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This is why I never sleep below deck
Hunter Clark
Jonathan Hall
how does fire burn water? wtf
Justin Flores
Lake Erie regularly catches fire.
Gavin Ross
Who owned the boat, who was on the boat? Trump tweeted about this event a lot, which means there's probably more to it than what the media is saying.
Chase Edwards
30 people on a boat are out there being degenerate. They caused their own death with their degenerate activities. Degeneracy is degenerate. Degenerate.
Mason Butler
Could be leaked fuel that is floating on top of the water
Owen Johnson
A group of drunk rich people accidentally bumped into a ufo so they got roasted. Happens a lot around the Bohemian Grove area which is where the undercover ayys congregate annually.
Michael Wright
>fire on a boat surrounded by water
Jace Reyes
source nigger
Samuel Walker
At least it floated, Vasa boy.