2020 predictions, post em


Attached: Warren win 2020.png (829x590, 137K)

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how many years has it been since a president did not serve two terms?


George Bush

1993 gwb sr. and why the fuck do i know that from memory?

Bush senior, 89-93

You are being generous

Prediction #2:
Q and his "band of patriots" will have still done literally nothing by the time Biden is sworn in, and retards will STILL be making excuses saying that the mass arrests (and now impeachment of Biden) are coming any day now, just trust the plan!!!

Prediction #3: MIGApedes will call me a shill ITT for not blinding sucking off Zion Don, and accuse me of being pro-Creepy Joe (which I am absolutely not, I'm merely predicting that he's going to win, I hate all of the candidates equally because they're all kike stooges).

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>for Warren
6/10 made me reply

Az, and Ga might flip, but I don't think they're safe to write off until 2024


>thinking warren will lead
Are you retarded?

You think Biden is going to be the DNC front runner?

That chart is as fake and gay as Senator Warren's native American heritage.

theres no way warren will be the nominee, and theres no way trump is going to lose if the economy is still strong a year from now

Cope more you dumb fucking niggers


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Retarded GOP talking point, demographics are the only thing that matters

Those aren't hard to imagine at all.

Florida gets browner every single day and recently felons (over 1 million of them in the state, wonder who they support) were given the right to vote. Trump only won 2016 by a margin of ~110,000 votes. The idea that he's "guaranteed to win it" in 2020 is absolute delusion. If anything he is now de-facto losing it.

Pennsylvania margin was even slimmer, less than 50k.

He BARELY squeeked by in those states, they are absoulutely still in play, and he has kept very few of his promises. Do you people think that acting arrogant on Jow Forums somehow warps reality?

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WI was 20k votes and MI was 10k. He's fucked.

thats what you fuckers said last time, and its why you lost

Yeah he cut his own throat when he tried withholding aid to Israel...Trump definitely won't be having that problem

he has sex with kids, of course they'll let him pass

Pocahontas has zero chance

I'm talking about Warren here, faggot
>recently felons (over 1 million of them in the state, wonder who they support) were given the right to vote
The reform only gave rights back to felons who weren't convicted of violent crimes. The majority of people that benefit from this are moonshiners and people who steal alligators. Besides, felons have any extremely low voting rate.

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Sanders is just in the race to get millennials invested in the election, who otherwise would be completely apathetic if it was just Biden campaigning for 2 years (the same role he played in 2016). He showed his true colors when he endorsed Clinton after everything that happened, absolute joke.

The only other person who has a real chance at taking the nomination is Warren, and i think that (((they))) believe in Biden's chances more.

The creepy joe pics have been circulating, bluepilled normies truly don't give a fuck about them. They will make excuses for Joe and say pictures of Ivanka sitting on Trump's lamp are "the same thing" as Biden groping a child.

Biden is controllable, has senile boomer appeal (still the most important demographic, since they almost all show up to vote), has SOME millennial and non-white appeal thanks to his constant invoking of "ME AND OBAMA WERE BEST FRENSSS". Unless some things drastically change, he's going to win the nomination and very likely the presidency too.

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Trump nearly lost last time and hasn't really gained any footing. He is less popular now then ever and with a recession coming, how the hell can anyone expect him to win.

because of all the mexicans

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I am genuinely in love with Anne Frank. She was beautiful, witty, and graceful young woman who light was snuffed out far too early.

I frequently fantasize about being Peter van Pels hiding with her.

Oh god, just imagine deflowering that sweet girl on a lazy Amsterdam afternoon, lying and learn what each other's bodies were for.

Now imagine nine months later, she's got a massive bulging stomach from carrying your child inside of her and it seems like she’s gonna pop any moment now. Her popped belly button makes it look like she's got a giant third boob where her stomach once was. She waddles around and can barely move half of the time. She's developed an insatiable craving for your dick and you've likewise developed a taste for her pussy. You’re both cooped up in an attic all day have nothing better to do besides fuck like an unsustainable third world population. You lie down on your back, she strips off her almost comically too small clothes and kneels on top of you. She grabs a hold of your rock hard cock, inserts it deep inside of her, and begins to ride you like a stallion. You feel the pressure from her incredible weight and huge round belly bearing down on you but the indescribable pleasure of her tight pussy throbbing on you cock negates any discomfort. You sink into her beautiful soul, into that secret place where no one dares to go. After 30 minutes, you and her are both moaning with ever greater intensity, you know it won't be long now. Suddenly, you feel your cock shaking like a V-2 rocket and the orgasm reaches it's climax as your cum literally explodes like an 88mm AT round inside her Sherman tank, blowing the turret right off. You and her both join as one, souls screaming from the sheer ecstasy. As the elation wears off, she lies next to you. Too exhausted to do anything else, you simply hold her in your embrace. In that moment, there is no family squabbles, no Nazis, no war. Just you and her, watching the sky turn pink with the setting sun.

