Holy shit, shooting up rando trucks driving down the road.
This is about to spiral out of control.
Holy shit, shooting up rando trucks driving down the road.
This is about to spiral out of control.
Other urls found in this thread:
>nigger majority country
>thinks people actually fucking care
who cares what niggers are doing in niggerland. sage
>This is about to spiral out of control.
this. the whites living in south africa that actually WANT to live there are the saddest mentally ill ppl on the planet right now.
what a nightmare that whole country is.
You should care once they start genociding the whites that are still left on South Africa
that shooting video is months old
africa is a nigger continent. so whites either should leave there or be genocided. it's not their place
The natives are restless.
The looting in Joburg started when a condemned building burned down and some of the illegal occupants were killed in the blaze. How that caused them to loot and burn shops remains a mystery. There has also been protests by truckers in the Cape where they blocked off roads to demonstrate against non-South African truck drivers.
sell everything u fucking own, and buy a plane ticket to australia and live off the ocean or get a job there. apply for asylum but get the hell out of your country youve lost it to niggers. ITS OVER
They are burning / looting / destroying foreign owned businesses?
Pfft a mystery. They'll use any excuse to loot.
>already looting over nothing
It's all so tiring.
Yeah. I don’t think the natives own many businesses to start off with. Pretty much any small business in black communities are owned by Somalis, Pakistanis or Bangladeshis. Our lot just loot their shops from time to time.
>They'll use any excuse to loot.
That has become patently clear the world over.
the Chinese have slowly figured this out and seriously slowed down 'investment' in African countries.
I understand the plight of South African whites but I have little sympathy if they hang around Zulu land and expect them to act like civilized human beings cuz they ain't.
It is all xenophobic attacks. Local blacks hate the hard working foreigners that make their lazy asses relying on free government gibs look bad.
This is our home. We fought for it before and we will fight for it again. I can sympathize with those that run, but also with those that can't. You might run with your tail between your legs and abandon your people when things look a little scary, but I don't think I can achieve that level of cowardice.
>Europe is a cracker continent. So blacks either should leave there or be genocided. It's not their place.
It's not Zulu land, it's Khoi land and then the Zulus took it. If you think taking land implies that you now rightfully own it, then congratulations, you played yourself.
We had a solution for living as whites in the wrong end of the wrong continent. Unfortunately, that solution didn’t sit well with people in other countries that weren’t yet familiar with the realities of dealing with hyperdiversity and we had to end it. Now everything is slowly turning into a shitshow and we are expected to deal with the status quo with both hands tied behind our backs. Let us be a cautionary tale to the rest of you.
Bantus makes Somalis look like Koreans jfc
" A taxi driver loading up commuters a long Thabo Sehume in the City announced: “There are no taxis tomorrow from the early hours of the morning so don’t even try.”
“Even those of you who will try using their own cars, I don’t know where you will drive because we will also blocking the roads. We are going to war.”
Saved for Jow Forums loadout threads
" For those of you in the dark as to how this will all go down soon, here's a breakdown.
The shit going down now will escalate to every town and city in SA. Foreigners will be the 'reason', and the whites will simply be eliminated as foreigners.
I'm not saying it's about to happen, but it will go down just like this.
From what I see now, I'd say 2 years at most but probably sooner.
Most whites in SA still have their Rainbow Nation glasses on, but pretty soon they're going to see just how fucked they are."
" You are 100 % correct and Bheki Cele saying he didnt see any looting on the ground shows They (SAPS)/ANC are allowing the looting.
Im officially afraid and the amount of kidnappings,murders and rapes just the past week man! "
Fuggin tits up
We have no Government! we fucked.
From what I can gather, it seems like Somalis in the West are the worst immigrants. Here they start businesses and are honestly model immigrants. It’s incredible what a lack of gibs can do. Our locals are a whole different kettle of useless. Import with great caution.
>This is our home. We fought for it before and we will fight for it again.
Best case, you're going to be Rhodesia part 2. Good luck, and we're cheering for you, but you will lose to the court of international opinion.
>It's not Zulu land, it's Khoi land and then the Zulus took it.
Zulus couldn’t have taken the Khoisan’s land because the Zulus never entered the Western Cape where the Khoisan resided.
>but you will lose to the court of international opinion
I think that has already transpired.
The best incident I can use to illustrate the local mindset is that time Trudeau thought it a good idea to harvest the power of diversity to extinguish the forest fires you guys had.
They were flown halfway across the globe with the explicit understanding that they will be there as volunteer firefighters.
When they arrived in Canada, they danced at the airport and everyone (except the most jaded white Saffa) thought that, indeed, diversity will solve the problem yet again. However, those of us that have seen this movie before knew that they thought they were flown across the globe to dance at the airport and then sit back, do nothing and bathe in adoration and gibs. So, as the law of the land dictates, as soon as they realised that they were actually flown across the globe to work and not just dance to adoring Canadians, they decided to go on strike. Allegations of racism was thrown around, as expected. Trudeau and the gang dreamed up a few excuses and sent them back in their merry way, which in all fairness came as a bit of a surprise.
