Why did Molymeme go full incel?

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he's not wrong

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Dumb ideologues are going to act dumb. Look at Trump.

Just because someone says something truthful about an issue occasionally, it doesn't mean they're some type of oracle. He's just a guy. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong.

That's why you develop critical thinking skills so that you're able to differentiate.

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he's irrelevant. We Revolutionary National Socialists have seized total control

The bigger question is why is the first counterpoint "who hurt you?" Do roasties read of a script or something?

This has to be the dumbest comment I’ve ever read on Twitter.

Also charge your phone.

They're incapable of critical thought or arguments so the first thought that their NPC brain churns out is some sort appeal to emotion or ad hominem.

no because that would take actual effort. its just an example of female low cognitive ability

The fact he's a right-winger who uses Twitter tells me everything I need to know about him. He has no self-control, and he's ineffective, happy to be Left Tech's bitch boy. Same with Trump, incidentally.

>Look at Trump
Winning over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?


The incel meme will unironically be the undoing of feminism. Once men realize there is more to life than hedonistic sex, we will begin to restore order in society

seriously. do you actually believe that?

Well they are NPCs after all

The guy has a wife and several kids.
I understand you guys have a job to do and you get paid to shill on pol. All I am asking is that you put a little effort into it.

>several kids
I thought it was just one daughter.

fuck Im a britbong now

Winning at what? No wall, cant pull out of Syria, no tech freedom bill etc.

Trumpcucks are delusional.

Sometimes the illusion of winning is winning. That wall is slowly being built just to keep his base on board for 2020. Everything is slow moving.

What was his response?

Not enough of them though lmao

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If you still need to play stupid at this point, you're just another angry kike.
>government is slow moving
I'm glad kids like you have to start school tomorrow.

Isn't that the fag who died from injecting silicone into his body? Good riddance. I hope the rest of his friends die, too.

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I love how women always make it personal. As soon as you point out their shitty behaviour they always pull out the "who hurt you" card.

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>missing the point
Way to slide user.

High heels just hurt your feet and are bad for you.

No one believes trump is winning besides faggot ledditors like yourself. He has also not built a single mile of wall


That’s nasty. Don’t walk around in public like that. There are children around I’m sure

Thats what they said last time.

He’s right though. Not sure why he is talking about this so much. He certainly is pissing the women off

When has the government done anything quick? Seriously.

High heels are ment to be sexy. Women wear them to attract men. That’s literally the only reason they do it. Also to make other women jealous l.

>Can’t pull out of Syria
Please, besides the economy, the lack of fighting in the ME is one of the things he’s done right

The only time the government acts quickly, is when both parties agree completely on something. The only thing they completely agree with is taking away rights from Citizens.

Your country is cucked, you literally have a flag within a flag for your countries flag. Lol. So you have no right to comment on anything political.

It's actually a good tactic from the point of view of a less intelligent person. They recognize on some level that they can't beat this person with smarts. While it's dirty and literally low IQ, doing the ''lol you're such a loser'' they can still win in the eyes of people who are like them, i.e the not-so-smarts which make up the masses.

People of low IQ don't want to live in a tyranny where they have to submit under the rule of smarter people. It's completely understandable why they consider social/emotional attacks as valid arguments.

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>The only American politician who supports having a southern border
>Only politician who is slowly building one

Yeah. Might as well throw that one in there. Because, it’s true.

He's absolutely right.

Women are 100% all about artificially inflating their sexual market value. High heels make their figure appear sexier. Makeup hides their facial deficits. Hair extensions gives them the hair they always wanted. Plastic surgery changes their nose, tits, ass, everything.

And yet speaking out about all that makes you an incel? Bullshit. Women have had it too good for too long. We (rightfully) make fun of Robert Downey Jr for wearing secret platform shoes to give himself an extra few inches of height. If we do that we need to make fun of pretty much everything women do.

Thats true but even with that there are road blocks. We would have had the 2nd amendment abolished after Sandy Hook if anything. Obama in the white house, executive order, i think they had the house back then too, i may be wrong, but everyone thought somr type of gun control was going to be passed. Universal background checks or assault weapons ban, something, i remember the gun rush on AR 15s. Gun shops around the country were standing room only and cheap 600 dollar ARs were selling for 1500 dollars, it was nuts.

