Is Implicit Dick OK? What's going on there big guy?
JF is Now More Attractive and Healthy Looking Than Richard Spencer
/hm/ would disagree with you.
But in that picture you posted, yes, Spencer does look like he has AIDS.
look like richard is on coke again
Richard's hitting the sauce pretty hard. Come to think of it, he's almost always holding a glass of something in most of the pictures I've seen of him.
They are both NOT attractive
It's just the lighting.
Also who cares about these two. JF is boring as fuck and was only entertaining during ibs
JF has found a way to consume the souls of the retards in his harem.
Spencer is a big homo though. He probably has aids.
Look at this guy, those spot on the neck, redness, crazy closed eyes, rings under eyes. Its probably meth or smth like that
he holds the white race on his shoulders, give him a break