>middle class
>upper echelons
(((they))) are scared of Basic Bill and Joe Sixpack.
All y'all keep your heads about you in the coming chaos.
More like firelighters, amirite?
Seriously though, I didn't know they fucking went on strike, holy shit what a joke.
>All y'all keep your heads about you in the coming chaos.
Thanks, all we can do is take it one clown world day at a time.
Obviously the South African government news agency had quite a different spin on the matter:
Whites need to come home and we need to unofficially stop doing any business with South Africa (since officially doing it will be deemd a hate crime of course)
Whait! South Africa still had stuff to loot?
Those two articles appear to be reporting on different teams from different fires, the second article is from 2019.
>Rensburg blamed the dispute on an article published in Canadian newspaper the Globe and Mail on June 1. The article said that the South African firefighters would be given a salary bump so that they were being paid similarly to their Canadian counterparts and their work wouldn’t be seen as “slave labour”.
Social Justice "strikes" again.
It’s mostly small shops owned by foreigners. The locals despise the Somali, Bangladeshi and Pakistani traders.
where do you suggest they go?
>This is about to spiral out of control.
South Africa spiraled out of control 30 years ago.
This is just the last little pockets of white people being overrun.
Lot of industry coming back under the America First Policy.
The United States needs high IQ white workers.
>the second article is from 2019
That’s bizarre. I think it’s just the government being the government. I seriously doubt the Canadians would ever hire South African firefighters again. Also, I can’t think that there was another fire in Chuckegg again. Maybe some leaf can clear this up for us.
this is wrong. even mapungubwe was a khoi kingdom till the bantu pitched up. the western part of the country (typically the drier parts) was where the bantu never managed to penetrate because of khoi resistance. however the whole country was khoi before 1600 years ago.
the last bushmen died out in the berg circa 1910 - their last stand was in ndedema gorge in the drakensberg. i even been to the cave where they fought their last battle from. other khoi in the drakensberg where absorbed into what became the hill folk of the zulu nation
Ya they where tossing out all the white Farmers since last summer. Now their dollar is shit and they're starving.
Can only laugh about it.
Isn't it somewhere around $8 billion in aid they've gotten from white man and haven't made any progress?
Why aren't whores moving to an area with ocean access and secede?
Whites. Lol
Whiteoids are just jealous we're impregnating their girls in South Africa.
New Zealand
damn, that guy was incredibly situationally aware
>Why aren't whores moving to an area with ocean access and secede?
Aren’t whores traditionally found at seaports anyway? Not sure if they’d be able to drive a secession movement, but I like the idea of a Free Whore State.
Realistically, it’s not that easy. We are mostly thinly spread throughout the countryside and concentrated in inland cities. That makes succession pretty difficult. Even if we were to move en masse to a thinly populated area, there wouldn’t be much economic activity to sustain 4.5 million people all of a sudden. We are pretty fucked desu.
Play stupid games... Win a bullet to the stomach. Good for them.
they get called racist every time they try to leave
This is caused by white privilege
around niggers never relax, even if you're a nigger urself.
I just heard from a South African that this about about black South Africans targeting Nigerians for bringing drugs and crime to South Africa. Pretty based if you ask me.
We get waves of xenophobic violence from time to time. It’s not necessarily directed towards Nigerians specifically, although the locals have a searing hatred towards Nigerians.
Yep, nobody likes the Nigerians. Not even Zulus.
Good man!
Make sure you salt the land and destroy all infrastructure on your way out. Fuck em
Kikes in ZOGs deny white South Africans entry!
Everything for a nigger comes down to 'muh dick' this is why you have zero allies on a global scale, everyone hates niggers including most niggers, hence the homicide rates of black on black. Your people have been nothing but an inconvenience since they started recording history
The Khoi Khoi -Dutch wars of the late 1600’s to 1700’s that started after the Khoisan accused the Dutch of stealing their cattle and grazing fields,doesn’t ring a bell?
>How that caused them to loot and burn shops remains a mystery.
Oh you mean like how the whites took the land from the red man? Nigger.
That’s how the papers reported it. Basically, it’s like if Grenfell happened and ended up in wide scale looting. The causality remains a mystery. I’ve lived here long enough to just chalk it up to them getting an excuse to pillage.
Because it's a model of america in 20 years when whites become a minority. This is coming to you. All this. Prepare yourself.
well if a bunch of illiterate Africans can figure out how to get to Germany and get on benefits surely a bunch of South Africans can figure it out. Here's a handy guide for the U.S.
>fly to Mexico
>jaunt across the border
>rent a car and drive to West Virginia
>go to federal office
>"Scuse me I'm a backwoods hillbilly and my parents never filed a birth certificate, can you help me get that settled?"