Reddit shows support for Hong Kong protestors

We must show solidarity with Reddit just this once and fight against anti-democratic Chinese fascists!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Chinks Bought the DNC over a decade ago
Reddit is literally china's mouthpiece.

Man who gives a shit? WHat's the point of these threads???? 98% doesn't know about reddit or anything beyond facebook and google.

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I support the HK protestors because the fucking domino theory is true. Fuck commies.

Fuck eddit and fuck china too

Wrong. Jow ForumsChina is pro-Hong Kong

Jow Forums should care.

Yes, China is bad. But Reddit also think so too. We must unite.

Jow ForumsChina is a honeypot MSS
How many chinks actually post there?

Did they show the same support to the Catalan guys when Spain was oppressing their right to democracy??

eddit does not realize it is a watered down version of the chinese mindset. They deserve each other and can reap the whirlwind together.

>imagine siding with degenereddit

>Some of the groups involved receive significant funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA soft-power cutout that has played a critical role in innumerable U.S. regime-change operations.

Pol wasn't around in the 70s dude.

the Catalan bullshit was driven by the European Union to Destabilize Spain you dumb mutt kike.

Many Chinese redditors speak English nowadays. They are pro-Hong Kong.

Reddit is still pro-democracy activism. Show support for Hong Kong.

fuck the (((amerizog))) (((dumbocraty)))
i hope China will crush the protests and Nuke the JewSA next.

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Hong Kong belongs to china. Ya'll are 20 years too late to be making a stink about it now.

At this point:
>Show support = thoughts and prayers

No, i hope their demise is slow and excruciatingly painful. I will piss on their ashes.

Chink astroturfing.
>Predictable; boring; unoriginal

cope faggot, it's 200% a CIA coup, retard.

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Okay shill posters aside why shouldn't we support China? They authoritarian as we are and hate western degeneracy.

Jow Forums support the chinks.
>they keep faggots in check
>they put niggers in zoos, muslims in camps
>against rap and degeneracy
proto-fascist regime

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>He cant say sloppy job mossad since he work for Mossad

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet Jow Forums Hates China 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai WeiWei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests

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lmao or i'm just not a retard?

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Fuck Honk kong Antifa, they think they can get my support for their CIA rabble rousing with a couple of shitty Pepe's? I hope they get rounded up and disappeared to Foxconn.

Tiananmen Square Massacre was like the Holocaust for many of us.

This,Hong Kong is backed by the (((CIA)))

lol proven bullshit

you didn't prove anything dumbass

Is there any proof of what policies the protests want to vote in after direct elections yet?

Reddit only does it, because the media is on the protesters side. Why follow sheeps, even if you agree on the way?

China is based... Kill the globohomos

Western economies funded china by moving their industry and purchasing chinese goods. This happened at roughly the same time the UK handed sovereignty of HK to the CCP, 1997. Everybody knew that china would eventually make a power grab on HK, because of what they showed at Tienamen Square. This mess was preventable 20 years ago, but is not now. It is hard to care that much.

Ching chong me hong kong man me no chinease

already reeks of the plutocratic lugenpresse
should be Liberty

This 100%. The fucking Western liberals were more than happy to abandon colonial settlements in favour of business with the Chinks in the 70s, 80s and 90s, but now that China has become an industrial juggernaut they want to try to reclaim Hong Kong for the West?

Fucking insanity.

The British should have organized a coalition and smashed the Chinese in the 80s if they dared to set a foot inside Hong Kong.

In the 80s, with the technological difference being what it was, we had a chance to combat the Chinks.

Now, sadly, I don't think we can project power that close to the Chinese mainland.

The fucking irony of using a communist raised fist

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I support Hong Kong, anything to show up those Chinese commie pukes on the main land. And as a bonus, the socialist pricks here will have yet another reason why socialism will always fail and will never work, working against them.

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This form of leftism is what the Communists were always promoting in the West during the 20th century, but whenever they encountered it in Eastern Europe in the 10s and 20s or in Spain during the 30s, they tried to crush it because the anarchist shit is just so harmful and inefficient.

These HKers aren't even on the level of the Anarchist militias. They are soibois with iPhones that like sodomy. They aren't going to do SHIT.

Mainland China is arguably more capitalistic than Hong Kong.

How else could you explain the massive expansion of Shenzhen?

Western Liberals made a serious miscalculation when they made China rich.

Attached: shenzhen-china-then-and-now-30-years-later-1980-vs-2011.jpg (800x1182, 368K)

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You realize that was like last year burger?

>They aren't going to do SHIT

They don't really have to. They make up a massive chunk of china's properly educated workforce (not chink technical college students). If a massive program to squash the protests occurs and a portion of the protestors leave for greener pastures, the damage would already be done.

Businesses will never look at Honk Kong as big free chink city ever again.

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This whole thing is just another color revolution.

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what? no, this happened in 36 BC

The first event the protesters will host after the protest will be a LGBTQ parade. No thanks

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Get out!

