Jow Forums absolutely BTFO...

Jow Forums absolutely BTFO. Why aren't you turning to socialism so that we can punish people who worked hard to build their businesses?

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OK, I'll talk about it.


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What part of national socialism don't you understand, retard?

the part where people follow it without knowing that it doesn't actually make any sense.
it's seriously fucking retarded.

requires conquering to gain resources because international trade is outlawed.
it is not possible to conquer the entire world, but if it were, natioanl socialism would devolve into communism it the world were under one government.

one world government is what we fight against, globalist.

the problem is many modern million/billionaires exploit their workers with no reason
does Bezos really NEED 80 billion? I want to thank Mr.
for bringing this to my attention. Dear Mr.
Help me help you. You don't pay your people enough and you have the money, are you just stingy? or should we the people tax you more? it's up to you, pay them more or we'll force you.

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I think this is professional and the message is clear. Any thoughts? Of course nobody will see my tweets and it's all a waste of time.

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He's talking about socialism for the rich and for corporations. Amazon employees should be paid enough to not need foodstamps.

i know i shouldn't but i want to take the bait because lefties are actually dumb enough to think this even though i know this is bait

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wtf how do rich people even exist like just eat them haha

NatSoc is not Juche, retard.

>reddit, leftniggers, twitter users can’t comprehend that Tucker isn’t an establishment right wing cuck
These homos have never watched Tucker and are completely detached from reality. I had one of these fucks tell me that Tucker is a Koch asset. I brought up the fact that Tucker called out the Koch’s, pointed out that they’re not friends to republicucks, and he was completely bewildered. The left is full of ill informed retards who only follow word of mouth and not directly from the source. They read headline and eat it up without actually watching what Tucker is saying.
Fuck you

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Bezzos is building rockets and shit. What are those dummy 80 IQ warehouse workers going to do with the extra money? Buy cheetos? Bezos is fucking hot chicks and building rockets on the side.

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There really needs to be some sort of limit or something like "you win" .. like who can really spend a billion dollars anyways wtf. Plus if you are at that limit you will be able to just top yourself off of whatever you spend

>International trade is outlawed in NS
Retard alert, retard alert class!

It's how modern leftist argues. They start the argument with some absurd premise as true.

and developing vidya

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>what is national socialism
Amerishart capitaloids are not welcome on Jow Forums, nor have they ever been.A PROTOTYPE of a suborbital tourist rocket is all he's ever proven with this tax evasion scheme. Just a toy for his criminally rich buddies.

he doesnt

we should have a max networth cap that someone can have at around 50 billion dollars adjusted to inflation the rest of their money will go to funding UBI

If anyone has bothered to read his book, he’s stayed consistently on the same populist message

What we need is a focus on the wellbeing of the nation, applied to all aspects of our society. Is this good for the people of the United States, should be the question. Exact dollar figures aren't important - in fact, exact figures give people like Bezos more room to Jew with.

>oh, I don't have that billion dollars, Jeff Bezos Trust #37 does

>requires conquering to gain resources because international trade is outlawed.

Opposing the rise of new-age robber barons is an American duty. Tucker, as ever, is unimaginably based.

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they don't call it National Socialism for no reason!

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Lefties love to pretend that the far-right want's the rich to be richer and the poor to be poorer, but in reality the first people that far-righters want to hang happen to be the 1%.

Why do I have to pay that cocksuckers employees?

This is literally what we want. National Socialism is the final redpill.

Amazon is not in "online retail", they are in the SHIPPING BUSINESS.

To that end, Bezos secured a still Top-Secret sweetheart deal with the public/private biggest shipper in the world, the mighty US Post Office.

It works like this: on the Private side, its a corp so Congress can't ask about the Amazon Contract. On the Public side, all the fees for Govt mandated mail service go to subsidize the Amazon side of operations.

All new big "tech" startups are Jews inventing new ways for Govt to massively subsidize them, and only them, in that sector.

Its all about Jews doing what Jews do best....finding weak and corruptible Goyim in positions to sign away money of other Goyim.

there is a difference between socialism and just changing laws if current laws are leading to an unfavorable outcome.

>Build wealth by victimizing the populace
>Use your millions to push laws that will ensure no one can ever gain wealth the way you did.
>"I cant believe society is demanding I pay my dues to society, communists I say. All of em!"

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Tucker was always NatSoc, how is this BTFOing Jow Forums?

OP is either a retard, or pretending to be a retard. Either way, gaaaaay.

he might be a Jew getting rich off scamming Goyim, but on the other hand he is providing at least that much in "real value".

The little dental picks in the size I like, in the little "travel" canister that are never in stock at 3 Walmarts and 2 Walgreens? Red Pepper flakes I keep forgetting to buy and for some reason aren't in "spices" section of store? Amazon! Yeah, feels bit weird to do basic shopping from massive online site, but whats a Nigger to do?

>why is only Bernie talking about it

Yang is too

>Bezzos is building rockets and shit. What are those dummy 80 IQ warehouse workers going to do with the extra money? Buy cheetos? Bezos is fucking hot chicks and building rockets on the side.
He isn't though. He just moves money around lol.

Literally none of that was true. Well done.

What Tucker is saying is that to fix this issue is to get rid of the welfare system. Then the employees working for those wages will demand more money and the problem corrects itself. Welfare is stupid just like minimum wage laws because they create problems like illegal immigration

>natsoc: requires conquering to gain resources because international trade is outlawed.
Jesus Christ, the state of Amerimutt education.

>Provides a market-defining service to billions of people and thousands upon thousands of small businesses

>Poor people
>Destruction, death, degeneracy

gee why is Bezos richer than poor people

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>Bezos is fucking hot chicks
No he's fucking some old ass spic roastie toastie. He's a manlet so that is the best he can pull despite all the cash.

Amazon is crushing brick and mortar retail. Amazon is paying $0 in federal taxes. Amazon hires real fresh immigrants from Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East who can’t speak English. Amazon pays the same immigrants shit wages. Taxpayers make sure the same immigrants are fed and housed with their tax dollars. Again Amazon pays NOTHING in federal taxes.

Socialism? Or National Socialism?

>corporate bootlickers unironically defending Bezos

Bezos isn't actually that rich, you know, besides his wife taking half of it, his money is in the company. If the company tanks, he loses it all. These mega-wealthy people are the most interested in their companies growing which includes handing out jobs. I do agree that the honest solution would just be to make it illegal to collect welfare if you have a job with Amazon. That way, the only people who will apply for the jobs are people who don't need welfare.


You statist faggots are the biggest bootlickers imaginable.

yeah but they maintain the system that continues to fuck the working class. Newsflash: - a good economy is having enjoyable walkable areas, not rat racing and mchousing developments that quickly get hud vouchered

because Socialism is not the key. The worst insult you can do to merchants and usurers is not taxes but contempt. And when they don't want to stay in their rightful place, which is just above harlots, you resort to violence.

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There is no such thing as “poverty” in the United States. Poor people don’t have iPhones, air conditioners and washing machines. American “poverty” is the upper middle class of most other countries.

It isn't about how rich he is, it's about the damage he does to the nation.

>>Poor people
>>Destruction, death, degeneracy
and what are you doing for the world user?

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