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So... either the wall didn't get built or it didn't work. either way Trump, like always, fails.


>it's not even certain who will be running against trump
>making predictions
Waste of time.


you are so fucking dumb it hurts

It’s an obvious choice, America!

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>The reform only gave rights back to felons who weren't convicted of violent crimes.
Oh, so just the gentle niggers, gotcha. I hear they love generic republicans!

>The majority of people that benefit from this are moonshiners and people who steal alligators.
not sure if joking or retarded

>Besides, felons have any extremely low voting rate.
Over a million of them got the right to vote lad, if their voting rate is 10% or higher, that's the difference right there. This is assuming that the 2016 vote stays constant (it absolutely won't, we voted for a wall and America first, not Zion Don). Hell, I think Trump lost Florida 2020 without the felons issue, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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Trump has statistically kept more promises than other presidents.

Kek, well played pom

....that's part of the prediction ya brainlet

that's not saying much

>Biden is controllable
true, but the kikes dumped tons of money behind O'Rourke and Harris, and look how they faired. Populist sentiment may be too difficult to control these days, we got Trump after all (albeit it worked out for them in the end)

it is beautiful, because it's never been used.
wall still isn't built, mexico didn't pay for it, trade war didn't bring back jobs, economy is crashing... what promise are you talking about user

Texas doesn't go in 2020, but 2024 will be competitive

demographics, demographics, demographics

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Trump is not going to win this time mutts. Stop coping, you are fucked. As well as we are. Globohomos simply won this battle, but did they win the war?

>OH blue
why though?


Biden's numbers are artificially high because everyone knows who he is. He's going to take a hit at every debate from being senile, then get creamed in the primaries. The real contest is between Warren, Sanders, and Harris, with Yang as a longshot maverick if he can get enough young people off their asses.

This is basically right. This bong is running circles around you worthless shills.
Although Warren would probably win Massachusetts too.

He's larping. Ohio will NOT go blue in 2020.

Shift in political standings. Check the news from the state. People are getting more and more outraged at Trump on what he is doing.

a warren / sanders ticket would destroy anyone.

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(1) I highly doubt that, also define "other presidents". Are you implying that he has kept more promises than, say...Washington?

(2) This isn't a numbers game, it's about whether the person is true to the core of their campaign. Trump has kept none of his serious/major promises. I'll sacrifice 100 unimportant promises he made not being fulfilled for 100 miles of wall.

Every single day that he is up there he make a lie out of MAGA (the core message and aim of his campaign).

Where's the wall? When does America come first (before Israel)? When are we revamping our infrastructure?

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Has to be true.

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Please back up a bit, Joe.

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>A ticket with no minoritys/moderates/white men OR anyone from the rust belt would definitely win

The only saving grace about the felon issue is they have to pay off restitution before they get their rights back, I haven't looked into the numbers, but it might not be as big of a deal as it sounds. Either way, fucking retarded thing to do and doesn't have any wiggle room there in the first place.

Yang is a great meme, but he doesn't have a cold chance in hell

OH is staying red, I don't care what the news is pushing

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a broom and mop would win

Do your research, user. Outrage people are probably gonna go votin' democrat.

Hope you're right user.

MI will probably go red by a thin margin. Turn out should be good because we just got a nut job lefty elected as Gov. She is trying to push a .45 gas tax plus other shenanigans.

>Hate everyone
>Choose worst option because you hate desert jews who won't survive the next 100 years
Jesus how many doomers are on this board. Just off yourself or actually fight for your fucking freedom you shitlords.

O'Rourke and Harris are there drumming up support and experience for FUTURE elections, they aren't seriously expecting (or planning) to win the nomination in 2020.

Furthermore, their mere presences simultaneously helps the actual front-runners (namely Biden) look more reasonable by comparison and (more importantly) drags them (and the whole Overton Window) to the left for the future.