He's right though. Western women dress like sluts, most are overweight, and they all have a rotten attitude towards men in general.

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>Who hurt you

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>chad bulge

>who hurt you, sweaty

The problem is American women are completely spoiled. I don’t believe in this whole: “Get back in the kitchen or I’m going to beat the shit out of you” mentality. But we need to be more firm with our women. Most of the reason they act out, is so that a man will correct them. Some do this consciously, some do it automatically.

We are putting women in roles they don’t belong in. Women don’t belong in the police force “kicking ass and taking names.” They are made to have Children and raise families.

We need less women as CEO’s and doctors. I’m not completely opposed to having Women Doctors, but most women don’t belong in the field.

>My faggot jew loving le ebin god emperor hasnt built an inch of the wall he built his campaign on
>If make gay, uninsightful insults maybe I wont live in a country with 50milion niggers and 10million wetbacks

Back to your containment thread ledditor

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good point. however that kind of behaviour only really works in a sheltered society where women have political power and is not a viable long term survival strategy. by chasing away able intelligent men who keep society running and make them hate you all they are doing is digging their own grave once the safety blanket gets removed due to demographic change

These people are insufferable. He should just reply with "Sweetie, don't do there" or some equally bitch tier reply.

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>Only politician who is slowly building one
Thirty months, not one inch of wall

Lauren Southern stopped sucking his dick.

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>Wahmeme are so much more trad in asia

Exactly how fat are you?

Hahahahaha. Kek at Jessica Fletcher. He is seriously going off the deep end.

The blackpill is realizing male sex value is wealth, power, and status. Faking any of those is considered fraud and will get the feds vanning you.

Republicans actually HATE the idea of an armed population. They do not want an armed citizenry. He problem is, if a Republican (publicly) supports any gun control, he is likely to lose his seat. Doing it in this climate makes it twice as risky.

The Republicans don’t want a wall either. That’s why they work to destroy these things behind the scenes.

Trump is an oracle.

Its all just ginger pubes.

>ummm... no....
>who hurt you
>wow. just wow....
>have sex

He’s built wall. There are sill like 7 injections that need to be cleared by SCOTUS. I’m sorry you don’t understand how our system works. I’m sure there are books on it available in your language.

>yea vote for democrats! Show that mean orange man

Next you’ll tell us to take up arms mr. proxy glownigger


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>Winning over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?


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>Sometimes the illusion of winning is winning
Trumptards say the funniest shit

Who is an npc if they are equating a type of shoe with manipulation? His post could have been written by a pissed off off feminist and would have been called crazy. Stopn preaching about critical thinking and use it. No reasonable, healthy person would make the leaps he has in his post.

If only...

Problem is abortion and birth control. Women aren’t raising families, or they are picking the absolute shittiest men to get pregnant with. And SURPRISE! He leaves the women and doesn’t even mail her Child support. Women would at one time be very picky about who they dated/slept with. They were picking men who could help raise a family. Not some 6’3” “hot guy who works at the gas station.”

Modern women will pick the guy with STD’s and a severe drug problem, because he’s “hot and probably has a big cock.” Women have not been taught well.

thats some fucking reality altering 4d magic

>He’s built wall
No, hes repaired G.W's itty bitty bit of wall. I linked you to the article for fucks sake.
Why do trump cultists (aka r_thezognald posters) cling to this ineffective loser?

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Empowering women in any way weakens men, and you can't have a proper civilization with weak men.

>Vote for shabbos goy X he's sooo different from shabbos goy Y

Nice false dichotomy you low IQ memeflag freshnigger

Why are you so angry? You want Trump to arrest congress and the Supreme Court for not moving faster? You do realize Trump can’t move any faster without getting impeached. Right?

We are patient. When Trump leaves in 2024, 90% of the wall will be built. Still waiting for SCOTUS to clear about 7 injunctions first

He's losing his click base.

They aren't leaps you retard. He is explaining the bolstering of attractiveness for secondary sexual characteristics certain clothes/make up has. What dont you understand about that?

