More and more men are becoming jobless

>more and more men are becoming jobless
Are we going to see an epidemic of this in the future?

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Fired that nigger.

Has anyone ever seen a picture of a "white" spree shooter who just looked like an ordinary white guy? They always look like some kind of fucking genetic freak. I'm excluding Tarrant and Breivik since they weren't on a spree, but were performing a carefully planned purge.

Yes, because we are now the oppressed group and opportunities are being given to niggers and roasties there is no future for us and we the white man are waking up

>Motive is unclear

The thing the world fears most is the great accomplishments that can be made by a single country of pissed off white men.

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im mostly a Jow Forums fag and i usually only focus on economic news along with crime stuff and statistics but let me tell u about how bad its about to get.

>corporate debt is at all time highs and will begin entering into defaults around 2020
>this will mean that thousands of smaller businesses will begin shutting down in america
>millions will lose jobs
>at the same time consumer debt is at all time highs
>when these millions lose jobs they will default on their debt and file bankrupcy
>all of this is happening at the same time the stock market is in a massive bubble and a major correction to 2012 levels is expected
>this recession we are currently in will turn into a depression level event around 2020
>the effects are going to be worse than the housing crisis of 2008
>btw the housing market is also about to collapse again, it doesnt even have 5 years left
>consumer debt will cause a lot of those homes and those CDO's to again become worthless
>bond yields are in the negative
>negative interest rates at banks - banks PAYING ppl to take out loans that the ppl cant even afford

it is so remarkably bad and then pile on top of that central bankers demanding that a new stable currency be created and the USD be terminated as the world reserve currency.
>when the USD is no longer the world reserve, all those dollars shipped overseas will flood back into america
>this will drive hyper inflation to levels that argentina is dealing with literally right now
>the USD will be entirely worthless entering into 2030 at the latest

what to do?
buy BTC, ETH, LINK, and RSR

t. Jow Forums crypto millionaire hedge fund manager
>cap this

>Learning a trade or going through college to land yourself in a well paying and highly competitive job everyone is gunning for
>Not being a low rent near-minimum wage goon where you're surrounded by dumb niggers who never even show up in the lowest competitive job market in the world

I have all of the fucking power here. When I fuck up? Its the boss who gets fired. They literally cant replace me cause no one is hiring and just showing up on time consistently makes me more desirable than 99% of people.

Dont fall for the higher education meme. Find a bro to split the bills with and work a solid 20 hours a week while telling your boss when you will come in

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There are no white shooters in the US. All shooters in the US have brown eyes.

Just remember that the rich guys in this world get rich by forecasting disasters and you'll probably make it too if you see things happening before they do.

Okay. So it was a workplace violence that happened outside of work. Got it.

I'm young, I have my health, what do I want with a job?

>major correction to 2012 levels
>he thinks we will be that lucky
what to do?
Buy water, toilet paper, and bullets.

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If we don't fill time with out nonessential surrogate activities, otherwise known as leisure hobbies, or alter our consciousness towards what it means to be a worthwhile person in a liberal-democratic, capitalist civilization. In such a civilization, you're valued for your labor and/or production. Unless you're producing and/or laboring, you're discarded to the trash heap, and you become a mere meat machine seeking out temporary comforts and a warm meal. I mean, actually, you're a meat machine anyway. Labor, eat, consume, and sleep. You have no dignity. So, may as well end your misery with a few bangs, right?

I hope so. Fuck this world.

Wake up and join islam.

oh boy the next recession is going to get interesting,

When millions of armed Americans are laid off and now they have nothing to lose, you better start ducking

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Islam is for pedo cucks I Christianity is a superior European religion that is part of the culture of our people

If Islam is so great why are all of you fleeing to secular democracies?


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But, I don’t wanna be a satanist