean he was to man but not to God
Also verse 5 proves you don't need works
Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

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Please reconsider peddling your subhuman kike shill nonsense. Communism didn’t kill people, the bourgeois golems programmed by their Semitic brainwashing sent untold millions to be slaughtered. You religion is complete bullshit, admit it now and your life may be spared.

Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works.

4:14(John 6:35)

7:21-23(John 6:38-40)


3:3(Acts 19:4)

19:4(Luke 3:3)


1 Corinthians

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The Roman Catholic church is the biggest anti-white institution on the planet.




1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians

1 Timothy

2 Timothy



1 Peter
3:21(Colossians 2:12)

1 John


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Priests should not marry, like many other denominations do, Because it creates CONFLICT between Family and the Church

> sorry Mr. and Ms. Watson I can't do you wedding Friday, my daughter Kathy is having a piano recital


>Sorry Kathy, I can't go to your recital because Mr. and Ms. Watson are getting married this Friday

>Says the commie memeflag

if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?

Let me rephrase that for you
>The Catholic church is hemorrhaging believers, why do all these people not want to be part of an archaic institution founded on human vainglory instead of the word of Christ and the teachings of the church fathers?

>Read the Bible
Have you? Read Timothy carefully now and you'll see St. Paul praising celibacy. He isn't saying for everyone to be married, in fact, he's restricting the priesthood for those who were married more than one time. Peter was married, user, the first Pope had a wife and this didn't exclude him from his office.

Good luck getting to Heaven then. Don't forget to cry "but you OWE ME salvation, Lord!" when you get there. You're the perfect example why the devil can also use the Bible.

Amen brother.

And to all the catholics, good luck.

when reading that exact paragraph, we should consider that Saint Paul was giving a recommendation for a 1st century Christian community. Do you really think that we should take it as if Jesus had said it? Are you saying that saint Paul was as important as God?

Also, do read the history of celibacy. Wikipedia is nice enough.

Our priests should be allowed to marry. Celibate priesthood is the single most dysgenic policy in European history. Until the Renaissance virtually every man of letters was connected to the Church in some way, they should be multiplying not abstaining from having children.

No rest for papistry.

whether or not it is Communism is Jewish is besides the point, IT IS subversive and seeks damnation for all. You are in no position to give salvation, user

Lol ok... Atheism is Semitic but not a literal Semitic religion. Your deception is rapidly evaporating before your very eyes, bourgeois scum.

butthurt much?

Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
>not according to our works

>Celibate priesthood is the single most dysgenic policy in European history

you know it's true
take the solapill bro
or burn in hell, it's your choice.

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When debating celibacy, we should consider it's a disciplinary issue. The Church still praises all of its 20 centuries story, including when priests could marry. It's not like you are going to hell for supporting or disapproving celibacy.

Reminder that Cucktianity is a jewish slave morality imposed on the goyim to make them docile and weak

I pray the rosary every day and will be going to confession this weekend. Thanks for the thread user!

He says they must be married, cuckolicks teach the opposite that they can't be married

>Good luck getting to Heaven then. Don't forget to cry "but you OWE ME salvation, Lord!" when you get there. You're the perfect example why the devil can also use the Bible.
If I go to hell then Jesus lied when he said it's whosoever believeth
Also then you're gonna cry that you did all those works through the cuckolick church because papa Juan told you that's the only way to heaven

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You have only seen the beginning of the deception you will embrace.

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>should take it as if Jesus had said it? Are you saying that saint Paul was as important as God?
Do you not believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Ghost then? What Paul says in scripture (note in scripture, not in general) is as much of God's word as what Jesus says.

>Never read the OT
>Posts the same meme in every thread
Do you pretend to be retarded?

the priest should INSTEAD convince his flock to have kids instead of being materialist. A good priest can encourage families to have more kids, and encourage singles to start families

I don't think that's enough. You sure that's enough? Throw in three hail Mary as well just to be sure. Oh and donate a small sum to the church itself as well, that will probably do the trick! And don't forget to be honest when you confess your sins to the random literal who in the other box. It's important that he judges you based on all your sin right, remember that the price for all sin is death, so be sure not to miss even one. Good luck, perhaps you will be the first ever to work your way to heaven.

>muh materialism
There are no such thing as metaphysics, and the entire Old Testament Law is based around living a physical lifestyle, which was followed in the New Testament.
Anti-materialism is actually a bad thing, yet you can't understand this because the "one true church" tells you otherwise.

Transhumanism instead of fear. Period. Lets reach immortality without death. God is your fear talking. Everybody fucks. Kill god.

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Okay kike.

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There are differences between the septuagint and the masoretic texts about the age of Methuselah at the time of the flood. The LXX makes it appear as if Methuselah survived the Great Flood which is not possible:

LXX: Methuselah lived to be 969 years old (Genesis 5:27)
MAS: Methuselah lived to be 969 years old (Genesis 5:27)

LXX: Meth. 167 years old when Lamech born (Gen 5:25)
MAS: Meth. 187 years old when Lamech born (Gen 5:25)

LXX: Lamech 188 years old when Noah born (Gen 5:28)
MAS: Lamech 182 years old when Noah born (Gen 5:28)

LXX: Noah 600 years old when flood began (Gen 7:6)
MAS: Noah 600 years old when flood began (Gen 7:6)

LXX: 167+188+600=955 years old when flood began
MAS: 187+182+600=969 years old when flood began
Thus, according to the LXX, Methuselah lived another 14 years after the flood began.

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Matthew 7
>21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Doing the Father's will is believing on Christ, not doing works.
John 6
37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
>22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Those people were trusting in their works to save them, then get cast into hell.
>23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
He can't say he never knew you if you used to be saved. He would have to say I used to know you.

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>meme flag posts porn

WHY am I NOT surprised...?

>He says they must be married
No, it doesn't, that is merely your interpretation when the text is clearly against remarried priests. And Timothy clearly praises celibacy, but you gloss over this fact.

>If I go to hell then Jesus lied when he said it's whosoever believeth
Faith means belief, trust, and also obedience. Obey His law, keep the commandments, stop being a stupid frogposter on the Internet and work towards virtues.

He prays for the souls that don't and you're mocking him? Very Christlike behaviour you got there.

Also you CAN"T kill god. he is immortal, infinite. NOTHING we possess can harm him, only ANGER him.

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Why are you replying to him at all? Are you a newfag?

>he is immortal, infinite
When you say God is infinite, you're either not using the right term, or you're believing in pantheism.

>8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

>9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

>5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

>6 Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;

>7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,

16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?

17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

Why can't Catholics understand that James is saying to not be a hypocrite.

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>no access to the living god, seething

He is made of infinite energy. He is filled with infinite love and mercy. He is timeless

Sell Catholicism to me.

Mocking who? I am simply trying to help the guy, trying to cover all bases. What else do you want me to do? It's not like I can get catholics into believing Jesus. Jesus knows I tried. A "good luck" is the best I can do. And since I have a sense of humor, I do it the way I do it.

That's omniscience and omnipotence. Not being "infinite", because that's pantheism or like Neoplatonism with monads.