Me thinks i smell a roastie

This. He's rapidly losing his Trumptard/Christfag/QAnon base so he's testing the waters of incels and Nazis.

Stefan always goes where the money is.

>Stefan always goes where the money is
then he should've stayed where he was, no?

>he's testing the waters of incels and Nazis
>Stefan always goes where the money is

That makes no sense at all considering these types are an extreme minority with little financial resources. If Stefan went where money was, it would be the much more politically and financially dominant lefty side

1. He can start construction using military any time
2. He couldve end birthright citizenship right afyer being sworn in 2.5 years ago. No longer mentions it
3.Pelosi is not going to impeach. She was there 20 years ago when the reps tried
4. Senate wouldn't convict anywat
>When ziondon leaves in 2024 the US will be 50% white and the dems will win every election in a landslide. Any wall (most like just W's) will be demolished

>why are you so angry
Awwwwwwww sweaty, who hurt you?

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>Le incels and Nazis.

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Wow. Great conversation and great points. I’m defeated. Trump isn’t facing a hostile media and congress. He can just do whatever he wants and he won’t get removed from office.

Very intelligent point you made

That's just a fact. There is no other reason to wear high heels.

Females are not even sentient creatures.

Trumpcucks are still waiting for their Chinese factory jobs to come back.

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Well either that or they realise that the only thing society is offering them is wage slavery, a roastie with 3 kids (who will divorce them) and endless ridicule about how evil they are. In which case they will chimp the fuck out at the first opportunity.

Or maybe just play vidya I guess.

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Only 37% got promoted. It's hard to compete with professional sex workers in the skills department.

>4. Senate wouldn't convict anywat

GOP-controlled Senate would convict if Trump overran anything from the courts and created a constitutional crisis and I am sure you already know what the courts have been doing lately with regards to Trump's immigration control attempts

they do deform your feet so there obviously better be a very good reason for wearing them which doesent revolve around muh butt

>If I act like a smug faggot basednigger then I win

Refute any one of those things.
>Trump is cmmdr of armed forces, congress cant stop him using the engineering corps.
>Immigration is the sole purview of the potus, congress cant stop him cutting it to 0 and ending birthright citizenship

Kill yourself faggot

>Republicans actually HATE the idea of an armed population.
They freaked out in the 1860s and supported all of the major gun legislation that banned civilians from owning military arms. More so than the Democrats. The Democrats only support disarming niggers that ruin their cities.

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Lately I think I've come to understand why women can be so mindlessly shitty in social situations.

When men are involved socially things can only get so bad before somebody just starts punching. This implicit threat of violence usually doesn't need to actually be used but it provides a " floor " to social behavior. It can only get so bad.

Women, on the other hand, have less talent for violence and men are taught they are out of bounds. Thus they have no floor and go alllllllll they way down into utterly degenerate shit like false rape accusations because some guy is " just, like, a creep y'know? "

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And there's no better money where youtube and twitter could ban you on a whim, right retard?

yikes show the flag nigger

They're all Zioshits, so we knew this.

>Trump is cmmdr of armed forces, congress cant stop him using the engineering corps.
>Immigration is the sole purview of the potus, congress cant stop him cutting it to 0 and ending birthright citizenship

1. Courts says no
2. Trump ignores courts
3. Constitutional crisis
4. Senate impeaches
5. Trump removed

That is how that scenario plays out. This isn't a Trump thing, it's a Senate and Courts thing. Replace Trump with any of your favorite leaders and the exact same thing would happen.

>When men are involved socially things can only get so bad before somebody just starts punching. This implicit threat of violence usually doesn't need to actually be used but it provides a " floor " to social behavior. It can only get so bad

t. Juden Peterstein

Trump fags have endless excuses. Why is he spending so much effort pushing Red Flag laws to use against us? He's a traitor and so are you.

Courts have no oversight on the army corps of engineers nor citizenship

Read niggerfaggot

Awwwww poor Jessica
Did you get your pussy grabbed?

>Courts have no oversight on the army corps of engineers nor citizenship

The courts have supreme oversight on birthright citizenship, they are the ones that defined it in the first place.

Only 15% admitted to it. I'm sure it's far more.

No, they are one.

20% admit they fuck dogs. That's also a lot more.