And look how massively effective it has been! Literally every single candidate raised their hands for "healthcare for illegals", yet Biden is still considered "a moderate" because he doesn't want to TOTALLY pay for college for every sack of meat in this country. How is this possible? 10-15 years ago even Obama was saying "marriage is between a man and woman" and in 2016 Trump (the supposedly far-right candidate) was waving an LGBT flag on stage. The left are masters at shifting the window, and they've been getting better at it every year.

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>Yang is a great meme, but he doesn't have a cold chance in hell

It's not a good chance, but if he keeps dunking on those fucking boomers at every debate, it's not a zero chance either.

Yeah fucking right

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I don't know about this, the radical nature of the debates were driven by that spic Castro for the most part and they couldn't allow themselves to be shown as not sufficiently communist enough on tv. While in effect it moves the OW, I don't think it was planned and is a disaster in the eyes of rustbelt/moderate center left whites.

J E B !

It all depends on Florida. Stay tuned

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>choose worst option
I didn't, I'm not voting. Voting is literally a waste of time. If the Republicans win, we get a guy who loves fags and trannys, we get more debt, we get more money to Israel, and we get the continued decline of our country in all aspects. If the Democrats win, we get a person who loves fags and trannys, we get more debt, we get equal money to Israel, and we get the continued decline of our country in all aspects.

just being realistic you faggot, blind optimism has never won anything

>actually fight for your freedom
Pro-tip: casting a vote for Zion Don IS NOT FIGHTING FOR YOUR FREEDOM you fucking mongoloid. At least I am not feeding my brothers lies, and at least I am trying to wake people up to reality so that they might ACTUALLY be ready to fight when the time comes. There is no political solution, Trump 2016 has proven that beyond ANY doubt. Prepare or perish.

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After 2020 America will either break up or go to war

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vote for europe then, at least. trump again would mean eu collapse probably.

Drumpf keeps PA and FL, wins. Loses popular vote. Libs RREEEEEEEE

stop bitching then, and run for political office then faggot.

>ORourke and Harris arent for real
But the beauty part is they will siphon off delegates from the two biggest states. Dems will need a combined ticket to reach their 50% threshold

Warren won't be able to carry Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

Also good chance she loses New Hampshire.

>is a disaster in the eyes of rustbelt
People who matter less and less every single year. The kikes in charge are playing the long-game here. I'll agree that them shifting too fast is what lost them 2016, but by 2024 it absolutely won't matter since nonwhites will continue to grow and they are loyal to their party regardless of policy.

>moderate and center left
If those people are given a choice between Biden and Trump, they will vote Biden every time. The fact that Castro & Bernie are being crazy on TV will not force them to vote for "the party of evil".

He’s gonna lose the pop vote by like 5 million probably lol

>real, actual people unironically don't realize that Trump will be president until 2028

you all wish america will continue being republican, this was your last chance and trump blew it. everyone will go back to voting democrat knowing that doesn't matter who wins, its all the same

>But the beauty part is they will siphon off delegates from the two biggest states
you have no idea how politics even work, please lurk moar

again i have to ask, how is he going to win with a 30 percent approval rating.

true, but I don't have hope for NH flipping after they didn't flip in 2016

They changed a law recently restricting out of state voters.

Most out of state voters were liberal college students.

>the same people who predicted a Trump win in 16 are now predicting a loss in 2020

It's almost like old Jow Forumsacks know what they're talking about and you just know how to retweet stale memes.

nigger I have called the last seven elections exactly. Go suck of your jew boss “moar”

>Not voteing
Then why the fuck are you shilling sjw lefty nigger fags?!?
I probably shill post that's ten times better then your shit grade post with backed proof. Though if I did you would fucking realized how much of a fucking tinfoiled caffeine filled crackhead you are.

So you're calling it right now, Harris and Beto are going to "siphon off delegates" away from the eventual Dem candidate?

Yes I’m calling it. You understand I’m talking about convention delegates right? Not the electoral college. Perhaps that is your source of confusion

people went out to vote for trump because they were excited for what he might do. and he only won by 10s of thousands in critical states.

now we know what he will/can do which is jack shit. red voters are staying home, and the left is energized

trump is done

My guess if the nominee is Warren.

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I thought you were talking about the Gen election

opposite day

>When does America come first (before Israel)?
you know how i know you work for shareblue? or whatever the fuck your shitty shill operation is called now

>Drongnald Blumrmph is a phony, a fraud
>Former Trump honker here, honkity honk honk honklear codes

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The MIGApedes have arrived

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