(seriously) does pol have any coal burner realtives

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My grandmother
The worst part is she's Christian

Honestly, not that I know of. Even my relatives in northern Spain are all married to their own kind. My family would blackball a burner.

>coal burner

Damn, I didn't know Emily Bloom got BLACKED. That gets me horny just thinking about it.

My aunt. Her life was destroyed by him.

>you will never clean her pussy after a bbc gangbang

Why live?

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I would love to lick all the BBC cum off her tight pussy.

No. Any true Jow Forumsack would disown traitorous relatives.

>My grandmother
>The worst part is she's Christian

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My cousin. She is a blonde green-eyed pale girl and married some mutt surfer she met in high school. They are both 35 now and both of their children are true brown goblins. It fucking disgusts me how different they behave compared to the rest of the other second=degree cousins and other younger kids in the family. Every family meeting are the two goblins being assholes to everybody.

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Fucking midgets
Always to some fag shit to hide their height


one, completely out of my life now tho

Surprisingly 0 coal burning siblings or cousins. Have an uncle with an Asian wife and hapa kids, but that's as close as it gets.

Nope, we have two family members that you could call LGBT people but a coal burner wouldn't go over well at all
>family friend
One, lost her family over it too.

My sister. Had 2 kids and he left. Don’t talk to her much, but it’s pretty much accurate to the stereotype.

You don't know what fun is until you shoot pregnant race mixers in the belly. Their pet apes run away if you don't shoot them first though, so be sure to kill the ape daddies before you kill the ape fuckers.

> The worst part is she's Christian
> Being a Christian is worse than being a coalburner.

Drink bleach pls.

I have a relative that I'm not biologically related to that started fucking some dude while she was on a trip to Jamaica. He got her pregnant and then used it to try and get into the country and then cut it off when he couldn't get in. Then she did the same shit again and got pregnant while on a trip to the Bahamas a year later or so. She's basically been excommunicated from the family along with her father and most of my relatives refer to her kids as "the future gangbangers" or "hoodrats."

my family is full of middle class rednecks
so nah i'm fine

Sounds about right

my cousin has had 3 children from 3 different black fathers. i also had sex with that cousin when i was younger.

Of course not

my cousin. the nog at least graduated college though.

nope, feel prettty good, except my country is dying and decaying.

One of my cousins had a kid with a mutt. Surprise surprise, he fucked off pretty quickly.

My cousins in america openly talk about BBC they've had everytime I visit as if I'm the gay friend.

Based and bbcpilled

I bet you're Indian/ Poo/ StraßeShitter

My cousin only has sex with black girls.

I have a sister who paid the toll. She's alive and doing well but took a beating and lost a lot of money over it.
I feel bad... but I warned her. And she took her "I told you so" like a champ.
>You were right, user. But I still love my son.
It's easier to accept a niglet in the family because he is quite light and has "dat gud hair." It helps that my sister admits her mistake. Never-the-less, my kids have a nigger cousin.

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Degenerate POS.

>Christian coalburner
>fucks niggers
>praises Jesus
>amerimutt poster is 1/4 nig

Like pottery

Such a beautiful country you got there lmap
Welcome to the Eurasian negroid underclass of the future user, enjoy your stay
You might look at converting from Christian to the true form of Christian, a noahide though

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Probably, but I have no family so idk

Unfortunately my cousin is burning the coal with some spic. :(

What a disaster.

Thank God no. All the kids are blonde haired with blue eyes, beautiful family.

Seriously do britbongs know that queen Elizabeth is a reptilian?

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You should kill the child in a car crash, just motor your car into a tree on the passenger side and have him crushed. Or kill him with really bad food poisoning - get infected rotten fish and put it in his food.

My father's sister is a coal burner. Luckily she doesn't have any children.

What in the actual fuck.

My cousin was dating a half native, but now she's all about whites. I have a friend who likes niggers, I tell her once she goes black, she's a single mother and she just giggles and gets quiet for several seconds.

id suck that woman's cunt until i pass out.
fuck kikes
fuck jannies

Jesus fucking Christ Pol, get your houses in order.

No niggers or interracial dating in my Italian or English family.

daily reminder that after the National Socialist Revolution ALL race traitors will be castrated and sent to Africa. ALL Abrahamic religions will be eliminated from our ethnic homelands.