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base,d america exporting its great values again!!
(((democracy))) and (((freedumb)))

>reddit isnt infested with MIGA shills
>reddit isnt infested with NSA bots
5 cent were added to your account

Reddit is a neocon website.

Hong Kong is what America would look like if Americucks had balls.

What the fuck is with all of this our democracy bullshit all of a sudden? I never heard anyone say that before trump got into office, now it's the favorite of bugmen and whores. Why? What's so great about democracy.

Democracy gives social power to the most undeserving in society. That is why they love it.

>How else could you explain the massive expansion of Shenzhen?
Central planning.

I wanna sniff Bratass.

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I don't think business really cares about the fate of Hong Kong. China itself is a bigger and more important market to them.

Could you imagine if Apple came out virtue signaling for Hong Kong?

The CCP would turn the screws so tight on Tim Apple's arsehole that he would enjoy it.

it's a colored revolution like they did in middle east retard.

btw pretty sure this fucking kike has something to do with those protests.

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Yes goy support (((ouw))) glownigger revolutions

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If you were actually sure about that don't you think 100% would've sufficed? Maybe it's time to examine some of those talking points your superiors handed to you and start thinking critically and of your own accord for once 五毛党.
HK wants to have universal suffrage and elect the whole 70 LegCo seats, which was promised by Basic Law, so they can elect lawmakers that represent HK citizens and not Beijing. What part of that is a coup to you? Your argument, like all 50 cent narratives, falls apart under the merest scrutiny.

i have linked multiple articles pointing out the role of the NED and the CIA, kill yourself shill.

You have nothing to back this up so why spread this rumor? There is nothing.

It's almost as if it's a divide and conquer tactic spread by the chinks.

We need a color revolution. A black, with some red and white, color revolution.

Bullshit. It was built to make electronics for the West.

We created this fucking monster. We should stop fucking about and organize a coalition against China RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Russia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, NZ, UK and any European country that wants a slice.

Reestablish the international zones from the early 1900s.

Too bad democracy doesn't protect you from bullets lol

god some of you fags are dense.

Chink government officials. They post anywhere China comes up.

>said the kike with a memeflag

lets unit with china against reddit boys !! lets go !! doubles can smell my balls tripples can go fuck themselfs

>show solidarity with reddit
No, never fuck these faggots
>support the Hong Kong protestors
You should have led with this. Fuck the mainland chinks leave Hong Kong alone. Why didn't your post just say 'show solidarity with Hong Kong against the Chinese' instead of plebbitry?

>It was built to make electronics for the West.
With central planning

Chicoms fuck off, you stick out like a sore thumb. Nobody in their right mind would ever support a literal communist, despotic regime gearing up for a massacre.

China is an example of a modern fascist state. Unfortunately, they built it as well as they build Happy Meal toys for 0.02 cents a piece. I do not support "democracy" being advocated by these protestors, but China is trash.

However, I wish that Americucks had the balls the zioprotestors in Hong Kong do.

>We should stop fucking about and organize a coalition against China RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
And why would anyone want to oppose China when that means de facto supporting the USA?

Everyone we pay to defend.

kys retarded mutt, you're right, support CIA and (((Soros))) lmao.
the US has no right to meddle in Chinese affaires, as well as no other countries, dirty Yankees go home

That's not central planning you fucking dimwit

Chicoms fuck off.

and again i hope China will nuke the ZogMutt United at some point, i don't know about you but i'm really excited for the Chinese century.

Who is we and why have you made this thread?

Yet antifa and the mainstream progressive left supports them....

These threads are Glownigger attempts to use Jow Forums as their personnal army
All the usual suspects are in support of this, from Paul Faggot Watson to Alex "The Lion of Zion" Jones

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and of course don't bother doing your own research you dense retards, let's listen to what CNN and MSNPC has to say about this instead!

Every major economy is centrally planned. Even yours.

Everyone Cantonese I've ever met are literal turbo-chinks. No loyalty, no intelligence, and are extremely degenerate.

Let China crush them I say. We need our resources for when the gook communist menace comes for the West.

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When will you understand that China is shittier

America does not "defend" anyone (except for Israel). It occupies their countries and forces its political agendas on them.

Finally a few articles got written, for weeks I have been asking. Surely they're by trustworthy sources.


I feel like I'm no closer to the truth user.

based Hong Kong
cringe China

shittier or not what gives the JewSA the right to subvert their country?
Mintpress is based you stupid cunt, they have been covering the Epstein case intensively.

Chinese industry is centrally planned, even if they allow western companies to use it.

If you're referring to this post >CGTN
a CCTV subsidiary, literally Chinese state media
>Mint Press News
literally who

The NED exists but they're not behind these or the 2014 protests, you can claim China didn't do anything wrong with HK and it's all the rest of the world's fault, doesn't make it any more true.

>The NED exists but they're not behind these or the 2014 protests
and mintpress is based, you're retarded

>antifa and the mainstream progressive left supports them
Antifa does not support China, goofball, and neither does the mainstream left.



I don't fucking care about your propaganda mission, chinkbot. If you could read and understand what I said, you wouldn't still be arguing with me.