Well, Jow Forums?

Are there any pro-climate change arguments?

>muh economic growth
If you support finite and heavily limited economic growth in favour of unironic apocalypse you're retarded (and/or accelerationist)

>Muh more trees r growing
Mass floods and forest fires will rape your forest planting fantasies faster than the ice caps melt

>muh memeflag
Not an argument

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I wish he won.

Climate change is driven almost entirely by the Sun, and the Sun is a literal God we should all worship.
Checkmate atheists.

>Are there any pro-climate change arguments
climate change is fake. its the result of natural causes, selective polling and bias

>Are there any pro-climate change arguments?
yes, it was caused by all the nuclear and non-nuclear bombing that happened through history.

Me too, bro


We did.

Yes, the reich would have been a Utopia the likes of which non-white communists couldn't even imagine.

Scorched earth policy. Demographics is destiny, but you will inherit a pile of rubble.

this, without a shred of irony but in minecraft