Jow Forums absolutely BTFO...

Jow Forums absolutely BTFO. Why aren't you turning to socialism so that we can punish people who worked hard to build their businesses?

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OK, I'll talk about it.


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What part of national socialism don't you understand, retard?

the part where people follow it without knowing that it doesn't actually make any sense.
it's seriously fucking retarded.

requires conquering to gain resources because international trade is outlawed.
it is not possible to conquer the entire world, but if it were, natioanl socialism would devolve into communism it the world were under one government.

one world government is what we fight against, globalist.

the problem is many modern million/billionaires exploit their workers with no reason
does Bezos really NEED 80 billion? I want to thank Mr.
for bringing this to my attention. Dear Mr.
Help me help you. You don't pay your people enough and you have the money, are you just stingy? or should we the people tax you more? it's up to you, pay them more or we'll force you.

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I think this is professional and the message is clear. Any thoughts? Of course nobody will see my tweets and it's all a waste of time.

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He's talking about socialism for the rich and for corporations. Amazon employees should be paid enough to not need foodstamps.

i know i shouldn't but i want to take the bait because lefties are actually dumb enough to think this even though i know this is bait

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wtf how do rich people even exist like just eat them haha