Israel is an illegitimate state!

>Israel is an illegitimate state!
>Because they took it over, it's not fair!
As opposed to fucking what exactly? Did the British not conquer America? Did the French not conquer Africa? If you're going to say right of conquest is invalid, you might as well say there are no legitimate countries.

>But I don't like them because they are greasy kikes
Then do something about it. Kill your enemies or fuck off.

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The British took it over and gave it to you, then you forced golems to babysit it with their military, flood with gibs and forced them to invest in it. Does it sound like an organical event to you?

Israel is illegitimate because they crossed America

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usa is our vassal, not enemy
irrelevant, only the end result matters and the end result is we're the most powerful nation on earth

I am an American, and I don't want my tax dollars going to Israel anymore. Supporting Israel has screwed up our foreign policy in the Middle East,. Israel has been a consistent diplomatic embarrassment that has damaged the reputation of the United States abroad. We have used our security council veto 43 times in the United Nations to shield them.

Aid to Israel costs us too much money. Their claims of being "our greatest ally" are absurd. Why wasn't "our greatest ally" part of the coalition of 35 countries that supported the United States in the Gulf War?

They sell weapons technology to the Chinese.

The Mossad intentionally gives misleading and alarmist intelligence reports to American Congressmen in order to manipulate US foreign policy in their favor.

And their lobbyists have a had a toxic influence on American politics. People in Texas had to promise not to boycott Israel before they could get hurricane aid.

I can post links to prove all of this, if you need them.

Israel is just a distraction for lowlife pacified retards.

Read balfour agreement. Its called territory not a state. Thats why they always mention state. If you read it you will see there are many things that are not fufilled in the agreed upon and sogned doc

I do not care at all, I just want the US to not be involved with them militarily at all. I also want ALL Jews to be there.

Stop raping children.

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nobody has a problem with Israel just the constant proxy wars that conjure up migrants and engender hatred among muslims toward the west.

the allied powers of WW1 & 2 acquired Israel for the Jews by first destroying the Ottomans and then helping them migrate as a response to the Holocaust.

Israel is only a tool used by the corporate masters of imperialist america, jews are just puppets to the new world order just like the majority of gentiles who aren't under the one true Church of God, the Orthodox Church.

They're not going to Israel. They go to the Lima Army Tank Plant which produces the Namer APC (just an example). It's a subsidy for the military–industrial complex.

I guess we forgot about it being populated by jews, yeah?

Did everyone forget that?

And niggers are the wealthiest ethnicity in Europe and USA by your logic.


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This whole situation is so retarded

Rotschilds annexed Palestine and nobody bats an eye, meanwhile people in Crimea voted to join Russia and everyone goes nuts.
Fucking bullshit

Israel is not just the enemy. The enemies themselves are the bosses of the lower bosses. The Levites.

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Idk...Israel wasn't always jewish...but then again I think they have a much better claim to it than it's a legitimate state.

The question is: How can you de-legitimize something (in this case the Zionist state) when it is NOT legitimate?

Leaving aside the fairy story of God’s promise, (which even if true would have no bearing on the matter because the Jews who “returned” in answer to Zionism’s call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews), the Zionist state’s assertion of legitimacy rests on the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the UN General Assembly’s partition plan resolution of 1947.

The only real relevance of the Balfour Declaration is in the fact that it was an expression of both the willingness of a British government to use Jews for imperial purposes and the willingness of Zionist Jews to be used. The truth is that Britain had no right whatsoever to promise Zionism a place in Palestine, territory the British donot possess. (Palestine at the time was controlled and effectively owned by Ottoman Turkey). The Balfour Declaration did allow Zionism to say that its claim to Palestine had been recognised by a major power, and then to assert that the Zionist enterprise was therefore a legitimate one. But the legitimacy Britain conveyed by implication was entirely spurious, meaning not genuine, false, a sham.

Zionism’s assertion that Israel was given its birth certificate and thus legitimacy by the UN General Assembly partition resolution of 29 November 1947 is pure propaganda nonsense, as demonstrated by an honest examination of the record of what actually happened.

In the first place the UN without the consent of the majority of the people of Palestine did not have the right to decide to partition Palestine or assign any part of its territory to a minority of alien immigrants in order for them to establish a state of their own.

Despite that, by the narrowest of margins, and only after a rigged vote, the UN General Assembly did pass a resolution to partition Palestine and create two states, one Arab, one Jewish, with Jerusalem not part of either. But the General Assembly resolution was only a non-binding proposal - meaning that it could have no effect, would not become binding, until and unless it was approved by the Security Council.

The truth is that the General Assembly’s partition proposal never went to the Security Council for consideration. Why not? Because the US knew that, if approved, and because of Arab and other Muslim opposition, it could only be implemented by force; and President Truman was not prepared to use force to partition Palestine.

So the partition plan was vitiated (became invalid) and the question of what the hell to do about Palestine - after Britain had made a mess of it and walked away - was taken back to the General Assembly for more discussion. The option favoured and proposed by the US was temporary UN Trusteeship. It was while the General Assembly was debating what do that Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence - actually in defiance of the will of the organised international community, including the Truman administration.

The truth of the time was that Israel, which came into being mainly as a consequence of Zionist terrorism and pre-planned ethnic cleansing, had no right to exist and, more to the point, could have no right to exist unless ….. Unless it was recognised and legitimized by those who were dispossessed of their land and their rights during the creation of the Zionist state. In international law only the Palestinians could give Israel the legitimacy it craved.

As it was put to me many years ago by Khalad al-Hassan, Fatah’s intellectual giant on the right, that legitimacy was “the only thing the Zionists could not take from us by force.”

The truth of history as summarised briefly above is the explanation of why, really, Zionism has always insisted that its absolute pre-condition for negotiations with more than a snowball’s chance in hell of a successful outcome (an acceptable measure of justice for the Palestinians and peace for all) is recognition of Israel’s right to exist. A right, it knows, it does not have and will never have unless the Palestinians grant it.

It can be said without fear of contradiction (except by Zionists) that what de-legitimizes Israel is the truth of history. And that is why Zionism has worked so hard, today with less success than in the past and therefore with increasing desperation, to have the truth suppressed.

Sorry I only listen to countries with a navy fleet

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Took it over on the backs of someone else.

Israel is the physically disabled petulant child on the back of a giant.

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Lol muzzies mad

buttem text XD

If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

John 14:6
Revelation 2:9, 3:9.

You have the evil of Satan and money at your side, we have everlasting life and the power of Christ on our side. You false Jews will fall just as the Bible says.

your entire race needs to be exterminated

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The choice between the Jews and the Muslims. I am all for the Jews. They are also an excellent focal point of Jihadist scum bags. Let the Jews kill the Arabs. Let them have the whole Middle East.

The ole saying remains true. Behind every Anglo is a Kike with strings. What’s the time clock at now? 20 years until you’re a minority in your own country?

the eternal bong strikes again! ready to die for jews for the third time?

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Imagine wasting literal Megabytes on hundreds of unsources infographics that no woman or normal person would ever read.

Got nothing better to do than wait for your check from Aramco Saudfag? No wonder why ya'll are so fat and sexless.

better than pioneering new degeneracy to subvert people with. يا يهودي يا نجس

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Do you suck Muhammad's cock with that mouth?

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>suddenly talking about sucking dicks
it really is a genetic thing isnt it? fucking hive mind need to be killed

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